Restricted Superstar

Chapter 914: Away win

Coutinho's goal brought confidence and courage to the Inter Milan players. After Manchester United kicked off in the middle circle, the Inter Milan players finally changed their original caution and conservativeness and began to attack Manchester United's penalty area.

Inter Milan, which Manchester United suppressed in the first half, had only one shot, but they also paid a lot of physical effort. After 70 minutes, Inter Milan could not be suppressed. Now that Inter Milan's morale is booming and confidence is high, Manchester United is not willing to face Inter Milan. His edge began to shrink and play defense.

After Manchester United played Park Ji-sung and Anderson, the midfielder had three players who could run and fight. Coupled with the active defense of Rooney, it was difficult for Inter Milan to cooperate in Manchester United’s mid lane and could only find a breakthrough from two wing lanes Opportunity.

Before Inter Milan played a bit conservatively, and Manchester United's main offensive was also on the wing. Maicon and Chivuo, including Zanetti in the second half, were tired of defense, and there were not too many assist opportunities.

Now that Manchester United retreats strategically, Maicon and Zanetti finally have a place to use them, and they begin to press on frequently and attack Manchester United's restricted area.

In the 84th minute of the game, Maicon played from the wing and faced Evra’s press. Maicon swung to the left and buckled, trying to break through the bottom, but Evra followed closely and did not allow Maicon to break through. opportunity.

Maicon But Maicon suddenly found that the team's main central defender Lucio quickly plugged in.

Maicon knows Lucio's abilities, and after Lucio is inserted, if he can continue with a few people as usual, there is definitely hope to break Manchester United's dense defense.

Maicon crosses and finds the fast forward central defender Lucio.

Lucio strode forward, and Anderson's interception was swayed by Lucio. Smallin hurried to the top. Rooney was worried that Smallin could not prevent Lucio, so he hurried to help defend.

Lucio is also a bold artist. Smallin and Rooney came to defend him together. He did not pass the ball, but instead moved the ball from Smalling's side to the wing.

Smalling didn't keep up with one step, and Lúcio took two steps in a row and shot directly.

Lúcio didn't care about the angle, just hit the goal violently.

Van der Sar flew to save, trying to pounce the ball to the side, but the ball bounced a little, he did not touch it, the ball bounced and hit his face and bounced out.

Eto'o ran into the penalty area and prepared to shoot when Lucio took a shot. Eto'o started quickly, and Vidic, who had been following Eto'o, was a step slower and could only watch Eto'o stretch out. The foot shoveled the ball towards the goal.

Eto'o watched the ball roll to the goal and raised his hands to celebrate, but at this moment, a red figure rushed to the penalty area and kicked the ball from the goal line.

"You didn't even get in?"

"This is not going in!"

"Gao Xiaodong came too in time!"

"Is God's will so?"


The Inter Milan fans in the stands sighed, even a little aggrieved.

"Gao Xiaodong!" Eto'o saw that his must goal was kicked out by Gao Xiaodong, and yelled at Gao Xiaodong with anger, "You're a jerk! You don't care about other life after you score."

Inter Milan’s attack scared Ferguson in a cold sweat. He didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly let the small pea Hernandez play and replace the next Zhengyin center Berbatov.

Inter Milan coach Leonardo saw the ball close to the goal and Gao Xiaodong cleared it out. He was anxious and angry, and smashed the mineral water bottle to the ground.

Inter Milan is a bit close to the equalizer. Inter Milan still has a substitution place. If another offensive player is replaced, it may be able to perform a miracle at the last moment.

But when Leonardo looked at the bench, there was only one Suazo. Leonardo simply gave up the substitution and used the players on the court to fight to the end.

Ferguson’s last substitution was very suitable. Today, in order to avenge Inter Milan, Berbatov really ran. He had already ran 10,000 meters when he left the field. This is an amazing number. After coming to Manchester United for two years, Berba It's really rare for Tove to reach this number in a game.

But because there were a lot of running ahead, before Ferguson replaced Berbatov, Berbatov had almost stood in the frontcourt as a tree, without moving anything.

Hernandez is young, fast, and has an impact. He is constantly running back and forth in the Inter Milan defense, and from time to time he can withdraw to the midfield to help Manchester United defend.

What's more important is that Hernandez is fast. Once he is beaten offside successfully, he will have a chance to go to the meeting alone. Neither La Nokia nor Lucio will be able to catch up.

At first Lucio didn't care too much, he rushed forward with all his heart, trying to equalize the score for Inter Milan.

However, less than two minutes after Hernandez played, Gao Xiaodong found Rooney with a mid-range pass. Rooney stopped the ball from the flank and pushed to the front of the penalty area, behind the defender.

Hernandez started running towards the penalty area when Rooney passed the ball.

Lucio and La Nokia couldn't keep up. Lucio had no choice but to reach Hernandez from behind.

The referee Casayi showed Lucio a yellow card and gave Manchester United a highly threatening free kick.

Gao Xiaodong took the free kick and Inter Milan put up a long wall to prevent Gao Xiaodong from shooting directly.

The ball was too close to the goal, and there was no room for it to fall. Gao Xiaodong had to shoot vigorously, but the ball bounced out on the wall.

Although Manchester United's counterattack did not score, it brought a great threat to Inter Milan. Then Lucio did not dare to attack easily. He and La Nokia stood by Hernandez to prevent Manchester United from attacking. Behind them.

The game passed by minute and second, Inter Milan tried hard to attack Manchester United's penalty area, but Manchester United's air defense ability was very good, but Inter Milan did not have the height, and the cross had no effect on Manchester United.

Inter Milan wants to penetrate the front of Manchester United’s penalty area, but Ferguson has played in midfielders such as Anderson, Park Ji-sung, and Gao Xiaodong who can run well. The three of them are not tall, but they are very active in running. Inter Milan wants to play with them. It is too difficult to cooperate in front of you.

Inter Milan finally got the absolute right to the ball, but almost no chance to get a shot.

After the game entered stoppage time, Inter Milan had no confidence and patience to equalize. The players began to frequently shoot long shots at the front of the penalty zone, or long passes.

With Eto'o and Pandev on the front line, the long pass is no threat to Inter Milan.

Every counterattack by Inter Milan can pose a huge threat. If it were not for the referee's mercy, in the second minute of stoppage time, Lucio's foul against Nani might have received a second yellow card and be fined. under.

There was a total of 4 minutes of stoppage time. By the second minute, the Inter Milan fans in the stands were already desperate. The fans left the field one after another, even the Inter Milan president Moratti left early.

After four minutes of stoppage time, the referee Casai gave Inter Milan a chance to attack, but Inter Milan still did not even get a shot, and finally had to accept the fate of falling behind at home.

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