Regressor Instruction Manual

Regression Manual 165s

Monster Wave (1)

“You will first head to the free city of Lindell. Let's stay in our guild, and I'll make sure to send you home later. ”

“Jing, are you sure? I wonder..."

“You have nothing to worry about. If I wanted to hurt you or get you dirty in the first place, I wouldn't have used this complicated method. ”

“Ah…. ”

“I wouldn't have rescued you from the monsters until after you took heavy damage. As soon as you go to Lindell, you'll get a new ID and start acting like a blue guest. As long as you don't leave the city, you'll be free to go out and there won't be any humans to harm you. Of course, if you're afraid to go outside, you can only play inside the Guild House. ”

“Thank you."

“Thanks to Jo Hye-jin over there... she was the one who wanted to save you. ”

“Oh! Thank you so much. Thank you so much for taking care of us in such a short time. ”

“I'm sure we can make it back home. I promise.”

“Ugh... ”

Brainy creaks up and the crying elves peer into view.

Jo Hye-jin is comforting them together.

It was a beautiful little scene.

The reality of returning 120,000 gold elves to their homes for free was heartbreaking, but I thought that was it for now.

There's no use for it anyway.

Not a bad stat, but its potential is a little ambiguous to grow as an adventurer.

To put it this way, you're just a country bumpkin.

A case of a hunter being unlucky while living a normal life.

In fact, I thought it was right to send it back a day early.

This is because news of five Elven slaves has been sent to Casgano Yuno.

A situation that could almost bring the game to her who still calls this place the owner.

I've sent you a rash letter wanting to suddenly come to Castle Rock, so you should send it out as soon as possible.

It's okay to keep looking this way while walking quietly into the wagon.

Perhaps they are worried that they are not being sold elsewhere, but perhaps they will understand everything when they arrive properly.

“Just in case, you'd better not get out of the wagon until you get there." It's not dangerous inside the wagon with the Guild Insignia on it, but it's not outside. ”

“Yes, I'll keep that in mind. My savior.”

“Well, I'm embarrassed to call you a savior. I just did what I had to do. Rather, I'm sorry that I can only save you. I apologize on behalf of all humans. ”

“By any chance, by any chance! ”

“Yes. If I see another Elf, I'll see if I can help." ”

“Thank you."

“Now, if you'll excuse me, ”

When you put the elves in the wagon, those who are greeting you again head this way are reflected in your vision. Jo Hye-jin is also sending a quiet greeting. It seemed a little overwhelming.

“Are you good?”

“Not really. ”

“Have you eaten in the meantime? ”

“Yes. It was a short time... but I think I'm feeling a little enthusiastic. ”

“You've done everything you could as a human being. It's not enough to save them, to hide them in a fancy inn, to take responsibility for them in the blue, so you should think you did more than that. ”

“Thank you for your kindness. Vice Guild Master.”

“It wasn't a favor to them. And to be precise, it was Hyejin who did me a favor. Well, if you save the Elves, they'll come back later. ”

“ ……. ”

I noticed a little bored.

I didn't mean to, but I thought it wasn't bad. There's nothing wrong with being indebted to Elves who have strong attachments to their kind.

I don't know when it will be, but today's good deeds will be repaid.

“Then let's go get something to eat. ”

“Yes, Vice Guild Master. ”

Of course, the Elves weren't the only ones who treated them well. I spoke with Hye-jin several times and was able to get close to him.

It hasn't changed as extreme as Sunhee Young or Jeongyan, but it's understanding this way gradually. Of course, I also put her in a situation that I needed to understand.

I thought about what it would be like to be a little closer, but Jo Hye-jin seems to be drawing a line over here.

The system was not in the category of dangerous women or crazy women, so it was a little difficult to make me feel more like myself.

What I think is most important is getting close to Hye-jin Cho.

It may be a long way to go, but the urgent fire feels like it's extinguished. Evidence that she doesn't feel any different even though she keeps going along with it.

‘Friends are enough. ’

I thought a woman like this was enough for a friend position.

‘Maybe it's true that it's a little stuffy. ’

I don't know what it looks like, but the inside is far from ideal here.

“So... have you thought about it a lot? ”

“What…. ”

“You know what I'm talking about. We need to clean up this mess quickly before new victims show up. ”

“I'm not sure. ”


“Ah. Of course, I'm not avoiding punishing them. They're right to do it by law. I used to believe that and I think that... ”

“I don't know if things are going right. Do you think? ”

“I'm ashamed, but yes. Even if you do, there is no guarantee that things will not go the way they were before. ”

“Maybe Hyejin is right. If you move around without having the right evidence, it's exactly the same as before. ”

It's a little different, but it's enough to ask each other questions.

It's small, but it's not a big change. What is it?

While walking continuously, Jo Hye-jin began to open his mouth like a young man wandering around looking for his self.

It was a really good thing for me. Because it was an opportunity to let her know that there were many different ways to live.

“Did you throw away your sympathy for your valued colleagues in the tutorial? ”

“I don't want to forgive them now. ”

This is a natural reaction. It's only been a few days since I saw that.

“I don't think I reached out for that... but I was a little confused by how different I imagined they would be. No, I'm really doubtful that even the people I knew were involved in it. ”

“Natural environments change people. Neither my relatives on earth nor Hyejin's relatives would have thought we had committed murder. Well, it's self-defense, but it's true. They just threw away one thing they had to get up there. Even if they don't know that the Elves or monsters they've captured are being used for some purpose, their sins won't go away. ”

“The Vice Guild Master is right. It's not the right thing to do, it's the right thing to do. I'm talking about that. Perhaps the vice guild master is drawing a picture of his own solving... ”

“Yes. Work personally. ”

“I wasn't thinking either, but I was wondering if it was right for an individual to punish an individual. and I deserve to punish them. Do I really deserve to punish them? ”

“What else isn't there? They wielded their power, including small rocks, and got their corresponding results. Eye for an eye, and this is still my favorite proverb. If you sin, you will be punished. That's it. It's good to be thoughtful, but it's not good to be embedded. Put your hands on your chest and think about it. What do you want to do, Hyejin? ”

Jo Hye-jin, who was silently staring at me, gave me a glance. I did not answer, but the answer is set.

‘Yes... Of course you think that too. ’

If you feel like it, you'll want to kill everyone in that disgusting place.

These conversations are annoying, but helpful enough.

It's not a swarm of evil, it's a process of exchanging each other's values over and over.

She has unknowingly accepted part of my values that money can solve most problems and has been gradually, ever since.

Of course, I also think a lot about what she said. My relationship with Jo Hye-jin is slightly different from Ji-hye's relationship with me.

The reason why the Black Swan and Ji-hye and I are called soul mates in the system is that our behavior and values are almost the same.

Of course, there is a synergy that protrudes from it. It is almost certain that the efficiency will increase by more than double.

Jo Hye-jin is completely different from Ji-hye. Rather, she is a person who can degrade work efficiency, but she continues to worry about me.

It is clear that there are synergies that can come from different opinions and values.

‘This is harmony. ’

Of course, it's a little more advantageous this way.

I don't want Jo Hye-jin to stand in my way and become a wall.

Like a car, she's a brake and a black box. Humans have the ability to prevent accidents beforehand and keep an eye on their backs even after they happen.

A man I can control.

She'll be on my side, not mine.

Even after Hyeon-seong Kim's kingdom expands and becomes huge, she will be my friend, a brake that works whenever I want on the other side.

In order for me to really move the way I want, I have to decide who's on the other side of me.

‘Please take good care of Hye-jin. ’

She and I will be long gone.

“I... think I'm the same as the Vice Guild Master. ”

“Individuals move because society doesn't solve it. That's the first step in the revolution. ”

“I'm not sure what you mean. ”

“I'm telling you, you're not just going to push them away. Crime never goes away. ”

“What…. ”

“It's impossible to create a perfect society. I haven't lived that long, but I think I have. Wherever humans live, sin is always followed. Even if a small rock and a place disappear, eventually there will be a second small rock and a amphitheater. If you swap them out, you get a third little rock and a amphitheater. We have supply because we have demand. ”

“Speaking of... ”

“I will control the diseases of society. ”

“That's a dangerous idea.... ”

“It's better than watching. I'm going to push it away, and then I'm going to build a tower on top of it again. Likewise in Lindell. Likewise in Castle Rock. ”

“How…. ”

“I don't know. How? ”

“Are you going to buy the whole place? ”

I never thought I'd be able to buy it. A little, but a smile popped out.

“No, I'm going to push it all at once. I'm going to shove it all away without any weeds. ”

For my benefit, of course.

When I finished speaking, I looked at Jo Hye-jin, and something complicated flashed into my eyes.

I'm thinking about how to accept my words and actions.

Maybe she didn't think she'd stop me. It was simply shocking to see what she had to see to stop this side of humanity.

Rather, they might want you to act on my side.

The question is, how can this side without any power push it away?

It seems that Hye-jin Jo is feeling doubtful, but it is also not impossible if the situation supports her.

‘Monster waves will happen soon.... ’

Unfortunately, this side knows exactly where it is.

Of course, I and Jo Hye-jin are completely blocked from seeing it, but I don't know where it is....

It must have been in someone's brain that was tracking my location from start to finish.

White, you're checking, right? ’

Being stalked by the Grand Wizard is more helpful than I thought.

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