Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 1002: The emperor is coming (1)

The gift to the Queen Mother was finalized, but the chef became a big problem.

Although it can cure the big fat royal chef, but the character is very problematic. I took many benefits of Li Xiang, but beat a rake, almost killing Li Xiang!

Chen Xiaobei just wanted to make the big fat guy more guilty and didn't want to cure him!

"Forget it, ask Tanaka and Aoi later, the island nation should have other famous chefs."

Chen Xiaobei stopped thinking about it for the time being.

It didn't take long for the ambulance to arrive.


Dongjin Metropolitan Royal Hospital!

This is a private and private hospital where members of the island's royal family are eligible to enter. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter even half a step!

As soon as Hikawa Okazaka was sent in, he immediately entered the operating room.

Immediately thereafter, members of the royal family of the island nation, as well as high-level core officials, rushed to the hospital one after another.

The hospital was almost full of luxury cars, more exaggerated than the car show.

What princes, princesses, princesses, came a lot. Official cabinet ministers and various generals of the military also came.

It can be said that almost all the people at the top of the island's pyramid are gathered here.

Everyone talked, but they didn't dare talk too loud.

The fundamental things of this kind of relationship with the country are not something that can be delusional at this level.

Only the top of the pyramid can consider and make this decision.

"Here! Her Majesty's and Prime Minister's convoy arrived!"

"Get out of the way ... get out of the way ..."

Everyone was in a mess, and they retreated, standing respectfully on both sides of the road.

The Emperor and the Prime Minister, the island's highest powers.

The contemporary emperor, who controls the imperial power, is equivalent to the emperor in history!

The power of the Prime Minister is relatively weakened, which is equivalent to the Prime Minister of the Cabinet assisting the Prime Minister's Military Minister!

Under normal circumstances, the Prime Minister handles daily affairs on the table, and the emperor who really makes a big deal is hidden behind the scenes.

Today, these two people actually appeared at the same time!

It is conceivable how great the influence of Chen Xiaobei's record of the crippled legs in the family! I can move a country with one kick, it can't be more cool!

"Get out of here! Get out of here ..."

The first person to get off was a man in his sixties.

A raw face with black hair, a medium-weight body, a straight suit, and shiny shoes. At a glance, it was a senior island official.

"Prime Minister of the Island State, Yamaguchi Dabaojian"

Chen Xiaobei's gaze fixed on that guy immediately.

When checking the information before, Chen Xiaobei had already seen the person's photo, and naturally he could recognize it at a glance.

Ding——repaired as: spicy chicken, physique: weak chicken, fighting power: 5!

At this moment when he saw Yamaguchi Dabao's deity, Chen Xiaobei also looked at his strength by the way of the ghostly war.

"Sure enough, it's a war!"

Chen Xiaobei smiled a little, apparently long ago.

The information on the Internet says that the Prime Minister is extremely diligent. He works more than 12 hours a day and has no time to cultivate. How can he do it?

"Her Majesty, please!"

Yamaguchi Dabao Jianye bowed and went to open the other door.

For a moment, everyone, including Chen Xiaobei, focused on the past together.

Because, the person who will get off the train is the first character of the island in the word, the current emperor, the Hikari universe!

The news on the Internet is that the over 70-year-old emperor is already in a state of illness, so he is planning to abdicate after the marriage of Hikawa Okazaka and let Hikawa Okazaka inherit the position of Emperor!

At this moment, the emperor actually came to the scene, even Chen Xiaobei did not expect it.


The door opens.

I saw an old man with white hair walking slowly out of the car.

Although his hair is white, although he is over seventy years old, at a glance, the spirit of the old emperor Hikagawa is actually very vigorous!

Don't say that he is in critical condition. On the basis of spirit, Yamaguchi Dabaojian in his early sixties is far worse than him.

"Is it a fake message on the Internet?"

Chen Xiaobei's eyes fixed, his heart was full of doubts.

Theoretically, with the imperial power in hand and good health, which emperor would be willing to abdicate?

In particular, the emperors of Huaxia all wanted longevity and longevity. To put it plainly, wasn't it that they couldn't bear the power they had?

"That's right! Longevity!"

Chen Xiaobei's eyes lighted up and he immediately guessed the reason for the abdication of the Suncheon universe.

Ding——Repair: Mid-Astral Phase, Body: 90,000, Fighting Power: 90,000!

"Lying grass! Lying on the grass!"

Chen Xiaobei was taken aback for a moment, but never imagined that the legendary Hidaka universe on the Internet had such a powerful cultivation.

Looking at it this way, he is not only in good health, even if he lives a hundred more decades, it will not be a problem at all!

Based on this alone, it can basically be concluded that this old emperor is devoting himself to cultivation. In order to further improve, he decisively abandoned the throne!

In order to appease the people, he claimed to be in critical condition.

As the saying goes, fish and bear's paw can't have both.

Between power and strength, Suncheon Universe chose the latter.

He not only gave up power, but also used the best resources of the entire island nation to himself! Even his son Hikagawa Okazaka didn't care about it, he just worked hard to improve his strength!

It is for this reason that he is able to achieve what he is today.

In comparison, Cao Zhengyang, Zhuang Hao, and other people in this category, although they have great power, can't give up power! In addition, Cao Zhengyang couldn't let go of state affairs, Zhuang Hao couldn't let go of family affairs.

Therefore, the strength of this type of people can only be in a state of half-height, not high or low.

It can also be seen from this that the emperor Hikagawa is definitely a man of heart!

Anything can be put down, how hard it is!

"Get out of here! Get out of here ..."

Yamaguchi Dabaojian is like an old eunuch, trotting and opening his way in front.

Suncheon Universe walked up to the door of the operating room, standing quietly, without any expression on his face, making people totally unable to guess what he was thinking.

A master of 90,000 combat power has been above the mortal.

Even Chen Xiaobei didn't dare to act rashly, fully converged his breath, and stood quietly aside.

Time passed by.

Finally, a doctor came out of the operating room.

The always silent Suncheon Universe ~ ~ finally spoke and asked in a low voice: "Doctor, how is my child's injury?"

The doctor swallowed, and said tremblingly: "His Royal Highness lives without worries, but his key parts ... thorough, completely scrapped ... ordinary medical methods, completely helpless ..."

Hikagawa seemed uninterested in his son's injury, but asked blankly, "Can he keep up with his wedding?"

"I'm afraid it won't work ..." The doctor said, "Wounded on that part, at least for a month or two on the bed!"

His face turned cold, and his eyes turned to the crowd, saying, "Now! Immediately use your network to invite all the famous doctors you can come to!"

"Famous doctor?"

Chen Xiaobei frowned, and an idea came to her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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