Gao Yuan left and understood what Ziyun meant. He blamed himself for not controlling it well yesterday. As soon as he was not careful, he communicated deeply. But this time, he didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, he picked up the beans and said, "I finally know why you got up so early. Hehe, baby, I miss spring. Now let's exercise together. I'm good at exercising with beautiful women."

The beauty pinched him fiercely, took the opportunity to get out of the way, ran two steps, then turned her head, threw her eyebrows and said, "is that right? Then you come back from your hometown early, and I want to see how your exercise level is now! Ha ha

No way! Must control, must control, color is a bone scraper, in order to be happy for a longer time in the future, I'd better be more careful.

Gao Yongming knew the purpose of Gao Yuan's visit ahead of time. When his son came home, he called his wife back from school for the first time. Of course, Chen Jie was also very happy. When his son grew up, he knew that he was worried about his marriage.

A rare family get together, Chen Jie can't wait to ask: "son, have you discussed with Bai Xue?"

Gao Yuan nodded: "female horse, can I come back if I don't discuss it? Xueer has already gone to her hometown in Sichuan to discuss with her female horse and female horse. I mean when there's a phone call over there, we'll go to Sichuan to settle this matter. I heard from several colleagues that next year is the year of the tiger, and it's also the year of the white tiger in legend. We all get married this year. Although I don't believe in this, it's better to believe more than less. You'd rather believe it than believe it. You've seen snow white. I also saw Snow White's female horse the year before last. It should be more or less. "

The old couple were surprised at their son's attitude. They said that he used to say that he didn't want to get married so early. Why are they so anxious now? Is there something wrong! Of course, Chen Jie thought a little more and asked tentatively, "son, do you already have it?"

Gao Yuan soon understood the meaning of the old lady horse and laughed shyly: "no, not yet! Xueer is very conservative. She said she didn't live with me before she got married. "

Yo! Most parents like to hear this sentence, especially Chen Jie. She had a good impression of Bai Xue, but now she likes it even more when her son says it. Her face is filled with a smile: "I'll say it! Xueer is not only a good girl, but also a good daughter-in-law.

You, be content. I'll tell you, I'll definitely be with Xiaoxue after I get married. If you do anything wrong, we'll punish you. "

Gao Yongming just sat there smiling. After all, his son's marriage is a big joy. What's more, a daughter-in-law like Bai Xue is really wonderful.

What to say, three people are chatting. Gaoyuan's mobile phone rings, but it's Bai Xue. She tells Gaoyuan that there's no problem with her female horse. However, she tells Gaoyuan that they won't let their family go to Sichuan, which is more remote. She means to bring Bai Xue to Jiangsu and do the wedding by the way.

There are anxious, have never seen so anxious, Gao Yuan did not expect snow white female horse than his old female horse also anxious. Gao Yuan told his parents what Bai Xue meant. He didn't know that these two people agreed with this practice. It's just the so-called hit it off. Now Gao Yuan is in a hurry. If things are really like this, his plan will be completely disrupted.

"Dad, pony! Don't think so! If you think about the fact that someone's daughter is married, the relatives of the family certainly need to know. Is it too casual for Bai Xue to get married in this way. I think we should go to Sichuan once, which shows that we attach importance to other people and their families look better in front of relatives. "

The old couple felt that their son's words were right. What they thought was really a little too anxious. So they asked Gao Yuan to call Bai Xue back and convey his meaning. Then the family began to prepare to go to Sichuan.

After Gao Yuan came home, Lin nvqiao began to worry about what would happen. I've been looking forward to entering the palace of marriage with him, but on this day, the beauty is a little afraid. This is the legendary marriage phobia. I picked up my mobile phone several times to ask Gao Yuan what his parents meant, but I picked it up and put it down again, feeling that I didn't have the courage to ask.

The relationship in the villa has been a lot better, at least we will not be able to isolate Lin nvqiao, especially Xu Fei. Seeing that the beautiful woman is not staying at home, she specially looks for an opportunity to accompany her. This makes Lin nvqiao very moved.

"Joe, Joe, are you worried?"

Lin nvqiao, who was sitting in the living room, nodded: "I'm very nervous. I don't know what's wrong now. I'm always afraid. I'm afraid my parents won't accept me. I'm also worried about things after marriage. What do you think his parents will think of me when they know we have children so early? What's more, the child's surname is not high. What if the two families get stiff over this? Feifei, do I worry too much? "

Lin NV Qiao said that the problems are all problems, and the problems are not small. Let's not talk about having children before marriage. It's a big trouble to just say the children's surnames. There is no grandfather who wants his grandson to have the surnames of others. It's not a matter of measurement, it's a matter of principle.

Xu Fei has no way to enlighten Lin nvqiao in this aspect. Although she has experienced a lot of things, Xu Fei has never been involved in the matter of marriage and after marriage."Nvqiao, nvqiao, don't think so much about it. When everything is fine, do you want to shrink back? Anyway, there must be a way for the car to get to the front of the mountain, and the boat will go straight to the bridge. It's Gao Yuan who works for his parents. Don't think so much about it. Since you can't help, just wait patiently for the news. I think Gao Yuan will handle it well. "

Lin nvqiao nodded helplessly, and then asked: "Feifei, do you think we will be happy after we get married? In case I mean in case! He's still flirting around like before. What should I do? "

Xu Fei was dizzy by Lin nvqiao's question. She said that what did you do for a long time? Now she's thinking about it. Don't you know Gao Yuan? Selang is not satisfied with his success! How to hold him depends on your own means.

"Come on, Lin nvqiao, you think too much. Before you get married, you start to think about the trouble after you get married. Don't you ask for trouble? I'd better calm down and think about how to make the wedding more luxurious. "

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