The fall made me dizzy. The white liquid from the rope entered quite a lot into my eyes, nose and mouth. The strong smell continued to irritate my facial features, making them smell as bad as they could get.

"Cough, cough, cough …" I coughed vigorously, feeling a lot of white liquid enter my throat, making me want to flip my stomach out. After spraying the white liquid, my head shrunk a lot, and with a sou sound, it shrank back into Old Deaf's mouth.

"How did you come here?" Niu Mang looked at me in shock and asked as I turned my head to strike him on the neck with my palm, causing Niu Mang to fall on the ground once again.

I looked up and saw that Old Deaf was standing at the eaves of the house, holding a long black thing in his mouth and swinging it around casually. This scene really made me shiver, and made me think of the legendary black and white twin fiends, only then did I see clearly that the rope that was coming out of Old Deaf's mouth was his tongue. In other words, what was spat on my face just now was his saliva, and when I thought about it, my stomach started rolling again.

"You're really a toad that doesn't bite people. Just you wait." Old Deaf acted as if he didn't hear me and just stood there without moving. It was as if the long tongue in his mouth had become alive, and his head was moving with me as if he was wary of me.

It seems that Old Deaf was trying to call for reinforcements, to let his tongue block me for a while, but he managed to think of that. I retreated a few steps and climbed up the other side of the roof, and Old Deaf's tongue twitched as if he was ready to attack at any time.

I thought to myself, there's nothing to be afraid of about this tongue, it's just spitting, the sky is getting darker, I don't know what kind of trump card he has, I can't be careless, I decided to make the first move, at this moment my entire body is filled with Fox Blood, my entire body is filled with strength.

I decided that regardless of that tongue, it would only be able to disgust me and rush towards Old Deaf's head. He didn't avoid or dodge, and with a swing of his tongue, he knocked into my fist. I didn't say, the swelling on my tongue was really hard, I felt that my fist had hit a metal ball, it made my fist go numb, and my ear seemed to have heard the sound of a bell ringing.

It was as powerful as a meteor hammer, and I had underestimated it.

After a few rounds, my attack was blocked by the tongue, and I was barely hit by it. "Fuck, I'm going to go all out with you." Taking advantage of the time I needed to throw my tongue back, I fiercely hugged the Old Deaf and pounced towards him. He was standing on the eaves of the house and if I fell from such a high place, even if I didn't die, I would still take half of his life.

But just as we were about to fall, he suddenly stopped moving, and no matter how I pushed him, there seemed to be a wall behind him that didn't move at all. Just as I was feeling confused, the back of my head started to buzz, and the meteor hammer came crashing back, forcing me to jump away.

That kind of darkness was not normal darkness, it was normal darkness. I could see a bit of it under normal circumstances, but right now, it was as if there was another layer of wall blocking me, and I couldn't even see the courtyard and Niu Mang who was lying on the ground. Everything was dark, and the only thing I could see was the small space on top of the roof, what was going on?

"Hur hur, I've finally completed it." Old Deaf's old and hoarse voice sounded. Only then did I realize that he had been up to no good.

His face was pale and his tongue was drawn back, and as he spoke his voice was so weak that he was gasping for breath against the void darkness behind him, as if he were leaning against a real wall. This scene was so bizarre that I couldn't believe what I was seeing, so I stepped back to the edge of the roof and reached out to touch it, and I felt a chill in my heart, and sure enough, I was surrounded by an invisible wall.

I shouted loudly, and punched the air in front of me. A sharp pain came from my fist, and it turned green, how is this possible? At this moment, my Fox Blood is so full, even if I hit a brick wall, I wouldn't feel any pain.

"Stop struggling, the Four-edged absolute region is not something you can break out of." The Old Deaf laughed sinisterly. So this demonic technique was called the Four-edged Absolute Domain. It seems like the two of us won't be able to escape.

However, he locked himself up with me. This really isn't a good idea. Could it be that he wants to perish together with me? I coldly laughed, "Old Deaf, have you lost your mind? If I can't leave, can you leave? Do you believe that I will tear apart your old bones?" Old Deaf took a breath and said: "Hehehe, little brat, I am not your opponent, but you may not be able to defeat it."

After saying that, his mouth opened wider and wider. In the end, his jaw dropped to ninety degrees. Looking at this monster in front of me that can't even be called a human, I didn't know how to describe the astonishment in my heart.

"Ugh …" Accompanied by a burst of disgusting sounds, a sachet of something burst out from his mouth and landed on the ground with a "pa" sound, along with a lot of mucus.

The sack-like object was moving on the ground, and there was something inside trying to come out. Damn, what is this thing, the Old Deaf said weakly after spitting it out: "It's up to you."

Following its movements, the entire space on the roof started to fluctuate, and even I was in a bad mood. What exactly is this thing, to actually be able to affect my emotions, in short, it was definitely not a good person, I panicked a little and hurriedly summoned my Master Chang.

Damn it, the thoughts that I sent out have all disappeared, the Master Chang is completely silent. I started to summon my Master Hui, although his power is not as strong as mine, but he can at least help me a little.

Unfortunately, the Master Hui didn't have any response. I suspected that today was not the day for the Wild Immortal to meet. Looking at the dead silence and darkness in my surroundings, I suddenly felt despair in my heart. The word 'die' had been circling around me since I was very young, making me much more mature than my peers. I believed that I could face death with ease, but it was clear that I wasn't going to die here.

A sharp claw came out of the saccade. It made a 'piercing' sound as it cut open the exterior layer. What came out behind the sharp claw was a slender body. It was not the body of a human, but more like a branch insect.

'Caw … ' Finally, its entire body appeared, it was a human-like monster, with a triangular head, which could not be seen from where it was connected to the body. It did not seem to have a neck, but it did not affect the rapid rotation of its head, with its chest bulging outwards, thin joints, long limbs, and four barbed hooks on its claws.

It was a natural born slaughterer, but how could it be spat out from Old Deaf's mouth? If that was the case, it could be considered as the child of Old Deaf, but thinking about it, Old Deaf's method of parenthood was truly strange.

Facing this opponent I had never met before, I suddenly had a strange feeling. The feeling of being both familiar and foreign was so wonderful. The feeling it gave off was like how I imagined it. I was confused. How was this possible? How could I be connected to such a monster?

It looked at me with its two triangular eyes fixed on me. It seemed very excited. Obviously, it also felt the same way towards me. Excited, excited, and also had a trace of indescribable joy.

Suddenly, its legs bent and it pounced towards me with the sound of the wind. An instant of killing intent and wildness enveloped me, and the Fox Blood in my body realized that this was a moment of life and death, and immediately filled its entire body. I dodged to the side, dodging the attack.

With a slight flick of its two feet, its entire body pressed against the void wall, facing me once again. It was like a sharp sword, and before I could stand up to it, the wind already made my eyes narrow.

I was already prepared to use the Five-Thunder Divine Symbol. After chanting the incantation, I threw the talisman at it. If the Five Thunder Divine Talisman could touch its body, it would explode with its full power.

With a loud sound, the monster screamed and fled for a long distance. The Five Thunder Divine Symbols naturally had the ability to restrain itself against this kind of evil beings.

The monster was squatting on the ground and using its claws to scratch its head. However, the Five Thunder Divine Talisman didn't deal any substantial damage to it. This was far beyond my expectations.

Looking at how thin it is, yet able to withstand the Five Thunder Divine Symbol head on without suffering any damage, I was a little at a loss of what to do. Adding on the speed and agility it displayed just now, it was truly a difficult opponent.

It slowly stood up, emitting a murderous intent that was as dense as the night sky. Its two claws were placed together, and they were shining like eight daggers. Just as I was observing it with admiration, it suddenly pounced towards me like lightning, as if the Five Thunder Divine Talisman did not pose any threat to it.

I tried my best to dodge it, but my outer coat was still ripped open a meter long hole by its claw. A wound was left on my chest, and blood was slowly flowing out.

I clearly saw my blood on its claws, and it greedily put its claws to its mouth and licked them with its mouthpart, as if enjoying itself, and I suddenly realized what that familiar yet strange feeling it had given me just now was because the Fox Blood in me, like it, was filled with wildness and killing, a trait that was the complete opposite of what the outside world was like, and yet also filled with fighting spirit because we met a similar opponent. Obviously, it was more professional than me, it was a pure warrior, but I was affected by the bondage in my heart.

After swallowing my blood, it comfortably shivered. I sneered and pulled out the whip from my waist. I had always treated this as a daily killing tool and it was about to start killing immediately.

I bent the whip over and held it in my hand, pointing it at it. I didn't have to do much, and the gesture already told it what I was thinking, because we were so similar.

It didn't hesitate to pounce on me. I sneered, its speed in the air was already as fast as a bird, but I still managed to lock onto it. With a flick of my wrist, the whip turned into a streak of lightning and struck its claws.

I believed that the blow had dealt enough damage, but it did not hesitate to follow the whip toward me. This was beyond my expectations, and in the next second, its huge, sharp claws had already appeared three centimeters in front of my eyes.

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