I muttered, "We should let them go then. Who wants to go?" His Master did not hear him and happily spoke to the little girl.

The little girl just stared at her master and listened. Every time her master asked about her, she would just shake her head and say, "I don't know," which would make her depressed. "She looks like a smart little girl, but she's actually a little stupid, so call her an idiot."

Master seemed to be in a good mood as he sat there humming a little tune while mumbling to himself, "It seems like I forgot something." I leaned over and said, "Master, did you forget something?" His Master said, "To be able to remember, you must have forgotten. Kid, did you also become an idiot?" I touched my nose and my master said, "Forget it, I don't want to. I'm in a good mood today and will be treating you to a restaurant at noon."

I hastily clapped my hands and said, "Alright, alright, Master, where should we go to eat?" Master hesitated for a moment before asking me, "What should we eat?"

I said, "Master, you have the final say. Whatever you want to eat is up to you." His Master thought for a moment and said, "I'll take you guys to eat dumplings." In Master's mind, dumplings are the best delicacies, and I don't know what's good or bad about them. Anyway, it's fine if we don't eat them.

Master asked for a private room and we all took our seats. Master excitedly looked at the menu and ordered four dishes and two catties of dumplings. I said to Master, "Master, this little girl is really good at eating. Please order some dumplings as well." His Master carelessly said, "How much can a little girl eat? This dumpling is too greasy. If you can't eat much, you will get tired of living."

I said in my heart that you are stingy, and also greasy, dumpling skin is not a ball of meat oil, I see that girl eating, even a ball of meat oil can swallow a lot.

The dishes had already been served and the small table was filled to the brim. His master picked up a dumpling for his senior sister and said, "Xizhen, this dumpling is the best to eat. Try it." The senior sister took the dumplings out of the bowl and put some of the meat into the baby's mouth. The master quickly said, "You can't eat so little children. It's easy to choke."

The senior sister said, "I know, just let him smell it. He likes to eat meat." Sure enough, she gave a bit of meat on the tip of her chopsticks for the child to sniff. The child sniffled as if he had an appetite. The senior sister smiled and said, "Look, right?"

The master said, "Xizhen, is this child a boy or a girl?" The Senior Sister said, "Girl, when you grow up, you'll definitely be as good-looking as me." I swallowed my saliva. Senior sister's words weren't like this in the past, how could they be compared to me? I said smilingly, "She is also not your child, so why does she look the same as you?"

This sentence was quite troublesome to say. Hearing that, Senior Sister threw her chopsticks on the ground, causing Liu Mei to stare at me and say, "Why is it not my child? If I say so, then so be it." I hastily replied, "Yes, yes, yes. Your child, your child. I won't fight with you for it."

His Master hurriedly tried to smooth things over. "About that, why don't Hao Zi and Xi Zhen accompany me for a drink? This is a day of great joy." The Senior Sister said, "I don't drink it. Children with the smell of alcohol should hate it." My Master was quite embarrassed. "Then I'll drink with you, Master."

My master and I each poured a glass of white wine and sipped it. The foolish aunt stared at my cup and said, "What is this?" I said, "This is wine. You want some too?" The foolish aunt said, "I'll try it." After saying that, he took my cup and gulped it down, causing Master and I to be stunned for a moment. Master even said, "Not bad, foolish nun, you have some tolerance."

The master quickly called the waiter to bring some water for the foolish aunt to drink. Only then did it get better. The foolish aunt's crying made the child in Senior Sister's arms cry, and for a moment, the entire room was filled with crying. Senior Sister hurriedly carried the child and left.

Master and I stared at each other, unsure of what to do. Master frowned and said, "What's wrong with Xizhen? Why are you so concerned about this child?" I shook my head, "Who knows? She really hates Chang Tianba. I never would have thought that she would be so sad for his child." The Master said, "Is this a child born of Chang Tianba and that Japanese woman?"

I said, "Yeah, he said so himself. There's no need to lie to me." His Master frowned and thought for a moment. "That child is not an ordinary person. The yin aura on him is very similar to that of Qian Zhen, which is why he is so attractive to Qian Zhen." I nodded my head. I didn't doubt him. After all, ever since I brought this child back, Senior Sister has indeed become a completely different person.

After a while, Senior Sister came in with the child in her arms, we ate and drank, Master was in a good mood, and drank quite a bit.

When his master was still young, he once walked with his uncle in the dark, and in the small forest, there was a young man walking together, younger than his master, only 17 or 18 years old. His master and uncle were in a hurry, so they left quickly.

When Master asked him what had happened, he did not speak. After a while, the young man started sweating, Master and Uncle asked him if he was tying his shoelace, and when he turned his head inadvertently after tying his shoelace, he saw that there was a shadow behind him. It looked like a person was crawling, and he was scared, who would crawl in the dark? He quickly ran to catch up with his master and uncle.

He was worried that his Master and Grand Uncle were also afraid, so he left him behind and endured the urge to tell them. After a while, not only could he see the shadow, but he could also hear the sound of hurrying footsteps, and he saw that his Master and Grand Uncle did not react at all, as if he did not hear anything. He knew that even he himself could hear them, and was even more afraid, because the sweat on his forehead was already forming, so he told his Master and Grand Uncle the truth.

His Master laughed out loud, took out a Evil Breaking Talisman and slapped it on the back of that young man, "It's fine, don't worry about us. I don't think much of normal kids." The young man knew that he had met an expert and was no longer afraid.

As he walked, the young man took out a big cake to eat, and his master didn't think too much, seeing that he was also a bit hungry, but the young man only cared about eating, and didn't even think about sharing the cake with his master. His master thought to himself, this guy is a little stingy, at least you're welcome, we can eat as much as we want, but the young man didn't say a word, and soon the big cake was finished.

After finishing the big cake, he rummaged through his bag and slowed down his pace. His Master said in a hurry, "You should leave quickly. We're in a hurry." The young man didn't say anything. He lowered his head to look for something to eat. After a while, he found a piece of candy and ate it. He chewed it with an expression as if he was eating delicacies.

He asked his master and uncle if there was anything to eat. uncle master gave him the dry food in his bag, and he stuffed it into his mouth without even thanking him, as if he had been hungry for a long time. He ate uncle's dry food in a few bites, and even reached out his hand to ask for more, causing his master to be a little angry, "We're not a food shop, how can we eat so much?"

Seeing his Master say this, he sat down and began to gnaw on his fingernails. It was as if he was trying to pull his fingers off before stopping, and after a while, he bit his nails off, and blood even started to flow out, as if he didn't know if it was painful or not. His Master and Grand Uncle then realized that something was wrong.

The black shadow he saw just now should be the hungry ghost. The hungry ghost saw that he was the one who was the easiest to bully, so he got on top of him, and if he didn't control him, he could eat whatever he saw, and in the end, eat himself.

His strength was so strong that it didn't seem like it belonged to a seventeen or eighteen year old boy. This was because he was being chased by a hungry ghost, but he still couldn't get rid of his master. Uncle Master picked up the leaves and soil from the side and stuffed them into his mouth.

After swallowing for a while, he stopped struggling, his complexion slowly returned to normal, and soon he began to retch. His master let him go, and he bent over and vomited with all his might, spitting out many things, food and food and bread, digesting and half digesting, and leaves and black mud, which took him a while to finish.

His master and grand-uncle walked him for a while before he could leave. The master said that if he was allowed to eat, he would be bloated to death, and all the food he had eaten was taken away by the hungry ghosts. Later on, the leaves and soil the grand-uncle gave him were unable to digest what he had eaten, so the hungry ghost left.

Hearing my master's words, I looked at the foolish aunt and said, "Master, I understand. You're saying that the hungry ghost is carrying the silly aunt? Just give her some leaves, and I'll go out and find some."

With that, I got up to leave, but my master quickly pulled me back, "What do you mean, 'follow' me? I can see that the aunt's soul is very clean. She must have just left her soul not long ago." The foolish girl nodded her head, and I 'oh' sat down.

Master and I finished a bottle of white wine. Master wiped his mouth and burped, then suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "I just remembered, Haozi. You remember that Mrs. Liu has a granddaughter, right?"

I thought for a while before I remembered. "I think so. Grandma Liu had a grandson with the same surname, Liu. I saw her when I was young. She was dark and skinny like a monkey. Grandma Liu was going to treat her as my daughter-in-law. I said I didn't agree."

His Master said, "How come I just remembered that something has happened to her family's head?" I was shocked. "What happened?" "Don't worry, it's not a big deal. Your little daughter-in-law scared you, and I have some affinity with Senior Liu. I told her son-in-law that if there's anything, we can contact each other after so many years. Speaking of which, I miss Senior Liu quite a bit. He's been here for so many years."

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