Gao Yuan nodded gently: "I know!" He didn't know how to talk with this special person. He wanted to ask if he had a girlfriend and hobbies! What do you like to eat!

"It's a long way to hear the gunfire. Let's have a rest. Maybe we'll fight later." Guo Feng warned in a low voice.

"I'm not sleepy. Go to sleep. I'll stare."

"Good!" This time Guo Feng was impolite, lying on the ground and soon fell asleep.

Night is coming and it's getting dark. The current situation is very favorable for Gaoyuan and Gaoyuan. In such a large area of mountainous area, even if thousands of people search for it, it may take one day. What's more, at night, there are only dozens of people on the other side. Without a police dog, searching in the dark is no different from being blind. Gao Yuan and Guo Feng spent the night without danger. The next day, at dawn, Guo Feng called him up: "wake up! It's time to go. It's a question whether we can survive today. "

Gao Yuan sleeps not to die, listens to him to say so, more sober, two people casually ate some things, hastily starts to drive. This time, they were not fast. They were afraid that they would be found by others. After walking for a while, they had to hide and look around. Until 9 a.m., no abnormality was found. It should be that they walked faster and the people behind didn't catch up, or the enemy's communication was inconvenient and didn't have time to inform everyone.

Gao Yuan's heart is gradually relaxed, but Guo Feng's heart is more and more nervous, to the back of Gao Yuan to talk to him, he did not answer.

What the hell? I'm so nervous. Now there seems to be no sign of people's activity here. Why don't you just relax? At the moment, it passes through a mountain depression. The terrain nearby is relatively flat. There are no big stones or decent trees.

"Take two steps and run through this place!" Guo Feng suddenly whispered. Before Gao Yuan could react, he grabbed one hand and ran to the front quickly.

Two people just walked five or six steps, suddenly a clear shot, and then less than two meters behind, the bow splashed a cluster of dust. It's sunny! Gao Yuan's face turned white. If Guo Feng hadn't pulled him just now, he might have fallen there now. As he was about to say thank you, Guo Feng turned around and yelled, "come on, run behind the big stone over there."

This place is 200 meters away from the big stone. I don't know how much danger I will encounter in such a long distance. But reality doesn't allow him to think about it. Just in the worker who spoke to two people, a single bow fell not far behind him. Forgetting his fatigue, he ran a short distance of 300 meters to the side. He went through the second crisis of his life (the first time was in Iraq). Four bows passed him, Guo Feng was not much better, and his arm was covered with stone skin. As soon as he hid behind the stone, Guo Feng sighed: "I'm so lucky. Fortunately, the other side is not an expert, otherwise we will not see each other."

"Oh! And where are they? " Gao Yuan asked with lingering fear.

"I don't know! I didn't have time to think about it just now. It shouldn't be one person. One person doesn't have the speed to shoot two people at the same time. It should be two or more. " Guo Feng gasped and said.

Gao Yuan can also understand this, because two people were attacked almost at the same time, obviously not by one person. In this way, they are more dangerous. The enemy is high, in the dark, they are below, in the light. The danger is obvious. Two people tacitly began to assemble guns, and then filled the bow sheet with sub bow sheets.

"We must know where the enemy is, or none of us can go out." Guo Feng didn't look up and whispered.

"How can I know?" Gao Yuan asked suspiciously.

"Let's run out, one person attracts the target to shoot, the other person observes here, once we find the enemy's position. Shoot at once. "

"Who's going out?" Gao Yuan's question is in vain. He has never used a sniper gun. Later, of course, he will go out by himself. He also knows that whoever goes out at this time will have more than half the chance of not coming back. But he had no choice. As soon as he finished, he added, "I won't use a sniper gun. I'll do it."

Guo Feng looked at him, nodded and said: "pay attention, don't go in a straight line, or go in a regular zigzag,. Rush to the opposite mountain as soon as possible to find a place to hide and find a chance to fight back. You don't have to take the bag. Take three bow clips and the pistol

Gao Yuan didn't talk nonsense. He packed everything up and took a deep breath and rushed out. Sure enough, just after ten steps, there was a gunshot on the mountain and a trace of dust behind him. The bow didn't seem to hit the ground, but seemed to hit his heart. Every time the gun rang, Gao Yuan's heart was trembling. What's more, when he was going to change the direction, a single bow hit just one centimeter in front of his shoes, and the flying stones splashed on his back. It hurt! The whole person fell to the ground. Guo Feng at the back didn't look at him at all. Instead, he always watched the mountain with a gun in his hand. At the moment when Gao Yuan fell down, he also knew the hiding place of one of the enemies. It was only when he was on the mountain and he was at the foot of the mountain, it was very difficult for him to fight back. He could only shoot when the other side hit again.Guo Feng was calm. He aimed his gun at that angle.

Gao Yuan's fall gives the enemy a surprise. He points his gun at the man who is ready to get up again. However, this time he was not so lucky. Just as he was about to shoot, he felt his head for a while, then he lost consciousness and fell back.

Gao Yuan didn't know all this. He got up and continued to run forward in an irregular direction. The second hidden sniper is on the mountain behind Guo Feng. It's a dead corner for him here. He can't see it at all, not to mention his body. He can only wait for Gao Yuan to get there, and he is thinking of other ways. Only Gao Yuan can run there, that is his nature.

The enemy's sniper gun is too simple and poor. Four shots in a row, Leng is not even high hair hurt a root, he was rolling to hide behind a big rock. Guo Feng was relieved, and Gao Yuan was even more relieved. For the time being, his life was recovered. At the same time, he probably knew the general location of one of the enemies. After a short rest, he took out his mobile phone and contacted Guo Feng.

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