Two people haven't seen each other for a long time. Naturally, they have a lot to say. With some emotion, it's a little long time. In addition, when that high school classmate was studying, he was very interested in Yingying. It was hard to avoid a little bit of love in his conversation. The beauty's vanity soared for a while, and she forgot Yang Hongjie around her. The young man naturally felt that he had no face. He stood there for more than ten minutes and walked away.

When Yingying finds out that it's been half an hour since he left, the beautiful woman turns around, but she doesn't find him. She's very anxious. The man who calls doesn't answer and doesn't send messages. But under a person had to go back to the hotel. Yang Hongjie came back from the outside when he was drunk at 9 p.m. the beauty saw that he was drunk and wanted to comfort him. But she didn't know that the man didn't receive Qing at all. She asked her if she had ever retired from that man for a month. These beauties were really anxious. They slapped Yang Hongjie hard and then drove him out of his bedroom.

After Yang Hongjie was beaten, not only did he not know how to reflect on himself, but he rushed back to Nanjing overnight and left Yingying alone in Beijing.

It's already 9:30 in the morning. Gao Yuan is really bored. He lies in bed and sleeps in. This kind of too leisurely life is really beyond ordinary people's tolerance. I'm used to busy Gaoyuan. I wake up at 7:30 in the morning, but I don't know what to do when I get up. I just spend time in bed. Just thinking about things, a sudden knock came at the door.

"Who is it in the morning? I didn't call the waiter Gao Yuan goes to open the door in his pajamas. Open the door, but found that Ying Ying cry red eyes standing at the door, his heart thump: what's the matter? Was she killed!

Before he could speak, the beautiful woman Joe came over with a fragrance and started to cry.

"Ah! Yingying, what's the matter? Let me close the door first. " Afraid that Yang Hongjie would come and see something ugly, Gao Yuan released one hand to close the door.

"He's gone! He left me alone The beauty choked.

Gao Yuan was stunned: "who? Yang Hongjie? Why are you going

Ying Ying rubbed her tears against the man's pajamas and said, "yesterday we had a quarrel. He and he flew back to Nanjing yesterday, leaving me here alone. Woo Hoo

Gao Yuan patted her on the shoulder and comforted her by the moon: "well, it's normal for men and women to quarrel with each other! I also know that you are usually very headstrong, so you can't be more generous. Sometimes men want to face. Besides, he suddenly returned to Nanjing, maybe because of his work. Don't be so careful. I guess he will apologize to you in two days. Want to open up! Don't cry

"I don't want to pay any attention to him. At the beginning of our life, he promised me that he would not make me angry all my life. After a few days, he told me that I could have a good life after I got married?" Ying Ying sobbed and told what happened yesterday. Gao Yuan only wants to laugh: can men believe what they say when they pursue women? I won't make you angry all my life. That Yang Hongjie is really powerful. He even dares to say that. I have never said such "heroic words" to my wives.

After a little consolation, the beauty calmed down, stopped crying and sat on the sofa in a daze.

"Have you eaten yet?" Gao Yuan asked.

"No, there's Xinqing there. I'm full of gas." Ying Ying pouts.

"Well, I told you just now that it's normal for people to get angry with each other. What's this matter? It'll be fine in a few days! Don't eat can't, especially the beauty, don't eat face grow beans! Come on, I'll take you downstairs for a bowl of porridge. Then we go out for a walk, he does not accompany you to travel, I accompany you to head office. 1 Beauty looked at him, hesitated and said: "will you buy things for me?"

"Shopping? What? What are you short of? " Gao Yuan asked strangely.

"It's up to you to bring two souvenirs back to Beijing. So that they won't laugh at me. " Beautiful women care about this. Gao Yuan was a little helpless and nodded: "yes, I can't forget to buy it for you. Let's go

Beauty's heart is always changing so fast, less than an hour, she was happy. It's more than ten o'clock when they eat my meal. After beauty Tiyi, they decided to go to the Forbidden City. When he arrived at the Forbidden City, Gao Yuan found that there were too many places to charge fees. He thought that the entrance was not expensive. He knew that if he entered one door, he would have to charge a ticket. If he looked at all of them, it would cost thousands. In order to make Yingying happy, he had to endure and buy tickets one by one.

It's worth 4 p.m. and the huge forbidden city is only half of the way around. The main reason is that Gaoyuan thinks that he should have a good look at it when he spends money, otherwise it's too bad. Finally, Yingying couldn't hold on. She was tired and hungry. She didn't say anything. She had to take her to eat roast duck.

"Roast duck? Quanjude? Yes, I haven't had a real roast duck in Beijing, but I'm afraid we can't reserve seats now! " Gao Yuan also wants to go.

"Go and have a look! If you don't have a seat, you'll have to change places. What's more, there's not only one Quanjude in Beijing. " Yingying good carefree arm of a man, as if a happy Xiaoqing people.

Under the attack of Wenxiang nephrite, Gaoyuan refused, agreed and led his sister-in-law to the parking lot.Fortunately, it's still early today. Gaoyuan and Gaoyuan got a single room.

"Wow! I'm so tired. I must have a good meal today. I had a bowl of porridge in the morning. I can't help myself. Ah! Gao Yuan, what shall we have? You can't just eat ducks! Also, be sure to drink! I'm fine today. Ha ha. "

"Yes! You say you want what you want. Now you are the boss. Who told you that your heart is not good today! Make yourself at home. I'll pay for it. " Gaoyuan is a good man. He is afraid that his aunt is not happy. What he hopes most is that Yingying can leave Beijing as soon as possible. One is that what he wants to do needs to be kept secret. The other is that it is inevitable that something will happen when he is alone. Just like today, Yingying is more affectionate to himself than his wife and rubs her soft female body against him He is boiling with fire. If we go on like this, according to our "not calm" character, maybe something will really happen.

"Yingying, will you go back tomorrow?" Gao Yuan looked at the waiter and said.

"Go back? No, I'm not going back. It's not easy for me to come out and play. How can I go back so soon? "

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