It meant Mu Rulan had probably witnessed her own brother being abducted. That’s why she had rushed and hadn’t gone immediately to the police, preferring to follow them and giving her opponent the chance to control her.

There wouldn’t have been many people around, so she probably wasn’t at her black villa, since she was with her brother. She never brought anyone there – that was somewhere she committed crimes. So the only possibility, half an hour after class ended, was Liu Silan.

During that time, nearly every student who wasn’t participating in club activities had left the school, and so the entrance was likely empty. It was also coincidentally right in the window of the shift change for the security guards that left an approximate ten-minute opening that criminals could take advantage of.

So this message could have been sent up to two hours prior, but because the phone had been flung out the window, the impact might have caused a glitch and delayed the sending of the message.

And just outside the private road to Liu Silan was a fork in the road: the left lead to the city, while the right lead to the outskirts of town.

There wouldn’t be any criminal stupid enough to try and escape into the city where it was crowded with people, so the road taken was likely the one to the right. Translated by The Novelst

As the most famous criminal psychologist in the world, Mo Qianren was truly something.

With hardly any information, he could reason out nearly a perfect crime process and even track their progress.

This was why Mu Rulan, as a psycho, was on high alert when she heard of that occupation.

Who knew that she would one day become friends with the kind of person she feared most.

Lu Zimeng could hardly catch up to Mo Qianren. His driving skills weren’t as good and he nearly lost his friend in the city center, but luckily the direction they were headed was quite clearly Liu Silan High School.

Lu Zimeng was also capable of simple reasoning. Mo Qianren must be looking for Mu Rulan; something had probably happened to her.

Why? The answer was simple. Mo Qianren was only interested in psychopaths and the reason he stayed in K City was Mu Rulan.


On the other hand, Duan Yao waited for a report from Li Mo. The more he heard, the narrower his eyes appeared.

Taishi Niangzi was wide-eyed. “What did you say? Lan Lan left Liu Silan but didn’t arrive home yet and can’t be located in Loulan Court, either? Did you check with the department of transportation? She can’t be found on the surveillance cameras?”

Li Mo shook his head.

“So once president-sama walked out of Liu Silan, she didn’t go to the city but to the other side where there are no surveillance cameras?” Li Shen frowned.

“Why isn’t there any news from the Mu Family? Their child is gone and they don’t notice anything unusual?” Liu Feiyang’s face darkened.

“We still don’t know for sure what has happened,” Li Shen said, looking at his phone. “Why did the president send these numbers? Is it some kind of code? 434… Is it her birth date? This couldn’t be a house number, right? A car plate number?”

Duan Yao didn’t care for the debate. He only knew that he had to quickly ascertain Mu Rulan’s whereabouts: where she was, what she was doing, and whether or not she was safe.

He took out his phone and dialed a number. Li Shen, Taishi Niangzi and the others looked at each other and swallowed.

It looked like their boss was angry. They began to pray that nobody had dared touch Mu Rulan, or else they feared that person would definitely die without his corpse intact!


After driving for over two hours, they finally arrived.

At that time, the sky was already dark. The place was like a wasteland, cluttered by car parts and looking like a junkyard.

“This is the place that Zhou Yaya would mention that was perfect for doing shady things. Damn… she was right. In this kind of place, even if a body rotted and stank, no one would be able to find it.” Jin Biaohu took Mu Rulan as dead already and explained freely.

“Mr. Jin, please return my brother to me,” Mu Rulan said, getting out of the car.

The people there were all drawn to her. They were surprised at the black hair that reached her face, her exquisite face gleaming in the dark and her eyes shining with purity. They suddenly realized that the girl they had plotted to kill in the car was actually very pretty.

“Boss…” Huang Maozai, who had watched her through the binoculars earlier, pulled softly at Jin Biaohu’s clothes and looked lustfully at Mu Rulan.

A gust of cold air blew by and messed up Mu Rulan’s hair, blocking her face. As stiffly as she was holding herself, it made her look very scary for a moment.

Huang Maozai, whose blood had been running hot, immediately shuddered and took a step backwards.

Jin Biaohu’s expression changed. He was traumatized by the events in the hospital.

“Okay, okay, let’s get on with it,” he said, calming down.

He looked at Mu Rulan and went into his own car to bring out the unconscious Mu Rulin. Mu Rulan hurried forward but was prevented.

“You really don’t have any idea what kind of situation you’re in, huh?” Huang Maozao swaggered. Translated by The Novelst

“Get in.” The driver of the van prodded Mu Rulan from behind.

Proofread by: Hannah

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