Red Soviet Union

Chapter 863: pinch nose agree

"The situation in South Africa is getting more and more chaotic." On the other side of the world, the climate has also begun to gradually warm up. Now, it is March 1983. As time goes by, Moscow's attention to South Africa, has also risen to the highest level.

Originally, South Africa and the Soviet Union did not have much intersection. The mercenaries now supported by the Soviet Union are still fighting in Angola and the armed forces supported by South Africa. Now, everyone realizes that the situation may slip to the brink of out of control.

"Comrade Gromyko, you are an old comrade in the party, especially you have worked on the diplomatic front for many years. I can understand that you have no sympathy for the white regime in South Africa." At another meeting, Andre continues to state his point of view.

After all, the white government in South Africa is still closely related to the West. Therefore, many old comrades at the zzj meeting agreed with Gromyko. This is the behavior of Westerners who eat dogs, and the Soviet Union does not need to get involved in this kind of shit! Now, as long as the Soviet Union does not add fire to the Angolan war, it is already worthy of the white South Africans.

However, Andre is extremely opposed to this view. Fortunately, although Andrei is very young, he has extremely rich experience, and, most importantly, the facts have proved that Andrei's views are correct! Andre's every judgment has never been wrong!

And now, Andre's judgment will make the hearts of many old comrades tickled, but Andre knows that he has no choice but to convince these old comrades in front of him!

"As the United States rescued Mandela, it can be judged that the United States has completely abandoned the white regime in South Africa, and the United States has reached some agreements with Mandela in private." Andre said: "It is conceivable that Mandela Ra will surely sell the whole of South Africa to the United States without hesitation."

"Mandela, doesn't he seem so stupid?" Tikhonov said: "What benefits will South Africa gain by selling all of South Africa to the United States?"

To completely sell the interests of a country to a foreign country is simply the biggest traitor! Anyone with a clear mind would not do this. Especially the old-fashioned politicians.

"Unfortunately, Mandela is absolutely so stupid." Andre said: "At this time, his mind is full of longing and admiration for the West. As long as the West says that capital is free, then Mandela will immediately cancel the tariffs. , as long as the West says look at how beautiful our environment is! Industry will pollute the environment, then Mandela will immediately raise taxes on factories and make all factories close down. Whatever the West says, Mandela will regard it as a classic. Especially now , they are still supporting Mandela's cause of national liberation, and they will not object to what the United States says. The United States wants to inject capital to help their mines improve mining conditions and introduce equipment. They will definitely agree to it, and then give the Americans a share. , until all of them are controlled by the United States.”

Mandela, that is, when dealing with his own people, said with dignity and awe-inspiring that democracy and freedom, only a united, democratic and non-discriminatory South Africa to implement **** is the only way to peace and racial harmony. avenue. Advocating that there is no distinction between whites and blacks, all are equal, is complete nonsense, blacks make up the majority of the population, if such an election is really held, then blacks will definitely come to power.

Should black people have the right to vote? They are unequivocal in asking for their power, but what about fulfilling their obligations? Just look at the South African regime after the black people came to power in later generations. These guys, apart from corruption, will not do anything else, govern the country? What a joke! A clean and efficient government has long since disappeared.

(It's not that the heroes of East China have racial prejudice, but they are indeed muddy and unable to support the wall.)

And such a scene is what Americans most want to see, a lean white government or a stupid black government, which one is easier to control? The answer is obvious!

"Everyone, we can't go wrong. As long as we take one wrong step, the strategic advantages we have accumulated so easily will disappear again." Andre said: "Over the years, we have controlled the island countries, cut off the wings of the United States, and controlled the The Middle East, hit the U.S. economy." Andre said: "Now, we are increasing oil production according to the original plan, making global oil prices fall, hitting the U.S. high-cost shale oil industry, hitting the U.S. economy, and manufacturing The contradiction between the United States and Europe. We have made a lot of effort to achieve the current advantage. Now, if the United States controls South Africa, our previous efforts will be in vain.”

The United States, the leader of the Western world, is so easy to attack the United States. Even, in the end, in order to prevent the American dog from jumping over the wall, the mushroom planting mode was started. At the last moment, the island country returned blood to the United States, allowing the United States to escape a stock market crisis. Although it controlled some American companies, it was not safe. Who knows when the United States will Do not admit it.

Dealing with the United States is not easy. It must be done step by step. What needs to be done most now is not to let the United States regain control of energy, and not let the dollar survive!

The tactic against the United States is to boil the frog in warm water and let the United States decline naturally. After all, the United States is a nuclear power! And the United States, obviously not willing to lag behind, now intends to control South Africa, just want to revive again!

Although the gold standard system has long ended, the strength of gold's support for a country's currency is still obvious. Historically, the United States used the gold standard system and linked the dollar to gold to save the dollar after the 29-year Great Depression. In 1944, the status of the US dollar as an international currency was established.

And now, with U.S.-controlled oil bankrupt, will the U.S. once again try to re-establish the dollar on the gold standard? It can be said that as long as the United States controls South Africa, there is hope!

South Africa's current gold output is thousands of tons every year. If the United States is ruthless, the output can be In a few years, the gold reserves will be enough to link the US dollar to gold!

Moreover, South Africa's resources are not only gold, but also many other resources. It can be said that as long as the United States controls South Africa, the American economy may recover again! Gold is a hundred times more valuable than shale oil!

Andrei carefully analyzed all aspects of the relationship, looked at Gromyko in front of him, and said, "Comrade Gromyko, can you accept my proposal? No matter how much we dislike the white government in South Africa now, However, only by helping them can we smash the American conspiracy to revive the economy!"

Smash the conspiracy of the Americans, the Soviet Union has no choice! Those present, even pinching their noses, had to agree to the proposal to support South Africa!

Gromyko looked unhappy. As an experienced diplomat, he knew that Andre was right.

"However, if we support South Africa like this, then our Soviets are too shameless?" Gromyko said.

"Of course it's not direct support." Andre said, "We have to wait until South Africa is desperate. Now, it's just the layout." (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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