The air inspection in Iraq is really strict. Gao Yuan stands behind him in a panic. He is wearing orthodox Arab service and his head is wrapped in white cloth. It is estimated that the girls in the villa will laugh for ten days and a half months when they see his present appearance. As a result, he was worried in vain. Those security inspectors were most concerned about whether the passengers had a firearm or a pistol. They didn't care much about the passenger's family photo. So I was fooled by him.

When I get on the plane, I feel much more relaxed. When the plane takes off, even if you find that I am pirated, you will not drive me down. He found an Arabic magazine and read it. In fact, all he could understand was the picture above.

Sitting in front of him, two people in suits are chatting in English. The content of their conversation is so high that they can listen to more than half of it. Maybe it's because there is an Arab. Neither of them speaks very fast.

"Gambling, God of gambling? Chinese Gao Yuan was shocked to hear these words. If we say that foreigners can respect the Chinese god of gambling, there are not many Qu Zhi. Instead of speaking, he continued to listen.

After listening for half an hour, I understood what these two people meant. It turns out that these two people, one is French, the other is Saudi royal aristocracy, both like gambling very much. In March this year, Monte Carlo (one of the world's four largest gambling cities: located in Monaco, just one Monte Carlo stood in most of the territory of Monaco. Originally a French colony, it became independent in 1911.) Suddenly, a Chinese gambling king appeared, with a very high level. He once set a record of winning 300 million euros a day. The two men met the Chinese and saw his strength. This time, I heard that the gambler was going to Monaco again to compete with a French gambler, so they were very interested and went to watch the war.

Chinese gambler? Although Gao Yuan didn't care about this information for a long time, he still knew the famous gamblers among the Chinese who became famous ten years ago. Especially when communicating with Lao sun, Lao sun also told him about the deeds of the king of gamblers, and introduced the means and skills of each king of gamblers very seriously. Who is this man?

When the plane was about to arrive at the French airport, a person in front of him said his name. Hearing the name, Gao Yuan, who thought he was very calm, was filled with indignation and infuriated.

Chen Jie has been restless these days. Her son usually calls home in about ten days. I don't know why this time. It's been 20 days, but my son didn't even send a text message. She tried to call her son's cell phone, always turning it off. Chen Jie repeatedly urged her husband to find a way to contact her son, but her husband just refused, saying that her son was old and might have a special sunny situation, so she couldn't push him too hard.

Yesterday, Chen Jie called Gaoyuan's company again. It was the girl who answered the phone. She hesitated and hesitated. It seemed that she was hiding something from him. Chen Jie wants to take a bus to Nanjing to see her son, but she can't let go of her work. Especially the husband's appearance, it seems that the sky has nothing to do with him. He lives all day, does not like to be angry, and makes people look upset. She also thought that the day after tomorrow is Saturday. If there is no news from Nanjing, she will go there as a high-end customer. She doesn't believe that she can't find her son.

As soon as I arrived at school in the afternoon, I received a call from my husband, saying that there were three girls at home, one of whom seemed to be Gao Yuan's girlfriend, and asked her to hurry home. In fact, the first class in the afternoon is her class, but now her son's girlfriend has come and asked for leave. Chen Jie trots all the way to the director's office to ask for leave, and then rushes home. It seems that the daughter-in-law here is more important than the son.

At the door, Chen Jie carefully arranges her clothes. Although her daughter-in-law is afraid to see her mother-in-law, she can't be too bad. How to say is also a model, a flustered appearance is not decent.

There is no one in the bookstore now. My husband should have taken three girls upstairs. Chen Jie took a long breath and walked slowly towards the stairs. As soon as she enters the living room on the second floor, there are three beautiful women sitting on the Federation chair. Chen Jie is stunned. Each of the three girls is more beautiful than the other. She can be her own daughter-in-law.

"Auntie!" The three girls stood up at the same time and said politely.

"Well, well! Here you are. Sit down. Sit down. It's like home here. Yongming, why don't you bring them some fruit? " While talking, Chen Jie ran to the refrigerator to get the fruit.

"Auntie, don't be busy. We don't eat much fruit." Bai Xue is really the "boss" now. She has a lot to say.

"How about just drinking water? It's better to eat fruit. It's good for girl piyuefu to eat fruit. Just sit still and I'll come. " Chen Jie see snow has come, quickly stop, and then put a plate of grapes on the tea table.

"Auntie! Don't be busy. We are here today to see you! How are you doing? " Snow White had wanted to say something about Gao Yuan, but when it came to her mouth, she swallowed it. The mother would be very sad when she heard that her son had died. In case of another heart attack on Gao Yuan's daughter Ma, her responsibility would be great.

Gao Yongming sat with the girls for a long time, and had nothing to say to them. When his wife came back, he stood up and said, "OK, I'll go downstairs and see if anyone comes to buy books. You can talk. I'll go shopping later. I'll have my first meal at home."Lao Gao said and went downstairs, which was very anxious for Bai Xue and the three of them. Do you want to tell the truth or not? Now my aunt is here alone. What if something goes wrong? Yingying regrets that she told Gaoyuan's father about it before Chen Jie came back. Now it's too late to say anything. The three beauties took a look at each other with helpless faces.

Chen Jie moved a small stool to sit opposite them, and asked in a low voice, "are you three lofty friends?" Of course, what she wants to ask most is not this, but she can't ask too directly, for fear that girls will be thin skinned.

"Oh! I'm Gao Yuan's girlfriend. They are two of my friends who are familiar with Gao Yuan. This time I heard that I came here alone. I'm not very relieved, so I came here. " Snow White's voice is very gentle, the tall old lady horse likes it! This girl is really nice. She is not only beautiful, but also gentle and considerate. She doesn't look like a daughter-in-law who is against her mother-in-law!

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