My fox-blood spurted out at the critical moment. I grabbed Liang-ge by the collar and jumped back. "Ka-cha!" My mother's used bike was crushed into a pie by the truck.

The truck drove off and I helped Liang-ge up. Liang-ge was so scared that his face turned pale. He asked while trembling, "Is my head still there?" This brat was too timid. I said, "Brother Liang, not only is your head still here, it's even a lot bigger."

The bicycle had been crushed flat and pedestrians surrounded them. No one knew who had called the police, but soon two police cars came running and two policemen got off. They were in a righteous mood as they frowned and said, "What's going on?" I said, "Hello sir, there was a big truck that squashed our bikes and ran away."

The officer's face darkened. "Come back to the station with me and make a statement." I said, "No, sir, I don't want to pursue it." The police officer was also happy to be free. "Alright, then. Be careful walking next time."

I dragged Brother Liang, who was half scared and half alive, to the cemetery. Brother Liang said, "Haozi, it was all thanks to you just now. Otherwise, I would have told you. Ai, your reaction was so quick. I've practiced it." I said, "It's a long story. Brother Liang, how long have we been gone for today?"

Brother Liang said, "I'm afraid that we won't be able to make it today. Let's talk again when we have time." Saying that, he was about to run away. I hastily grabbed him, "Brother Liang, this isn't enough. In any case, I just saved your life. Please help out." Brother Liang said bitterly, "No, I just feel unlucky today. I almost got into a car accident just now. Nothing bad might happen later on."

I said, "It's fine. Let's go. There's me." Liangge muttered, "What's the use of having you." But we left, and we reached the cemetery.

The cemetery was also deserted during the day. The old man who was watching the grave looked listless as he saw us coming in. He took a glance at us. What kind of work attitude is this?

We went straight in and sat in front of Ye Mei's grave. Brother Liang sat down and opened the book, giving it to Ye Mei. It had to be said that when Brother Liang recited the scripture, he was like a monk.

I lay on the side and read Brother Liang's scripture. The scripture not only had an effect of transcendence, but also hypnosis. After a while, I fell asleep.

I vaguely saw a female figure appear behind Brother Liang. She lowered her head and turned her face to Brother Liang. Brother Liang didn't feel anything and was still chanting without saying a word. Furthermore, her eyes were closed? I wasn't seeing things, right? When I wanted to sit up, I suddenly found that my body couldn't move.

What was going on? Ghost press? I have seen in the notes of my ancestor's hand that the Ghost Pressing Bed is a kind of human instinct, the human brain has endless potential, but very few people can develop the brain. When the ghost approaches, the human brain will find out and control its own body to remain motionless, so as to not attract the ghost's attention, this actually isn't a good instinct, just like how the human body would become weak from the sudden attack of a ferocious beast, so it has to overcome these instincts.

Even if you don't have a bed, you shouldn't sleep in the cemetery, because people are the least vigilant when they sleep, their whole body is loose in concentration, and they are the most likely to provoke evil beings. But when you encounter a ghost press, you only need to concentrate your whole body's strength on your right hand and press down powerfully, and you will be able to crack it.

I focused all of my strength on my right hand and pressed it down. It was as if I broke through a barrier and woke up.

I sat up and moved my body. I didn't see the woman behind Brother Liang. Brother Liang was also chanting. I asked him, "Brother Liang, did you feel the woman behind you?" When he didn't answer, I asked, "How do I see it? You're reciting with your eyes closed?"

Brother Liang said, "Amitabha, that is because this little monk has already mastered the [Heavenly Eye] cultivation, so there is no need to open my eyes." I said, "Then why don't you use your Heavenly Vision Technique now?" Amitabha, this little monk's mana is not deep enough, Heaven's Eyes can only be maintained for five minutes. " Tsk, who would believe that?

I said, "Alright then. Brother Liang, you should leave. There were ghosts just now. Don't provoke them." Brother Liang stopped talking, and started chanting again with his head down.

Suddenly, I felt a chill, as if the air conditioner behind me had suddenly turned on, but there was no wind, only the hair on my back and hair standing up.

I was born with a special physique that made me easy to provoke. Fortunately, the fox blood that Hu Tai Shuai gave me made my physique better and better. I hurriedly used the fox blood on my eyes. Please, don't make any mistakes.

Very quickly, I felt the fox's blood flowing into my eyes. My eyes were slightly burning, and as I opened them to look around, I saw that there was indeed a woman standing behind Brother Liang. It was none other than Ye Mei.

I didn't dare to tell Brother Liang, so I could only stare at him. At the same time, I bit my index finger, and drew the Armored Emperor Evil Breaking Talisman on my palm. Although Ye Mei is pitiful, but if I want to vent my anger on someone else, I will.

Gradually, Ye Mei was moved by Brother Liang's chanting. She sat down opposite him. Although her expression was still confused, it was much quieter than before.

That's great, this way, after a period of time, she would be able to enter reincarnation again. Unfortunately, she didn't know what kind of identity she would have to return to this world, and she didn't know when she would return.

In the evening, Brother Liang and I walked as we talked. I said, "Brother Liang, you know, when you were chanting for Ye Mei, she was by your side. It seemed very quiet." Brother Liang said, "Yes, I felt it too, but I didn't open my eyes because it would easily shock her. Ah, where did you learn it? How can I see ghosts? "

I secretly cursed myself for talking too much and said, "What? My grandfather was an immortal. He taught me a few moves, but I can't do anything else." Brother Liang said, "Oh, I've heard of the Ma Xian, so I understand. But seeing how special your physique is, aren't you the Ma Xian?" I bitterly smiled and said, "Haha, I'm not interested in this kind of thing."

Just like this, we walked around and chatted. When we reached my house, I said, "Liang-ge, this is my house. Come find me when you have time." He promised to go back to the temple.

After returning home, I started to help my parents. My mother complained, "Brat, don't you know that there are a lot of people here this weekend? Why are you still running around? Why aren't you coming home to help?" My father said, "What do you know? Our son will be a citizen of the city from now on, so he has to go out a lot to see the world and make friends. It's good for him to be like us for the rest of his life." While they were talking, my mother glared at my father and said, "I don't know what it means to be knowledgeable. I just know that if you can't earn any money, you won't be able to eat. Haozi, if you're not in a hurry, don't run around. There aren't many customers in the store." My dad said, "Hmm, you're right. I can't beat you."

When I got back, my dad didn't need to busy himself with the plate. He sat on the stool to rest for a while and said to my mom, "Hey, do you think our store is a bit small? "Look, the outside world is full of people. If we were to expand the store, wouldn't it be worth it for you to believe it as well?" My mother said, "You don't understand. This shop is really special. Don't look at how full the customers can be when the store is small. If you expand the store, the number of customers won't be as many as when the store was small."

My father said, "Then why is it like this?" My mother put the bun in the drawer and gave it to me. She said to my father, "This is the rule, you don't need to understand. If you tell us to expand the store, our business might not be good."

As I listened to them, I felt something different. This was the warmth of a family, I thought of Linxi, the rich and powerful of a family, but I didn't see how happy she was. If a person really believed in happiness, there wouldn't be so much resentment, and there wouldn't be a single trace of hostility in a truly happy person.

At night, when all the guests had left and the door was closed, the three of us sat together watching TV. My mother said, "Hey, Haozi, your classmate came to find you today. I said I don't know where you are, but he was muttering that you might have gone to the cemetery. Did you go to the cemetery? What did you do?" I scolded Qi Fenghua in my heart for talking too much.

I didn't want to lie to my parents so I said, "It's nothing much. One of my classmates died and a monk said that he wanted to help me recite a scripture. I took him and he came back." My father said, "Now that you mention it, I remember Aunt Liu and Yaoyao. Don't say it, Yaoyao really felt like a dream when she was in our family for the past few years. Sigh, the older generation's people really wanted to leave."

My mother said, "What are you going to do at the cemetery? Your body is so dirty. Even the Protector of the Family is gone. Don't say anything. Just like your dad said, I miss your grandpa and grandma as well as Old Lady Liu. Yao Yao."

After my mother finished speaking, the whole family became silent. After all, we were far from home and had no relatives, so it was quite sad to say that. I said, "This isn't normal. Actually, this was what Liang-ge said to me yesterday when he was drinking too much.

My mother looked at me and said, "Kid, you seem to understand this poem quite well. Right, how have you been studying? Are you able to keep up with the progress of the schools in the city?" My dad also said, "Yeah, didn't we move to the city just to let you study well? Tell me how you did with your studies." I said, "What can you tell? What you learn right now is simple." He had dealt with it.

The next day, I did not go out, Brother Liang came in and said that I would go by myself. I was at home helping to clean the dishes. Although I was a bit tired, but the more I could help my parents, the more satisfied I was.

As soon as I arrived at school on Monday, I heard the discussions of my classmates. As if something had happened to Lin Xi, my heart tightened, and I hurriedly asked my tablemate, Ding Xiu, what happened. Ding Xiu mysteriously said, "I also heard that something happened to Lin Xi, she fell down from the second floor at home. I thought it was probably an accident. Ye Mei's anger was disappearing bit by bit. Brother Liang said that she wouldn't hurt him, but looking at his expression, I didn't dare to completely agree with what he said.

When school was over in the afternoon, I prepared to go home. Brother Hua came over and said, "Lin Xi's retribution is coming. You don't know, the girls that bullied Ye Mei were all scared." I said, "Don't worry, it'll be fine." He said, "How do you know?" As we were walking along the corridor, a girl suddenly ran past us and ran towards the window. She smashed the window and flew out on the fifth floor.

Ten Jin of Fox's Blood in the Abnormal Records of Northeast China

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