Restricted Superstar

Chapter 1027: Double upside down

This reward made Gao Xiaodong very surprised, because he got a super glasses, which is different from the original super glasses, which has a very narrow field of view, and this red envelope rewards a 360-degree panoramic glasses.

This also means that after wearing the glasses, Gao Xiaodong can see everything around him no matter where he is. Apart from being blocked, he is close to having the so-called "God's perspective."

Unfortunately, this super glasses can't be used because Gao Xiaodong's level is not enough. He is still only an s-level player. This super glasses needs a star level to be able to use it.

"Made, isn't this a scam? Giving a good baby but it doesn't work. This is equivalent to giving a Hong Guoguo beauty but not letting it."

Gao Xiaodong thought depressed, and didn't even notice when the game started, until Lu Xiaopang shouted at him.

Gao Xiaodong quickly cheered up because he was close to being a star player. As long as he won the last two games, he would be a star player.

Win these two games!

You must win these two games!

Otherwise, it will take another year to upgrade.

Gao Xiaodong became excited and immediately raised his hand to ask Valencia who was holding the ball.

Valencia, like Gao Xiaodong, is a pink and tender rookie, but Gao Xiaodong is a coach, the core of the team, and Valencia is just a marginal figure unknown. In order to gain a foothold in Manchester United, Valencia turned to Gao Xiaodong. Little brother.

The boss wants the ball, of course the younger brother dare not refuse to give it, besides, Valencia is not Nani, he prefers to pass. The ball passed to Gao Xiaodong's feet, Gao Xiaodong did not return to the organization, and did not hesitate to attack Blackburn's halftime.

This practice is not common, but it boosts morale.

There are not many Manchester United fans who come to Ewood Park to watch the game. It is not that Manchester United fans do not want to come, but that Blackburn has too few tickets to Manchester United. However, the advantage of fewer people is that they are united and see Gao Xiaodong so brave and fearless. , The fans on the scene immediately cheered Gao Xiaodong, and called Gao Xiaodong's name, like a star chaser.

Blackburn naturally knows that Gao Xiaodong is great. Gao Xiaodong has just broken through the center line with the ball, and two players will come to intercept immediately.

Everyone thinks that Gao Xiaodong wants to pass the ball, and Gao Xiaodong also has enough passing points.

But Gao Xiaodong didn't pass the ball. He just made a fake pass. This movement was very small and the fans did not react, but the defensive player noticed it. The two defensive players tried to move to the side.

At this moment, Gao Xiaodong seized the opportunity. He gave up the ball and rushed directly between the two defenders.

The midfield is usually four or five people. After Gao Xiaodong broke through the two interceptions, the front suddenly became clear. He did not pass the ball, strode the ball forward, and went straight to Blackburn's penalty area.

Blackburn's defensive midfielder Emerton immediately rushed to Gao Xiaodong to prevent Gao Xiaodong from moving closer to the penalty area.

After Emerton came up, there was a big gap between him and the central defender behind him, and Manchester United forward Hernandez quickly ran over to the open space.

Gao Xiaodong was not a brave man. He saw Emerton pounced, knowing that the guy didn't want to steal the ball, but wanted to delay time so that the people behind him could catch up and encircle Gao Xiaodong.

Of course, Gao Xiaodong would not let Emerton's conspiracy succeed. He calmly pushed the ball before Emerton jumped, and the ball came to Hernandez from the feet of Gao Xiaodong.

Hernandez's body is parallel to the goal, but his time to deal with the ball is very short, and the Blackburn defender is rushing over.

Hernandez is an opportunistic forward. He doesn't like to hold the ball. After he got the ball, he knocked directly on his heel and passed it to Rooney. He continued to penetrate into the penalty area.

Hernandez thought Rooney would continue to make a ball for him, but Rooney didn't trust Hernandez, he leaned on the defender but passed the ball back to Gao Xiaodong.

When Gao Xiaodong took a long shot, the two players Peterson and Jones who had just been broken by him had returned. Jones fell to the ground and broke the ball. Gao Xiaodong's shot failed to hit the goal. The ball was weak and weak. The goalkeeper Robinson was defeated by Robinson. Get it quickly.

Although this shot did not pose much of a threat, the Manchester United fans were very happy to get a shot at the beginning. They felt that this game was at least a little better than the FA Cup final. It seems that Blackburn at home is not prepared. Set down the iron bucket array.

Manchester United’s players are very experienced. Seeing that Blackburn didn’t set up an iron bucket at the beginning, they knew that the timing was rare and they had to score a goal quickly. Once Blackburn scored a goal, or the pressure was too great, and began to shrink the defense, Manchester United would not be able to play well at that time. , The FA Cup play against Stoke City has only passed not long ago, and Manchester United players never want to fight for themselves.

Blackburn is really not ready to set the iron bucket, because they do not want to get a point, at Ewood Park Stadium, they are not ashamed of the giants, they want to get three points on Manchester United, not one.

Goalkeeper Robinson kicked the ball and went directly to his striker.

This offensive effect is not good. Manchester United's two central defenders Vidic and Ferdinand are not vegetarians. The ball was flopped by Vidic's header to his midfielder Carrick.

Carrick took the ball and didn't wait for his opponent to come to force him, and he hit a long pass to the side to find Nani.

Carrick's long pass was very much a true pass from Scholes, and the ball accurately found Nani.

Nani is also a master of personal dribbling. He takes the ball and quickly breaks along the wing, not giving the Blackburn forward time to return to defense.

Blackburn full-back Salgado jumped directly, trying to use a foul to disrupt Nani's wing attack.

Salgado was obviously a little impatient. Before he pounced, Nani quickly changed direction and broke through from Salgado's side.

Salgado stretched out his hand to think of Ranani, but he didn't get it, and Nani broke through from the inside.

Nani has the ability to cut inside. Blackburn's central defender didn't dare to be careless, so he made up to the wing for the first time and didn't give Nani time to cut inside.

Nani had no hope of seeing the inside cut, and he immediately crossed the ball to the penalty area.

Manchester United players are confident in Nani's wing breakthrough, and when he singled out Salgado, he resolutely inserted into the penalty area.

When Nani passed the ball, there were already four Manchester United players in the penalty area and side of Blackburn.

The probability of grabbing points like this is very high, especially when Hernandez, who rushed forward, missed the ball, so that neither the defender nor the offensive player in the center touched the ball.

The ball passed in front of the goal, and after getting out of the penalty area, it was caught by Valencia on the wing. He then crossed into the penalty area.

Gao Xiaodong and Wayne Rooney did not grab the landing point and were walking towards the periphery. After Valencia passed the ball, Rooney and Gao Xiaodong both turned their backs to the players. They almost squatted and jumped upside down and kicked the ball at the same time. .

Although they are two fat guys, these two upside down golden hooks did very beautifully. Both of them also touched the ball. Under the combined force of the two, the direction of the ball changed, and it bounced directly towards the goal. Dead ends.

Blackburn goalkeeper Robinson did not expect to bounce in the opposite direction that he wanted to save. He can only sigh at such a ball.

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