At this moment, thousands of broken swords flew out, and finally they condensed in Su Yun's hands and turned into a brand new sword!

What is the sword?

Everything can be a sword.

Control the swordsmanship with the way of returning to the world, and the sword will condense thousands of long swords, and you can incarnate into a peerless swordsman.

"This sword will save you into reincarnation!"


chi chi~

A sword cold light shakes the sky, and is shocked to feel the ancient wilderness!

At this moment, those sword cultivators who were still in the ancient wilderness turned their heads in horror, as if they had noticed.

"Reincarnation Sword Intent!"

Xia Ziyan looked surprised.

"This white-robed Rakshasa is actually a swordsman?"

Ying'er was also puzzled, because she had never seen Su Yun use a sword.

After all, everyone who dared to provoke forward was slapped to death by Su Yun.

At this moment, the endless sword intent falls, and the sword intent is integrated with the reincarnation, and the power is even greater.

Rao was deliberately controlled by Su Yun, but when this sword fell, it immediately annihilated the Buddha's sound, and the Buddha's intention collapsed!

Wuhui Bodhisattva was shocked, his face was calm, and he hurriedly waved his cassock to resist.

"Wanfo Chaoyuan - Town!"

A phantom of the Buddha statues condensed and suppressed it towards the monstrous sword glow.

Boom boom boom! ! !

"Back, back, back!"

With a single blow, the fierce sword intent spread, and everyone was shocked to withdraw thousands of miles away.

Rao is the stability of the space on this ancient road, and at this moment, a huge crack was cut by the sword intent.

Under the reincarnation sword intent, every sword enters reincarnation!

chi chi~~

Buddha statue collapsed.


Wuhui Bodhisattva exclaimed, and was swept away by this sword intent in an instant, his golden body was destroyed, and his soul was pulled into the endless cycle of reincarnation.

In vain, the cassock bloomed with golden light, and in the golden light, a phantom of the Buddha appeared.

The Buddha opened his eyes, reached out and grabbed the reincarnation space, and the soul of Wuhui Bodhisattva was forcibly taken out.

Everyone was surprised.

"Living Buddha!!"

What is Buddha?

It is beyond the level of a bodhisattva, stepping into the realm of a Buddha, and the strength is equivalent to the realm of virtual gods.

And now this Buddha is the living Buddha of Leiyin Temple. He is so powerful that he can forcibly intervene in the ancient path and rescue Wuhui.

Of course, the key to doing this is the cassock.


At the moment when the Buddha appeared, terrifying thunderclouds condensed over the entire ancient wilderness.

It was as if the will of the ancient way felt the wrath of the Buddha's presence.

The ancient road only needs to be entered at the level of the False God. This rule is set and cannot be changed, unless you have the ability to defy the sky and can destroy the will of this ancient road.

At this moment, the thunder was surging, and a terrifying thunderbolt fell directly.


The thunder and lightning fell on the Buddha, which was blocked by the Buddha's light released by the latter.

· · · Flowers · · ·

But soon, there was another more terrifying thunder and lightning condensation.

The Buddha also changed his face.


As soon as the voice fell, a cold voice resounded.

"Let's go? It's beautiful to think about."

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