At the same time. 

The only person staying at Qinghe resort was Liu Mian. 

She woke up from a dead sleep in the middle of the night. She opened the windows, thinking the fresh air would help her sleep, but who would have expected the wind to blow suddenly and violently, like there would be a heavy rain coming soon? 

She went to turn on the lights, but realized the electricity was off. She swore quietly. How could it be that this resort didn’t have backup generators? 

Since the window was right beside her bed, she didn’t need the lights. She stretched out her hand to shut it. Translated by The Novelst

But she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. 

A human figure seemed to be standing in front of her bed, looking at her. 

Lu Mian moved quickly from her bed to inspect it. With the help of the dim light shining through the window, she could only see a flat wall. The wall was brand new and painted white. There wasn’t even a speck of dust on it. 

She let out a sigh of relief, wiping the cold sweat from her forehead. She was probably just imagining things. As she went to pour herself a glass of water, the wind blew again, the beige curtain once again lifted high into the air. 

Liu Mian saw it again, the shadow of a man before her bed, partially obscured. He was in an extremely odd posture, like that of a monster…

The glass fell from her hand and shattered to pieces. She was freaking out. 

However, for a forensic scientist like her who studied for so many years, she naturally didn’t believe in ghosts. She crept closer to the wall, hesitantly stretching out a hand to take a feel. 

Liu Mian was a little afraid, but didn’t believe in ghosts. If something went wrong, it was probably a demon. It could be a misdirection. 

She took out her phone and turned on the flashlight, searching through her belongings. 

She walked to the bed with her swiss army knife in hand. She pressed the tip of the knife into the wall, destroying the outer layer of white plaster and then the cement. Though the swiss knife was sharp, it wasn’t so sharp it could destroy the innermost layers of cement. 

Liu Mian’s heart was racing and her face was pale. 

She suspected that someone had hidden a corpse inside the walls of her room, and that the corpse had begun to melt by itself, resulting in oils being printed to the wall.

Liu Mian was a forensic scientist – and estimating time of death by looking at the status of the corpse was one of her most important tasks. A corpse, kept in a special environment, would rot to the point it melted. With that knowledge, the time of death of this corpse was likely half a year ago or even longer.

Liu Mian felt her scalp tingle. More than half a year… It hadn’t even been two months since this house was built. This house was built from the ground up and had taken less than three months, and yet there was a dead body in the walls that had been dead for over half a year…


The next day.

Mu Rulan changed her school uniform and sat in the car with her brothers. 

Mu Rulin was seated near the window. Just as the car began to move, he saw an unfamiliar car stop in front of their house. A young man got off the car. 

Mu Rulin squinted. That person looked familiar…

Lan Binglin was in his Ziyuan uniform, sitting across Ke Wanqing. 

“Sorry to visit so early in the morning. For the sake of our families, though, I believe Madam Mu you wouldn’t mind this.”

Ke Wanqing’s expression was serious. Translated by The Novelst

“You mean you want me to withdraw from the lawsuit with the Jin and Zhou families regarding their attempts to murder my daughter?” Ke Wanqing valiantly tried to keep her calm, but she couldn’t find it shocking, becoming angry. 

If she withdrew, Jin Biaohu and Zhou Yaya would be released from prison. Though Mayor Zhou, despite breaking the laws even though he knew them so well, wouldn’t be released so easily – but he would still get off with at least losing his position and locked up for a token amount of time! 

“I believe I’ve explained it very clearly. This is for the sake of the two families. Don’t you think that rather than allowing the Jin and Zhou families to just collapse like this, it’s better for our families to divide and conquer? You know how much the Jin Family can earn with the Qinghe Resort each year, and how much Hua Fang’s company profits each year.

“If you sue them to the end, their assets and properties will all be confiscated. You’ll feel good, but other than that there’s nothing else to gain from it,” Lan Binglin said, speaking clearly with confidence. 

He refused to believe that the Ke Wanqing that looked at profit above anything else would disagree with this offer. And critically, the Mu Family situation right now was shaky. 

A hint of desire flared in Ke Wanqing’s eyes and she held her cup tightly. She had to admit that what he was proposing was very tempting. 

If she thought logically, what Lan Binglin was saying made sense. Instead of letting Jin Biaohu and Zhou Yaya rot in prison, where they would be released anyways after a few years because their murder was not successful, this was an alternative. 

Cooperating with Lan Binglin and engineering a takeover of their companies would result in a very poor life for them. Wasn’t that a better, more painful punishment compared to simply sitting in jail? 

If she explained this to Mu Rulan, she would definitely understand. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to stand up for her daughter, but rather taking another route to maximize their suffering!

Ke Wanqing continued to find more excuses for herself. When Lan Binglin brought out a cooperation agreement, she hesitated for a while before signing it. 

Looking at Ke Wanqing’s signature, a suspicious smile crossed Lan Binglin’s face. 

Ah, having such a mother, Lan Binglin was confident that the person in front of him would definitely go as far as selling out her daughter if one day the Mu Family was caught in a disaster. 

But that was fine too. It seemed that things would be easier than predicted, and there would be more ways for him to obtain Mu Rulan.

Proofread by: Hanna

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