The glass in front of Gaoyuan is gone, and a lot of glass debris has fallen from his hair. Blood has been flowing from his head. The man in the back is very fierce, so fierce that he is not normal. He almost never hits a target twice, and basically hits the target with a single bow. The people in the two opposite cars have been killed by him. And Ziyun also held a pistol in his hand, making a very "heroic" posture.

Even the impact belt ran out of the gap between the two cars, Gaoyuan frantically stepped on the accelerator, there are many people running on both sides of the road, one by one panic, it seems that it is not much better than Gaoyuan Xinqing.

The gunfire gradually faded down, and the car was out of the small city at this time. The three people could breathe a sigh of relief for a moment, because they didn't have to worry about the sudden appearance of Zi Gong Dan. The driving speed of Gaoyuan didn't decrease at all, and I couldn't see the direction any more. Go straight along the road.

"I'll wrap it up for you." Beauty put down her gun and tore a little cloth from her body to bandage Gao Yuan's arm!

"I didn't expect that what I could only see on TV would happen to me!" Gao Yuan can't help sighing!

The man in the back only looks around and doesn't care what they are talking about. They are the real "power faction". So far, Gao Yuan hasn't seen anyone excited.

"The danger is not over yet. Don't relax your vigilance. It's almost evening now. The enemy is more dangerous in the dark than in the daytime!" The man behind said coldly.

Ziyun hesitated for a moment and said to Gaoyuan, "this plan has failed again. We don't know where the problem is. Now we can't contact them again. If we can go back to Baghdad, we'll go back home. "

Gao Yuan nodded and was deeply moved by this answer. He was just an ordinary man, and he was afraid of death. He didn't enjoy his good youth, so it was not worth dying in a foreign land.

The sky is gradually dim down, the car has been moving forward, fewer and fewer cars on the road. Now it's going in the opposite direction of Baghdad. The farther it goes, the farther it gets. But Gao Yuan still dare not stop. If the man behind doesn't speak, he won't ask.

Ziyun couldn't help but ask which man back: "where are we going?"

"I don't know!" The man's words let Gao Yuan and Ziyun almost vomit blood, now the GPS navigation in the car has broken down, three people don't know the way! Even the southeast and northwest are indistinguishable.

Gaoyuan has slowed down the speed. It's better to do less things that are different from each other! If there is not enough fuel in the car, three people can only walk back. Now it is about 400 kilometers away from Baghdad. It will take at least two days to walk back! It's killing him.

"Why stop?" The man said without any expression.

"It's convenient for me!" This is a very good reason. No one else can have any opinions. See Gaoyuan get off the car, Ziyun and the man also came down, they both have guns, it seems that they are ready to guard Gaoyuan. This made him feel embarrassed.

Just after the convenience, Gao Yuan was about to turn around and get on the bus when he heard a low roar from the distance! Aircraft? The three men were alert at the same time. Now it's dark. Because of the clouds, it's dark around. The visual distance is less than 50 meters.

"Get in the car!" Gaoyuan shouts, turns around and wants to pull Ziyun to walk together. At this time, a hard stone and something Ding page is on the back of his head. It's a gun. You don't have to ask. It's an automatic rifle in a man's hand. Gao Yuan raised his hand in horror. He didn't know why such an accident happened. Everything was unknown. He could more thoroughly understand what Ziyun said: don't trust anyone!

"Get in the car yourself!" The man's voice has no sense of sunny color, hear in the ear let a person feel afraid cloth.

"You, OK!" Gao Yuan knew that he had no capital to negotiate. At this time, his life was in the hands of others. He was convinced that if he hesitated, the man would pull the trigger.

"Gao Yuan," Ziyun finally spoke. Gao Yuan heard that she had already cried, but he did not dare to look back.

"I know, you don't have to say, I don't hate you! If you return to Nanjing, remember to tell Wang Qiong to give my letter to Bai Xue and them! Say for me, I'm sorry! I'm leaving. Take care of yourself! " Gao Yuan said and bowed his head to the SUV.

"My friend, please don't blame me. You are not my first guarantor. If the three of us are going to die again, you are the first, I am the second and she is the third! There is also an automatic rifle in the car, hundreds of bows, driving straight ahead, there is a mountain in front, if you can enter the mountain, you will be much safer! Remember: it's all on your own. I mu believe that you can or return to a man said, pulling Ziyun toward the bushes next to.

Ziyun took two steps, suddenly stopped, cried and whispered: "Gaoyuan, I love you!"

Gaoyuan didn't seem to hear it. He quickly got into the car and drove away.

The roar of the plane is getting louder and louder, but I haven't heard the gunshot all the time. Gao Yuan thinks maybe Ziyun is safe! But he didn't want to relax at all. He stepped on the gas and went ahead!

After running dozens of miles, you can already see the lights from helicopters. There are as many as three helicopters. It seems that I am really going to die in a foreign land this I can't just give up. I still have a lot of debts to pay off. The girls I hurt, my parents and the people who helped me! Thinking of this, he stepped on the accelerator harder and increased the speed of the SUV to the limit.

There are mountains! There are mountains! The man didn't cheat himself. Gaoyuan's heart lit up the hope of survival. He understood that mountain was the killer of helicopter. It was impossible to find a person in the mountain without ten days and half a month's search. Unfortunately, there are no trees on the mountain here. If you want to hide, you can only find those caves or crevices! However, he has no time to think about it. The helicopter behind him should be less than two kilometers away from him. There is no chance to hesitate.

Gaoyuan full speed, turned to pick up the car's automatic rifle, see next to Ziyun left a watch, also clawed up. At this time, the car has begun to drive towards the mountain, which is no longer a highway. Gaoyuan first turned off the interior lights, looked at an opportunity, opened the door and jumped down. The car continued to move forward and hit a nearby stone, but there was no fire as he expected. There was no time to wait. Gao Yuan rubbed his knee, picked up his gun and ran up the mountain.

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