"Tell me if you have a relationship with the door in the jewelry counter, the most beautiful one who has not talked much." Ye Junyao asked cunningly.

"What do you mean to have a refund in January! Beauty, can you speak better. Even if it's true, you can't say no, not to mention we have nothing! I don't know why you are so gossipy. "

"Come on, don't ask me who I am. I tell you that my life experience is much more complicated than you. As far as that girl is concerned, I know that her heart is not good today. Her appearance betrays her, and her calm appearance conceals her complicated heart. It is reasonable to say that since it is a friend who comes to support us, we should show that she is hot and sunny in any case. Even if it is a secret love, we should cover it up in front of other people's girlfriends. Look at the beautiful girl today, she is standing there in a Daze! Doesn't that mean anything? " Ye Junyao seems to have some truth.

"What a mess! Eat quickly! Again, my relationship with that girl is pure. Don't you see that people have boyfriends! I'll be in trouble if you spread your nonsense

"Don't change the subject for me. I'll tell you that you can't play tricks in front of me in the future. I'm in charge of you! Boy, be honest! Cluck! Cluck The beauty didn't know why she laughed.

"Handle, I'm tall and upright. I don't believe you have anything to do with me! "

"Yes? Hehe, you should be careful! If you offended me that day, I will publish your secret. Ha ha

Why is she so excited today? Do you really have a handle on me? Nah! I really can't remember that it was too much. The girls I've worked with, from Han Jing and Wang Qiong to Liu Yan, Ouyang Wenqing and my granddaughter, are all from school! She couldn't have known. Maybe she doesn't know? Is it Zhao Qian? Zhao Qian told ye Junyao about our private affairs? okay! stand a good chance. Gao Yuan is eating and thinking.

"What's the matter? There's pressure! Ha ha, listen to me well in the future, and do what you want me to do, you know! "

Gao Yuan was about to speak when his mobile phone suddenly rang. When he took it out, it turned out to be taxi driver Yang Yong's. What does he want from me?

"Hello! Brother Yong, are you looking for me? What's the matter? "

"Brother Gao Yuan, are you busy now? I have something to ask you for help! You see, "Yang Yong seems to be in trouble. He is very quick and nervous.

"It's OK, brother Yong, just say it! Is it inconvenient on the phone

"No, not this one. I just want to borrow some money from you. One of my colleagues has a problem, and we can't raise so much money all at once. I know you may be a little rich. Can you find a way to borrow some money for us. If it's really inconvenient, let's do something about it. "

"Brother Yong, talk about it! How much is it? "

"About fifty thousand! We'll figure out the rest. Do you think so? "

"Brother Yong, you don't have much money. Are you in any big trouble there! Do you want me to come over

"Alas! It's a little bit of trouble, otherwise I don't want to trouble you. It's not clear on the phone. If you really don't have anything to do, come here, or I'll find someone to pick you up? "

"No, I have a car. Please tell me the address! I'll be right there

"At the intersection of the Fourth Ring Road and Hongqi Road, just call me when you come."

"What's the matter? Are you in trouble? It's so urgent. " Ye Junyao saw Gao Yuan Hang up the phone and asked.

"A friend has something to do with it. Let's eat it quickly. After eating, we'll go over."

"You have so many friends there, how can you accompany me to go shopping and meet so many people! I can't stand you! " Beauty is very depressed, but still speed up the pace of eating.

Yongge stands anxiously at the crossroads and looks around. Soon after, a Cadillac stops in front of him. He can't help but be stunned. It was not until I saw Gao Yuan come out from the inside that I was relieved.

"What happened to brother Yong? I'm going to call you. You're standing here waiting for me. What's the matter Gao Yuan asked.

Yang Yong looked at the beauty in the car, quietly pulled Gao Yuan aside and said in a low voice, "I won't hide it from you now. It's like this. One of my colleagues had a car crash just now. They all blame him for his tired driving. Everyone was sleepy and refused to rest. As a result, he hit a Bentley parked on the side of the road. Although he only damaged a tail light and made a bit of fuss, his car is Bentley. It's millions! He'll pay 300000 for everything he says. My colleague's home is not good at all. If this matter passes through the traffic bureau or the Public Security Bureau, he may lose his job. It's not allowed to be private. We'll sit in the hotel and talk about it! Alas

"Tired driving! A taxi driver shouldn't be like this! He's not responsible for himself, he's responsible for the passengers, right? I think it's right to punish some money for a long lesson

Yang Yongchao looked around and saw that no one really heard their conversation. Then he said in a low voice, "brother, I don't want to say something. Maybe you don't want to believe it. But when it comes to this, I won't tell lies. I hope you can help him, whether you are mumuxin or not! Even if he doesn't have money for you in the future, I will raise money with my colleagues to pay you back. ""Brother Yong, you said there. Can't I believe you? Don't be so raw. " Gao Yuan said sincerely.

"Alas! Maybe you don't believe it! My colleague's name is Zheng Dongbo. He used to be a very nice young man. In those years, he found a beautiful wife, which made many young people in the company jealous. He works in a rental company. His wife is a cashier in a small company. The couple have a good life. But since having children, life is not as good as it used to be. It's still born with a congenital disease, which is very difficult to treat. Doctors tell them that it's better to let the child die naturally. But his wife couldn't bear to be raised like this. It's a strange disease. It's no different from normal children when they don't get sick. However, once they get sick, they have to be hospitalized. They are in danger of death at any time. Watching the child grow up, they are even more reluctant to have a child. It costs a lot of money to stay in hospital every time. They not only spend all the money they have accumulated over the years, but also sell the house. Now a family of three lives in a poor suburban bungalow, and that bungalow will be demolished soon. Alas! Women lost their jobs because of taking care of their children. Men have to work hard to rent all day long. But if people are unlucky, they will be crammed with cold water! Do you know how many things have happened to him in the past three years? More than 40 times, every time I kneel down to beg for mercy! After a few years, in addition to the treatment of children, the rest of the money has been paid to others.

Wife is a good man, but no matter how good a man is, he can't stand such a toss! But I had to, alas! I had to go to a bar or a nightclub to sit on the stage. At the beginning, I was able to pick up a lot of guests. But think about it, she sat alone at night and had to take care of her children during the day. Before long, she collapsed and became ugly. Later, I couldn't do it any more, so I had to receive those abnormal guests. I was tortured and got sick. Now I can only stay at home. Even the God of rice has a problem. My colleague can only work hard to make money every day. Last year, it was hard to say that the child was not ill and could save some money to pay off the debt. Who knew such a thing happened just after the new year. The boss of the company has said for a long time that he will be fired if he has another accident, so I dare not say anything to the company this time. A few of our colleagues rushed to help, but none of us could afford so much money. I just thought of calling you to see if you can help! "

After listening to Yang Yong's words, Gao Yuan felt very sad and moved. He said softly: "brother Yong, don't worry. It's up to me. Take me there

Two people followed Yang Yong into a private room of a hotel. There was a lot of noise in the room, both male and female voices. When the three people came in, the room immediately quieted down, so my eyes looked over.

"Wang Ziyun?" Gao Yuan recognized the most outstanding Wang Ziyun among several girls. How could she get involved in this kind of thing?

Wang Ziyun didn't recognize Gao Yuan at all. When several girls sitting with her saw a driver leading two young people in, they were all in a daze. The man was so handsome and stylish, with his clothes, temperament and figure. A few beauties are waiting to see, and they have met many handsome men. But it's the first time for such a domineering, calm and handsome man to see him. My God, why don't we have the chance to meet such a handsome man when we grow up in Nanjing?

Of course, Wang Ziyun is not so vulgar, but she was shocked by the man's temperament. Although she felt familiar, she didn't dare to think that this man was Gao Yuan, because Gao Yuan she met before was a young student. Although she was calm, she still couldn't give up the student spirit of Yue Du. And the man in front of him is a very talented person? How could he know me?

"Who are you?" Wang Ziyun stood up and said in surprise.

"Ziyun, am I Gao Yuan? How is Uncle Wang? " The man said very calmly.

"No! You are Gao Yuan. How can I? "A girl beside her excitedly tugged at her clothes. That girl was very excited to have a chance to meet a handsome guy in the future.

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