After I said this, Master and Uncle didn't say anything. After a long time, Master said, "I still have some A horses, but I can't run anymore."

The Grand Master said, "My talisman is gone." The three of us stared at each other. After a while, the Grand Master said, "Let's go back. We'll stop the carriage."

On the way back, there was a kind driver who saw us as old and young, and sent us back. Uncle Master gave him money and said that we didn't want it, so we treated it as a good thing and I couldn't help but sigh. There are a lot of good people in the capital.

When I was young, I heard about this kind of thing. In the middle of the night when I was driving, very few drivers would let strangers get on the car, there was a driver, a young man in his early twenties, very young and vigorous, his master had reminded him the first time he drove a night car, that it was necessary to be energetic when driving at night, so as to avoid provoking dirty things, that young man named Wang, I will call him Little Wang.

It was essential to be unable to sleep, and there wasn't even a single person who could speak. The big truck was difficult to control, it was difficult to even brake at critical moments, and the most accidents happened, but that wasn't the most important. The most important thing was the strange things that happened on the deserted highway.

This was the first time running a long distance, and there was no lack of excitement. Furthermore, there were some small achievements, young people, their thoughts are all active, Xiao Wang thought as he drove. It would be great if he could have an affair with his, after all, Xiao Wang was not married yet, and some things were too enticing for him.

There were fewer cars on the road than during the day, but there was also the possibility that there were drivers who were dozing off. The drivers all knew how many drivers had experienced this and how many of them could not help but feel sleepy, and the car even fell asleep, only to wake up a moment later to continue driving. This was also lucky, otherwise the next moment, the car would crash into the mountain, or run out of the road, how could it still survive?

Little Wang did not feel sleepy at all. His eyes were wide open, the car was fast and he was in high spirits as he drove on, and when Little Wang saw through the glass on the left side of the road that there was a figure standing in the wilderness, he quickly lost sight of the car driving, he thought for a moment and felt that something was not right, it was better to say that the person was stupid, he did not know what to be afraid of, and he also did not think too much, continuing to drive. After ten minutes, he inadvertently saw someone standing on the left side of the road, and he did not know what to look at.

No matter how he thought about it, he felt that something was wrong. If it was a normal person, they would have long thought about it. How far away was that person from the highway?

He was young and vigorous, but there was still a problem with being young, and he was unable to remain calm. He had just been slightly scared, and his hands were already trembling, and his master had already instructed him that he shouldn't be afraid of anything. Wang thought to himself, 'Damn, how could I not be scared, that boss is still standing there alone in the middle of the night.

People were like this. The more afraid they were, the easier it was for them to think, and the easier it was for Wang to act like this. What exactly was that? A telephone pole? No way, the telephone pole is so thick and there's even a head on it? Could it be a bear? No, bears have ears, and besides, there are no bears in this place.

It's only daring to see how brave a man is, not to hear it, not to see it in the daytime, no matter how well he says it, no matter how boastful he is, no matter how useless it is, you have to put him alone on a field at night, and spend a night in peace, that's what makes him bold, especially between young people, sitting together and boasting, how brave am I, how brave am I, how brave am I, how I alone have been chased by a wolf and have killed myself, you have to ask him, that wolf, he must have said, hey, that dead wolf, back, no one has heard, and others say, I have the nerve, I go home once, I don't want to sleep in a mound of graves, who knows? No one knew that the other party was bragging. The more stubborn he was, the angrier he got. In the end, how could they compete with him? During the day he would put a piece of cloth in the field, and you would look for it at night. The next day, he would show the cloth to his friends and they would believe him. If they said that he was bold, they would not only believe him, but they would also help him say that he had a lot of face!

A bunch of young people surrounded each other in a circle, squabbling. Young people, after all, were too angry, and neither of them were satisfied with the other, so according to the old tradition, when Old Wang was still young at that time, he didn't care about anything once the fire started, and started fighting with a fellow villager named Zhao Si. You go and get what I want tonight, and you get what you want tomorrow night.

How could anyone not agree in front of everyone's eyes? If they didn't agree, they would lose so much face. In fact, both sides agreed. Who would be so bold as to have such a bold person with low intelligence?

The first night it was Zhao Si who put the thing, this Zhao Si was really going to put a big guy, put a shovel in there, told Old Wang, I already put it in there, you can look for it when the sun goes down tonight, Old Wang asked, what did you put in there, Zhao Si said, I can't tell you, I told you, you took a fool at home, I can only tell you put a long body and a big head thing, you will know, that thing won't grow out in the wild.

Old Wang had actually bullied Zhao Si-shuang in the beginning, thinking to take something to fool him, but by now, he had become smart. He had no choice, go, it was already late at night, after the sun went down, it would only become dark in the summer. Since Old Wang could not stay at home, he would have to search for things in the fields later, he might as well take out a flashlight to strengthen his courage. Even a machine gun wouldn't be reliable, let alone a flashlight.

If he really couldn't move the house over, his family wouldn't let him, he would make fun of him, but that was what Old Wang had thought then, if he just pretended that he wasn't going to be a grandson, then that wouldn't do, because tomorrow he would have to go there with a laugh, how could there be such a good thing, the people who killed each other with their tongues, especially in the small village, there weren't many people who knew each other, there were too many people who didn't have anything to do with their wives, today I'm giving you a nickname, tomorrow I'll tease you, in the future you'll even find a target with difficulty, you definitely can't go.

If you can't find something, don't say you're too timid, at most, you have a bad eye. No, there are plenty of people in the village, we'll wait for you before nightfall. Three in groups of five will gather at the village entrance, waiting for you to go out, otherwise they won't have any fun.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Old Wang gritted his teeth and went out with his flashlight. When the group of idlers at the village entrance saw that Old Wang had arrived, they all gave him a big thumbs up, praising him for being a man. Old Wang knew in his heart that he was just a big guy who was looking for fun.

People without any guts would not even dare to go out when it was dark. If they didn't want to go to the big city, Nightless City, then it would be the same as during the day. There would be no lights in that place or in the village at night, so why would they need to save money, let alone in the wild? They really couldn't see their own fingers in front of each other.

The leaves rustled, and he was scared to the point that his legs went limp. He cursed in his heart, why did I have to do this, what's the use of pretending this, it's not worth it if there's a problem with it. With this curse in his heart, my courage increased a little.

Sing some more songs, hum some more, Old Wang thought to himself, not too scared, turn on the flashlight, what's that long, big head, what can it be?

The electric light was dim too, it did not shine too far, Old Wang squinted his eyes and was about to touch it, when he heard a "putong putong" sound coming from behind him. What the hell is this, in the middle of the night, Old Wang was so scared that he almost peed his pants.

I've never seen people dancing in the middle of the night before, and I'm so scared that I want to die, but the more I see, the more I feel sober I feel. At this time, the two things walked in, and Old Wang squinted his eyes, not daring to look at them, and the two things seemed to know who they were, so they swayed and snorted. Old Wang was relieved at that time, and inwardly, he cursed the owners of the two donkeys.

When the two things got closer, they really were two donkeys. They stared at Old Wang with their big black eyes. Old Wang cursed and kicked the two donkeys twice, then the two donkeys turned around and left.

After this scare, Old Wang became a lot braver. He wandered around and found a shovel, but Zhao Si was still there, and the shovel was still close by, so I didn't have to walk too far. Well, let's go back, tomorrow is the time for Zhao Si to be in trouble, when we get home, I'll also show him something tomorrow night to scare him, maybe this donkey is Zhao Si's, but Zhao Si's donkey is only one, and that's what he borrowed, in short, we've survived the night.

The next morning, Old Wang went to Zhao Si's house with a shovel. The big guy was waiting for Old Wang, and when he saw that Old Wang had really brought the shovel back, he was quite surprised. When Old Wang saw that Old Wang had really brought the shovel back, he said, "Old Wang went to Zhao Si's house with a shovel, and the big guy was waiting for Old Wang, and when he saw Old Wang had actually brought the shovel back, he was quite surprised.

Zhao Si didn't want to admit that he let the two donkeys out. Besides, who's afraid of donkeys? After the two stubbornly bulged for a while, the big guy left, waiting to see Zhao Si tonight. One of Zhao Si's good friends, Han Fu didn't know why he didn't leave.

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