The train starts slowly. Han Jing waves to Gaoyuan with tears in her eyes. Gaoyuan can't help but be moved. She waves her arms hard and feels her eyes wet.

"Well, handsome, don't look. The train has gone far." Wang Qiong's sweet voice came from her ear.

Gao Yuan looked back and said with a shy smile: "let's go! I'll take you back. "

Wang Qiong naturally took Gao Yuan's arm and said with a smile, "go back? Handsome guy, you won't just thank me, will you

"Thank you?" Gao Yuan a stay, he really don't understand this beauty and what is worthy of thanks.

Wang Qiong opened her eyes wide and said, "I helped your wife carry three or four bags just now. You have to show it Gaoyuan suddenly realized that the three or four tonic bags just now were really taken by beautiful women. Those things will always be five or six Jin! It's hard work.

Gao Yuan nodded and said seriously, "thank you. How can I thank you?"

"Treat me to dinner!" Wang Qiong took his arm, as if a Xiaoqing person was throwing a girl Joe in front of her husband.

"No problem. It's easy. Let's go back to the dormitory and call the other two beauties

Gaoyuan walked a few steps and found that the beauty didn't follow. Looking back, she was standing there pouting, as if she owed her several hundred yuan. "What's the matter, beauty?" he asked

"You can't ask for it alone if people help you so much." The beauty seems very unhappy.

"Good! Alone, please. Let's go Gaoyuan has no choice but to say that he has seen the beauty scratching. Later, in case he can't control herself, he will be really sorry for the party.

Wang Qiong was very happy. She went up to take Gao Yuan's arm and rubbed it against his arm intentionally or unconsciously. Gaoyuan felt that his younger brother had begun to rise. He said silently: "color is emptiness, emptiness is color. In fact, your color is emptiness, and your emptiness is the real color. So it's better for men to be a little bit more colorful. "

Two people into a seafood restaurant, Gaoyuan want to eat even in the hall, but the beauty must have a single room.

This single room is not very big. It's suitable for sunny people's tryst. As soon as she entered the room, Wang Qiong said it was hot. She put down her satchel and untied the two buttons of her skirt, revealing a shallow ditch.

Gaoyuan's younger brother jumps very hard, and is about to say a few words of Buddha to calm him down, but the beauty turns slightly in front of him, and then says to him with charming eyebrows: "Gaoyuan, do you think my skirt looks good?"

Gao Yuan only noticed that the snow-white jade under the skirt was retreating. How could Xin Qing look at his skirt and stammer: "Well! It's not bad. You're beautiful. You look good in whatever you wear. "

The beautiful woman smiles happily, like a blooming rose, which makes her dizzy.

Wang Qiong moved a chair, sat on the side of the high, held her face in her hand, and asked in a low voice, "handsome boy! Are you in love for the first time? "

"The first time? How can it be! As handsome as I am, how could it be the first time. " Gao Yuan said absently. From time to time, however, his eyes looked at yuehun, who was open to the beauty.

The beauty seemed to be curious. She put down the jade hand holding her face and asked mysteriously, "have you ever had that one?"

From this point of view, he happened to see the beauty's deep yuexionggou. Even though Gaoyuan thought he was very upright, he still "accidentally" looked at it and then stammered: "what's that?"

"That's, that's, that's Aiai!" Beauty has something to say.

"No, no, I haven't got that kind of relationship with Han Jing." Gao Yuan doesn't want to bring any negative influence to Han Jing.

"Yes? Han Jing is a beautiful woman! Don't miss it! This kind of thing is man's initiative, handsome boy, you need to refuel! "

"Men take the initiative"? You don't mean now! Gaoyuan in the heart of the valley less hope higher and higher, the original beauty is also so exciting.

Two people were talking when the waiter came in. The efficiency of this hotel is really high. Four dishes are served all at once, and there are several bottles of red wine.

Seeing that the service had gone out, Wang Qiong went to lock the door of the room and came back with a shake. "I hate being disturbed when I eat," she said. It's better to be quiet. "

Gao Yuan, noncommittal and smiling, poured the red wine into their glasses and said, "beauty, thank you very much today! I'll give you a drink on behalf of Han Jing first. Let's dry it!"

Beauty day love day not to look at Gao Yuan, very elegantly put the cup in the mouth, gently sipped a small mouth, that moist wooden baby lips suddenly appear more charming, Gao Yuan saw all heart.

Just ate a few mouthfuls, the beauty pointed to the piece of shrimp, and said: "I want to eat that!"

Gao Yuan, you can see that the shrimp is not far away from her. This table is not big, so the beauty should be able to get there! But now that they have said so, they have to give them face. He put a prawn on Wang Qiong's plate. Wang Qiong pouted and turned her eyes to other places."Why not?" Gao Yuan asked curiously.

The beauty said, "if you're not a gentleman, you don't know I'm a beauty! How can a beautiful woman peel shrimp by herself? "

Gao Yuan nodded, peeled off the shrimp shell with his hands and chopsticks, and then put it into the beautiful woman's plate with chopsticks. But the beautiful woman had closed her eyes and opened her lips. Gaoyuan had to send the shrimp to her mouth.

The beautiful woman gently held the shrimp, and did not forget to suck the chopsticks. She opened her eyes and looked at him with a charming eyebrow. Gao Yuan came back with the chopsticks and held them in her mouth again.

Wang Qiong laughed like a flower, and the girl said in a voice, "thank you! That's a gentleman Then he picked up his glass and said to Gao Yuan, "handsome boy! I'll give you a toast. You have to finish it

"No! If you drink too much red wine, you will get drunk. But if you finish, I'll do it. " Gao Yuan said.

"You hate it! They are girls! How bad it is to be drunk! I'll have a little and a half. What did you do? " Beauty white a look at him, SA Nu Qiao like tunnel.

All right! Gao Yuan took up the wine glass and poured the red wine into his mouth. Watching him finish drinking, the beauty took her glass and sipped it in her mouth. Just drank a little, the beauty seems to choke, cough up, and the glass of wine sprinkled on the skirt collar. The beauty put down her wine glass, picked up a napkin and wiped her clothes. At the same time, she said: "Oh, I'm so sorry! My skirt is all wet. " Then he opened the neckline gently and wiped it with napkin on his own moon Hun ditch.

From this point of view, Gao Yuan has already seen the beauty's deep moon Hun Valley, and even the light blue moon Hun is exposed. A small piece of rice dividend is looming in the open place of the moon Hun. Gaoyuan felt that his nose was a little itchy. He felt relieved for a while, but the wound itched last time, and there was no nosebleed. He was secretly glad.

Finally, the beauty stopped her action. Gao Yuan quickly took back her eyes and sat upright. She looked like a gentleman, very dignified. Beauty looked at men, female Joe said: "Gaoyuan, you help me with the glass, I'll check the table."

Gao Yuan stood up and said, "I'll do it. You can hold the glass." He leaned over to look at the table with a napkin, but the beauty just stood up from the stool and didn't walk away. The two people were very close to each other, and Gao Yuan always "accidentally" met the beauty Xihe yuexiong.

Wang Qiong didn't seem to know. She stood there quietly and looked at him. The table was clean.

As soon as she sat down, the beauty picked up a piece of fish and carefully handed it to Gao Yuan's mouth: "handsome man, thank you just now, this fish is for you!"

"Thank you, beauty. It's delicious!" Gao Yuan said while chewing the fish in his mouth.

Wang Qiong giggled: "beauty's food, of course, is delicious. I don't want to give you any more."

See Gao Yuan nodded, beauty and clip a piece of fish, the above fishbone with teeth pick out, and then sent to Gao Yuan's mouth. Gao Yuan's little brother is so uncomfortable in his pants, alas! Yesterday fine beauty, today fine beauty fine, retribution is really come too fast.

"Handsome boy, talk about your girlfriend before Han Jing!" Wang Qiong never gave up on this topic.

"About what, about which? I've got so many girls, some of them are forgetting their names! " Gao Yuan boasted.

"Wow! Really? Handsome boy, you are so powerful! Tell me, how far have you and those girls developed? " Wang Qiong held her cheeks in her hands and looked serious.

"What's the point! This is not easy to say! You are a girl Gao Yuan's face is full of questions. Now he's willing to give up. I'm afraid that women can't succeed, so I'll ask you to look at my methods.

The beautiful woman reached out her hand and clawed her high arm. She shook her hand and said, "handsome boy, tell me about it! People are very curious!"

Looking at Wang Qiong's scratching, Gao Yuan's expectation of Gu is even higher. He drinks a mouthful of red wine, puts down his glass, and Gu Yue says, "when I was a child, I don't want to talk about it, but I don't know how to do it. Tell me about the one I was 17 years old! "

"You've been cheating girls since you were seventeen!" Wang qiongnu Qiao Sheng said.

"What is deception? It's Liang Xiang Qing Yuan. At that time, I was still in high school. A girl in our liberal arts class next door was so beautiful that I began to chase her. In a few days, she promised to be my girlfriend. "

"How powerful you are! Chasing girls so fast. " Wang Qiong exclaimed.

"That's right. We don't know anything about it. We just hug or kiss secretly. Then one Saturday afternoon, we had nothing to do, so I went to watch the video, and she agreed. I knew that the small video hall would play some yellow videos in the afternoon, and we came out before we finished watching them. Later, I sent her home, and there was no one in her house, so we did it secretly in her bedroom. "

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