Regressor Instruction Manual

Regression Manual 167s

Monster Wave (3)

You were in the city? ’

I thought about the possibility of being outside, but I think it's inside.

This would be a little easier to do if you were in the city.

‘West. ’

There is no specificity, except for the fact that the upper castellans of Castelock live there. It was hard to imagine that there was a large site in the basement, but it seemed that Jungyan had to worry about the error because he confidently bent his hands.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I'm sure! ”

“Well, okay. Thank you, White. ”


‘I think it'll be okay.... ’

Location is not bad. I'm a little worried, but to be honest, it doesn't really matter if I get swept away.

‘It's far from permanent achievement.... ’

If you think about it completely opposite the Temple, the location doesn't really matter if it disappears from the map.

‘Not bad. ’

Jungyan is looking this way while he keeps rolling his head.

I thought this was the right place to join the meeting, since we're done with the big business.

“Well done, White. ”

“Ah… yes! ”

“I'll see you soon, then. ”

“Yes... yes. ”

I personally like to solve puzzles.

It makes me feel better to have one more piece fitted together.

Even if I don't move, things are already shifting around Castle Rock.

Earl Castlock summoned all the guilds and clan masters within the territory.

I felt like singing excitedly.

Perhaps a similar situation would have occurred if it had exploded in the Holy Empire.

It was the duty of the free folk to fight for the Empire because it was a bit different from the conscription, but as long as they were on foot in the Holy Kingdom.

‘This is a great situation. ’

It's blue to bring an idea that the city is in danger.

To put it simply, even after the wave begins, this side can still be in a good position.

As I took a step into the conference room, I saw Earl Castle and Kim Hyun-seong talking. I was having a serious conversation with him, but I'm honestly glad.


“I'm sure you will. because there's already a lot going on in the forest. ”

“This hasn't happened in decades... ”

As soon as I got caught up in the conversation, I immediately started to look this way.

“Threats don't originally send and come with warnings. And all of a sudden, there's an opening. Nothing bad will come of it. ”

My role is to support and trust Kim Hyun-seong.

Even if things happen suddenly, there are not many people that can be trusted, but the sound coming from the mouth of the Holy Empire Honorary Bishop is also different.

I saw Kim Hyun-seong nodding and expressing his gratitude sitting right next to me.

Kim Hyun-seong, who was once again empowered by my teeth, began to talk. With a snapping voice, it seemed very disturbing to spit out a single word.

“I already told you, there are still signs. And as we went out on this hunt, we saw it with our own eyes. It is remarkably similar to the signs in cities where you have received monster waves. ”


“Strangely quiet, and the ecology of most monsters is abnormal. ”

“I'm sure it is. It's doubtful that they're out of their realm... But I think we should have a meeting and a plan of action for now. ”

“I have some information on how to do that. ”

“Ah, the honorary bishop Lee Young-young. ”

“Of course, there's a manual inside the Castle Rock when things go wrong, but we've got something for you personally. In fact, we've been told that there are signs of anomalies in the Monster Forest since our blue arrival in Castle Rock. ”

“Yes? I didn't hear... ”

Of course you didn't. I didn't even have that news in the first place.

“Rumors spread among the free folk... I understand you haven't been able to reach them, Earl Castle. As a free folk, there's no point in saying this... but there are many people who do not welcome this situation. ”

“I think I understand what you're saying. ”

“Yes. Despite the fact that we live in the Holy Land of the Empire, there are a lot of people who only want to claim freedom and not be held accountable for their duties and rights. No, most of the time. Some of the free folk are not very happy about this conscription. Why should we fight for Castellac? There must be some people who think, ”

“ ……. ”

“Most of them are runaways when the wave suddenly starts. ”

What you just said is not a lie.

I can assure you there are some who will flee when the monsters arrive.

Earl Castle is not an idiot, so he understands what I'm saying.

“We need to declare martial law and seal the gates immediately. It's not the summoning that ends. It's right to organize the troops and wait in the exhibition system. ”

‘The auction house bastards shouldn't leave. ’

We must never let them and their belongings out there.

‘That's all the money... ’

In addition, those bastards who are trying to get away from this opportunity should also be stopped from this side.

“Though I'm afraid it will create anxiety for the residents... it makes sense. ”

“It's right to have some anxiety. No, we need to be nervous. ”

Before I finished talking, the crowds crawled into the meeting room.

All the free folk who have seen their faces at least once. They met through the introduction of Song Jong-wook, a small rock, and have met each other personally since then.

Earl Castle doesn't seem to like them very much, considering what I just said.

“You may take your seat. ”

“Yes, Earl. ”

“It's been a long time, Earl Castle. ”


Although we are greeting one by one, this is not a social church.

Guild Masters or Clan Masters are sitting in a slightly heavier atmosphere with their expressions shifting.

Song Jeong-wook started looking at this side as if what was going on.

Wave your hand with a little smile and start laughing like a fool.

It seemed funny to me that I thought something could fall from the Congo.

As the honorary bishop of the Holy Empire, you already know that this is an acquaintance of Earl Casterlock, so you are relieved that whatever happens to you remains close to me.


We don't know if it's fast or slow.

You know the incident happened, but you don't seem to think about what your treatment will be.

I also sat close to Kim Hyunsung, and a little while later Earl Castle opened his mouth quietly.

A situation in which we had a brief conversation, but communicated to some extent what this means.

Whichever choice you make, Earl Casterlock's freedom, but I thought that the father of my child, Marlene, who I see before me, would respect my will to some extent.


If we finish today's meeting after the incident of the monster wave, there will definitely be those who flee Castle Rock on expeditions or trips.

That is unacceptable, even in the position of an Earl who must protect his people. It's reasonable to accept my opinions in many ways.

“From now on, Castle Rock will enter the exhibition system. ”


“I think a monster wave will come in within the next month. While I call for backup in another city, I will have the free folk within Castle Lock integrated with the Lord's troops after I seal off the exits. ”

“All of a sudden... ”

Everyone looks dazed.

In a very sudden situation, several faces began to crumple like poop.

“You mean the monster wave? ”

“That… information from where…. ”

The answer to bullshit is also Kim Hyun-seong.

“This is the information we've been looking at in the blue. ”

“Yup, are you sure? ”

“Yes. I'll talk to you later in the briefing, but this is clear information. ”

As soon as the words of our regretter are finished, song-like sounds pop out from everywhere.

It's no wonder you suddenly started sieging against the monster waves.

Even the inclusion of territory in the fight seemed to give them even more anxiety.


I thought something would go wrong, but the attitude of Earl Castlock was much more robust than I expected, and all the guild masters here became deaf and dumb.

It was at that time that Song Jeong-wook of the small rock opened his mouth.

“Earl Castle. ”

“What's going on? Tiny Rock Guild Master. ”

“I understand that you are maintaining the exhibition system and proclaiming the commandments... but it is a little... ”

“Is there a problem? ”

“It's probably not going to work properly. In the beginning, it was stated that the guild and clan would each act as independent units if a situation similar to the Empire's warfare were to arise. Running in Yeongju Province.... ”

“No. To be precise, Empire law states that we can change the formation of our troops at the discretion of the Supreme Commander. There's nothing wrong with Imperial law. ”

“But…. ”

Other voices started popping up from everywhere.

“At the Supreme Commander's discretion, I'd like you to consider the choice even more just now. I understand that we, too, have to join the threat of being free people in Castle Rock... Perhaps... ”

“It will be difficult to fight alongside the lords of lordship. You mean this?”

“That's not what I meant. I'm just saying, there's a free folk way. Please make a more reasonable choice. ”

“The free folk way... I don't know what you're talking about. What the hell is the free folk way? Is it the way of the free folk to stand before the Empire and survive on their own? ”

“That's not true, Earl. At least I think leading the free folk should be the free folk.... ”

“That's why the Little Rock Master will run the troops himself. That's what I'm saying.”

“That's not it... ”

“If not, something. Little Rock Master. I'm not an idiot. I know why you're in Castle Rock, and I know why you want an independent unit. I know you don't want to give your life for this place. ”

“That's not what I meant. But the situation is.... ”

I feel like I won't yield to both of them.

In fact, it is not a very helpful picture for both of them. The free folk and the empire are symbiotic.

As an Earl, you think you need to have a push-up picture, but it doesn't help to think about the future.

‘If you're too strong, you break it. ’

Even if I didn't like it, I had to find some agreement. It was then that a strange sound came from Earl Castelok's mouth.

“If you think so, I'll leave it to the honorary bishop Lee. ”

This is it!

Of course, it's not a pleasant thing for the free folk of Casterlock.

I was always just a guest.

You also see several guild masters opening their mouths.

“If you're Lee, you're not even from Castle Rock. ”

“This is the concession I can show you. ”

“That would be nice, too. ”

What was a bit surprising was that Song Jeong-wook confirmed it as it is.

When I looked at Song Jeong-wook, I could see his face smiling slightly.

‘This bastard…. ’

It seemed like he was digging a hole hard to find a place to live, but he didn't think it would become his grave.

‘No matter how hard you rub it, you're the front... Jeong Wook... ’

It was already decided.

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