The face of MI fennen was right in front of him. Gao Yuan's heart beat faster and stronger. He didn't notice what the beautiful woman said in her lips. Seeing her hiding, Gao Yuan grabbed the beautiful woman's fragrant shoulder and put a big mouth on her white and fragrant face.

Zhao qianning fell into the man's arms, and her hands tried to push away the arm that held her. Before exerting force, I felt that the hot lips actually contained my earlobe. Xihe felt itchy. In an instant, I felt dizzy and lost myself in the arms of a man.

An ignorant girl, though savage, cheerful, naughty and lively. But there is Gao Yuan, the experienced se Lang's opponent. In less than a minute, the beautiful woman in her arms had already gasped and hissed, her face turned red, and the baby's lips kept singing.

Beauty drunk blurred, the whole person collapsed in the man's arms, long forgotten just kiss the agreement. When he was intoxicated, suddenly the hot lips left his ears and moved to his lips along his fragrant cheeks. He was just a little sober and wanted to push the man's arm away, but the big mouth was printed on his wooden baby's lips, and the clever and wet tongue was already on his white teeth.

Zhao Qian clenched her teeth tightly. She didn't know how to cooperate with men. She just felt that the tongue was licking around her lips, itching to laugh. Just about to laugh, suddenly a big hand on his soft, hard pinch down.

"Ah! Sobbing. " The beautiful woman opened her mouth and called out, but as soon as she made a sound, her tongue knocked open and her white teeth came in, stirring in her mouth skillfully.

Is this kissing? How strange it feels! The beauty thought dully. When the dexterous one touched her fragrant tongue, she suddenly felt comfortable, and felt the two people's hearts were connecting. Finally, two tongues skillfully entangled together, mutual Mu Mu convey the sweetest love in the heart.

The man wants to reach into the girl's clothes to make more intimate contact, but just met her Wen yuexiong, he was stopped by a jade hand. The tongue was bitten quickly, and the beautiful woman came out of his arms in his hesitation.

"How can you do that?" Qianqian is shy and doesn't dare to look up at the bad man.

"The barbarian princess is so beautiful when she is shy!" Gao Yuan can't help but want to hold her in his arms again.

Zhao Qian dodged, looked up at her and whispered, "no, you big liar, you were not the first kiss. I was cheated by you. "

"Qianqian, I didn't lie to you? This is our first kiss! It's not like other people anymore Gao Yuan explained.

"Hum, I don't care if I believe it. Anyway, I gave you my first kiss. You are responsible for me!" Beauty is becoming savage again.

"Responsible again? Well, what do you want me to do? " Gaoyuan has no choice but to go underground.

"I want you to break up with Lin nvqiao and Xu Fei, and be alone with me!"

Oh, my God? Many beauties have gone to bed with me, but they don't say that. It's cruel for you to give a kiss and make such harsh conditions.

Seeing that Gao Yuan didn't speak, Zhao Qian was a little angry. She pouted and said, "I know you are just playing with me. I can see through you. That kiss just now is your reward for saving my life. In the future, neither of us owes anyone, and you don't have to pay attention to me. We have nothing to do with each other in the future. "

"No!" Gao Yuan has a big mouth and is extremely surprised.

"I almost died then, beauty. It's unfair of you! What's more, we just agreed that I would give you necklaces and Earrings after a kiss. Why don't you admit it in the twinkling of an eye? "

"It was just a kiss, and a kiss on the face. But you said, "the beautiful woman's voice is getting smaller and smaller. At last, I can't hear her at all.

Gao Yuan cheekily said: "Qianqian, if I only kiss your face just now, do you think I'm too useless or you're too ugly! You know men have no self-control in front of beautiful women, especially beautiful girls like you. In front of your beauty, I feel I can't control myself at all. Really, Qianqian, you are so beautiful

"I hate it There was a smile on Qianqian's face. In a twinkling of an eye, she widened her eyes again. She said savagely, "don't cheat me with nice things. I don't want to do that."

"Qianqian, how can I cheat you! I'm really moved! " Anyway, if it sounds good, you don't need money. Gao Yuan never mind telling her what she really thinks.

Zhao Qian glanced at him and obviously didn't believe what he said. Then she changed her mind and said with big eyes: "a man can keep his word, and an old sow can go up the tree. I don't believe what you said. I'm asking for compensation now. You must give me a better gift later. Anyway, it can't be cheaper than Xu Fei's jewel necklace. "

Man a listen to this, immediately a little silly eyes: faint, there is a kiss mouth to 100000 yuan! If you're going to a bar for a girl, you can get a platoon for 100000 yuan. That's what it's called. It's like now!Thinking of this, he said depressed: "Qianqian, shall we discuss it?"

"What to discuss?" The beauty looked at him and said.

"This, this! This is just a kiss. You want me to pay you 100000 yuan to buy things. Isn't it too expensive? You see, if I go to a bar or hotel to find my little sister, I can play for a month or two for 100000 yuan. "

"Stinking exile, what do you think I am? Can those ladies on the stage compare with me? Say that again, and I'll break up with you! "

"Oh! Beauty, don't be angry! Let's discuss this. You can give 50% discount and 50 thousand kisses. In this way, I'll buy you a necklace of 100 thousand, and you'll have to let me kiss again. How about it? " Gao Yuan said while standing up with his nose.

"Don't come here. I'll tell you, I've practiced Jeet kune do. Come here and I'll kill you!" The beauty said in a stern voice.

"Qianqian, don't be so unruly! Anyway, I've just had a kiss, so you can follow me! ——Ouch

"Tell you to fine tune Miss Ben, hum! ——? Are you okay? Are you OK? How come the sweat on your face comes out? I just got there. Show me

"Yes! Good Gao Yuan grinned.

"Serang, what do you want to take with you?"

"I just kicked my little brother. Didn't you say you wanted to see it? ——Stop kicking. - ah

"You stand up? What's going on? Don't you scare me? ——Exile, how can you take Jieyue with you? "

"I'm kicking my little brother again. I'll watch the head office myself this time! ——Ouch

"Handsome, don't you lie down? Stand up

"Call 120 quickly. I can't stand it. Let the doctor have a look this time."

In a hospital, a male doctor in his fifties was watching a fluoroscopy very carefully.

"Well, doctor? It shouldn't be a big deal! I feel much better now! " Gao Yuan asked carefully.

The old man shook his head and said: "no, young man, your accident is very serious. I'm afraid you can't live any more! Do you want to mourn

"What? Doctor, no! I didn't have an accident, did I? Would you like to have a look again? " Gao Yuan's face is white, almost kneel down to the doctor!

"No accident? Aren't you that Wang Baoqiang? " Asked the old doctor in surprise.

"Doctor, my name is Gao Yuan."

"Oh! Sorry, I took the wrong film! "

"I copy!"

Gao Yuan is lying in bed with a pen and a mobile phone to calculate his current assets. He won the lottery and got 28 million yuan (after tax). Wang Jin and his son gave him 3 million yuan and the rich won 1 million yuan in gambling. So he once had a total of 32 million yuan. One million yuan for my father, plus more than 400000 yuan for buying gifts for beauties and nearly 250000 yuan for Han Jing. This time, I was hospitalized and reimbursed 400000 yuan for Lin's daughter Qiao Xufei. Today, Zhao Qian spent 150000 yuan for herself, plus 2.5 million yuan for her unintentional consumption. Hehe, another 250!

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