Restricted Superstar

Chapter 1087: Renew

On June 23rd, on the eve of Manchester United's tour to Asia, Gao Xiaodong left China and came to Manchester.

Before Gao Xiaodong came, the English media had announced to the world in a high-profile manner that Gao Xiaodong's negotiations had ended and Gao Xiaodong was coming to Manchester to sign a contract extension with Manchester United.

After Manchester United fans got the news, they looked forward to Gao Xiaodong’s arrival day and night, and even some die-hard fans track Gao Xiaodong’s whereabouts every day through various means. Huang Tian was worthy of his heart. Although Gao Xiaodong came in a low-key manner, he came. I was still "caught" by the fans at Manchester Airport.

There are not only fans, but also reporters, these reporters are relatively close to Manchester United, they got the exact news of Gao Xiaodong's arrival through Manchester United management staff.

Gao Xiaodong came low-key, but he didn't mean to hide his deeds, nor was he prepared to hide it. After all, the signing ceremony must be open to the media. In the face of the fans and reporters who came to pick up the plane, Gao Xiaodong generously accepted The reporter’s interview.

The reporter most wanted to determine whether Gao Xiaodong came to renew his contract with Manchester United. In this regard, Gao Xiaodong made it clear that he was here to sign the contract renewal. He hopes to continue to play for Manchester United and help Manchester United win more championships. .

Then the reporter asked Gao Xiaodong whether the rumors about his transfer some time ago were true. Gao Xiaodong categorically denied this. He believed that the media was fabricating news and wanted to discredit him. He has always been very loyal to Manchester United. Considered playing for a team other than Manchester United.

Obviously, the reporters have done enough preparations. They have not been fooled by Gao Xiaodong. A reporter asked, "You and Manchester United have not negotiated the renewal negotiations for so long. Is it because your annual salary is too high? "

Gao Xiaodong denied again, saying: "Where is this, am I a greedy person? The negotiation time between me and Manchester United is not too long, because everyone knows that I will not leave Manchester United. The renewal is just a matter of time. ."

Gao Xiaodong said it was high-sounding, as if he really was an idealist who regarded money as dung.

However, the Goose reporter still didn't stop, another reporter said: "But some time ago, Glazer's son Efram seemed to criticize you for greed for money and forgotten justice. Is this also fabricated?"

The reporter's question was sharp, even a bit aggressive. The monkey and Xiao Le standing next to Gao Xiaodong were a little annoyed. The monkey came directly to interrupt the reporter's interview and asked Xiaodong to go home and rest quickly.

However, Gao Xiaodong winked at the monkey and said: "I think Mr. Everam must have misunderstood. If I am greedy for money and forget luck, I should go to London or the next door now. I have always emphasized that I and Manchester United There is no disagreement, there is no renewal just because the timing is wrong.

The reporter was still not reconciled, and asked Gao Xiaodong how much his annual salary will be after his contract renewal, and whether he will surpass Messi and become the highest salary in world football.

Gao Xiaodong did not conceal such a problem, and it is meaningless to conceal it. Gao Xiaodong said that he did not know the specific situation, but his annual salary may surpass Messi and become the highest salary in the world. However, Gao Xiaodong said that he can treat himself He is not interested in not being able to get the world's highest salary, he is more concerned about how many titles he can win for Manchester United.

Xiao Le felt feverish on his face because Gao Xiaodong said it was too shameless, but the monkey was relieved when he saw Gao Xiaodong being such a hooligan. He felt that Gao Xiaodong was more mature after the incident of beating the reporter, and only such Gao Xiaodong was talented. Able to cope with even more dirty reporters.

When Gao Xiaodong was interviewed by reporters and gave autographs to the fans, the special car of Manchester United Club arrived long ago. David Gill came to greet him in person. However, David Gill did not disturb Gao Xiaodong. He waited patiently for Gao Xiaodong to take the interview. Gao Xiaodong left the airport.

Half an hour later, Gao Xiaodong followed David Gill to the Carrington training base, and Manchester United coach Ferguson was waiting for Gao Xiaodong's arrival in his office.

After the meeting, Gao Xiaodong greeted Ferguson, and Ferguson smiled and said: "Xiaodong, you are finally here, and I can rest assured when you come."

Ferguson said this very implicitly, but his voice still contained a trace of dissatisfaction with Gao Xiaodong.

Gao Xiaodong is as good as a monkey, how can he not understand, but he deliberately pretended not to understand, and smiled: "I really don't want to come, it's been less than a month, I haven't had enough rest yet."

Ferguson laughed and said: "I heard that you stay at home every day, so you should come out and go around. After this signing, our team will immediately go to Asia for a tour. You can't do without you, you are the ace idol in Asia."

Ferguson said that the Asian tour is the practice of Manchester United's summer training camp, but this year is much earlier than before, because this time Manchester United will not only visit Japan and Southeast Asia, but also visit many cities in mainland China, including Hong Kong.

Manchester United's statement to the outside world is to thank Asian fans for their support and love. In fact, they want to come to Asian fans through the feat of winning the Triple Crown and sell a few more jerseys at the same time.

Gao Xiaodong smiled and said, "This is equivalent to returning home in fine clothes, I must go."

Ferguson smiled and said: "Just to give you a chance to return home."

David Gill interjected next to him: "Lord, Xiaodong, shall we hold the signing ceremony in the evening or tomorrow morning?"

Ferguson said: "Xiaodong has been busy all the way, forget it tonight, our main task tonight is to clean up Xiaodong."

David Gil said: "Okay, I have booked the hotel, and Mr. Efram Emendes, the eldest son, is here."

Gao Xiaodong frowned. He didn't want to see Efram, but for such a heavy signing, someone from the Glazer family would definitely come over. Compared to Joel, the eldest son Efram is more suitable.

After drinking tea and talking in Ferguson's office, after sitting for almost an hour, David Gill and Ferguson took Xiaodong and the other three to the hotel.

The coaches, players, agents, and club executives had a meal together. The meal was awful and enjoyable. The main thing was to discuss the details of the contract at the wine table to prevent problems at the signing ceremony the next day.

This contract was renewed for two years, even the original contract was four years in total, of which the annual salary was 18 million euros, plus the floating goal award, assist award, and championship award, with a total value of up to 100 million euros.

Manchester United, Gao Xiaodong and Mendes are all satisfied with this contract. Gao Xiaodong got the highest salary in the world. Mendes made a net profit of 10 million yuan, and Manchester United also kept their core players as they wished to continue for the new season. The championship laid the foundation.

After the meal, Gao Xiaodong, Xiao Le and Monkey went back to their villa in Cheshire to rest. They were speechless overnight. The next day, Manchester United and Gao Xiaodong held a grand signing ceremony. Under the flash of more than 200 reporters, Gao Xiaodong and David Gill signed the contract, and the suspense of Gao Xiaodong's contract renewal that had been worrying Manchester United fans for half a year was finally settled.

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