On the third day after Xu Ying left, Gao Yuan was ready to book a plane ticket to go back. At this time, he suddenly received a call from Wang Jin, who said that Wang Weizhong had decided to see you. Time is today or tomorrow, let him be prepared.

He was a little nervous. Although it was not the first time he met Wang Weizhong, his position was very different this time.

At ten o'clock the next day, Gao Yuan didn't go out. He took his room to watch TV. The room attendant led several people in. The last one came in was Wang Weizhong.

"Uncle, here you are!" Gao Yuan stood up and wanted to go to the house. Who knows that the two big men in front of Wang Weizhong, one on the left and the other on the right, caught him.

"Come with me, it's not easy to talk here." Wang Weizhong said lightly.

After removing the blindfold, Gao Yuan finds himself in a very clean room. There are only two chairs and a glass round table which is not too high. But obviously, there's a camera on the wall.

Wang Weizhong came in and put a box of white cigarettes, an ashtray and a lighter on the glass round table.

"I already know about your sunny situation. I can see that you are ambitious, but I don't understand how a noble man like Yingying can take a fancy to you, a married man." Wang Weizhong did his opposite, motioned him to smoke, and then said faintly.

Gao Yuan didn't light a cigarette. He sat across the street and said, "in fact, I have no ambition. I just want to be responsible for what I have done. If Ziyun didn't like me, I wouldn't come to Beijing. Some things are not clear, just hope uncle can not embarrass us

Wang Weizhong was silent for a while: "I don't want to embarrass you. I just don't want my daughter to marry such a man. I'm such a daughter. I haven't been a father to her since I was a child. I feel very guilty. Now it's the age to get married, I want to be responsible for her future happiness. If you really want to marry her, just marry her. I can barely accept that. "

Gao Yuan didn't know how to negotiate with Wang Weizhong, because no matter how he talked about it, he was always at a disadvantage. What crazy sunshine! What a fine day! Love of life and death! He can't say these words at all. A lot of wives marry at home, do you want to show your purity and loveliness here!

Wang Weizhong was a little unhappy to see that he never spoke. He stood up and said, "Ziyun is dispensable to you. What you have done is ridiculous. I don't want my daughter to follow you. You go back and don't come to me in the future. I'm very busy and have no time to take care of these things. Ziyun will be in Beijing in the future. Don't bother her. What should be broken is broken. "

Seeing that he was going out, Gao Yuan was a little worried and stood up and said, "uncle, under what conditions can you promise Ziyun to go with me?"

Wang Weizhong looked back. What he was waiting for was Gao Yuan's words: "you have two choices. The first is that you marry her alone. The second is to help me finish a task. If you can finish it smoothly, I will not care about your affairs in the future. "

"What mission!" Gao Yuan asked directly, because he would not agree to the first condition of Wang Weizhong, and all the second one was his inevitable choice.

Xu Fei's heart is fine, and so on to nvwei nvwei, but found that she was not happy at all, the idea is a face of spring, as if she had just come back from dating with her boyfriend. She couldn't help suspecting. She took nvwei's hand and asked, "Yingying, tell me the truth, what are you doing these days? Is it a person? "

"Sister! You are really, people just came back, did not have a rest, pulled me to ask which! You can't wait for me to drink first! "

"You sit and I'll fetch you water, but you have to tell me what happened in Beijing. Why has it been turned off for seven or eight days. And whether what Yang Hongjie said is true or not, and whether your so-called high school classmate was your first love. You should be honest with me, or my sister won't help you with anything in the future. "

Yingying drank water and nodded casually: "well, elder sister, I haven't concealed anything from you! I'm really alone these days. That high school classmate is just a classmate. It doesn't matter. We haven't seen each other for four or five years. We just talked a little more. That Yang Hongjie doubts me like this? He is not a thing, sister, I want to break up with him. This time it's Xu Fei's turn to be depressed. A couple of Xiao Qing want to break up for such a small matter. I really don't know whether there is any real feeling between men and women now. Want to oneself with Gao Yuan, happened so many things, fine is not still together?

"Yingying, please be serious. Is it so easy to break up? No is no, why is that? Doesn't Yang Hongjie care about you too much? You think if one day he chats with his high school classmates and leaves you behind, can you not be angry? Let's let this matter go. When he comes back, I'll talk about him well. If I know his mistakes, I'll be a good comrade. Besides, a period of Ganqing is not easy to let go. By the way, I forgot to ask you, how far have you developed with Yang Hongjie? Has that happened? "This last sentence is what Xu Fei wanted to ask most, because she found that after nvweinv didn't come back from Beijing, her appearance and behavior had changed a little. If it wasn't for her sister, it would be hard to find out. All of Xu Fei felt that she was no longer in the same place. It's not a trivial matter. It's not because she opposes the behavior before marriage. She is very worried that the girl will not suffer. The more easily she gives her all, the less he will cherish it.

"What kind of thing? Sister, you want to go there, I will not be so easy! Besides, didn't you always teach me to protect myself? I'm not stupid. You can rest assured. " Yingying was a little impatient. She put down her water cup, stood up and wanted to go back to her bedroom.

"Yingying, you haven't made it clear yet. Don't rush back." Xu feiqing is so anxious that she pulls nvwei.

"Sister, what do you want me to say? He and I are just cheerleaders. I didn't even give him my first kiss. " Only when you say that, can you find that you are wrong. But Xu Fei didn't find that there was something wrong with nvwei's words. She nodded with satisfaction: "that's good, you! It's not reassuring all the time, but our female horse called me a few days ago to say that your marriage to Yang Hongjie was settled earlier, and that you'll have the chance to take him back to Qingdao. "

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