Restricted Superstar

Chapter 936: Countermeasures after a tie

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;Man Utd fans were shocked. Their 2:1 advantage made them think that promotion is a certainty. They did not expect that it only took 45 minutes to wipe out Inter Milan. The gap was closed, and now the two teams are back on the same starting line.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Inter Milan fans on the cross-sea expedition were excitedly shouting the name "Sneijder" to the stadium. At this moment, Sneijder has surpassed Gao Xiaodong. Become the savior of Inter Milan fans.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Sneijder raised his arms in excitement and ran towards the stands. When he passed Gao Xiaodong's side, Sneijder slowed down and rushed towards Gao Xiaodong. He shook his fingers, quite provocative.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; At Inter Milan, Gao Xiaodong and Sneijder had a very general relationship due to positional issues. Although Gao Xiaodong scored a lot of goals, almost all-around, but not Sneijder was not convinced. After all, Gao Xiaodong is not stronger than Sneijder in the front midfielder position, but he has become the core of Inter Milan. Sneijder believes that the main reason is that Gao Xiaodong and Mourinho's personal relationship is too good.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Later, in the Golden Globe Awards, Gao Xiaodong was selected in the top three, and Sneijder was unsuccessful. This made Sneijder very dissatisfied. He thought Gao Xiaodong had squeezed his Position, although Gao Xiaodong won the Golden Globe unexpectedly later, but Sneijder still feels uncomfortable.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; This was the provocation of Sneijder after this goal.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Gao Xiaodong's face went cold.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; He is still very affectionate for this Inter Milan, this is where he became famous and won the Ballon d'Or.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; He has no friendship with Sneijder, but there is no ill feeling, but this time Sneijder's behavior made Gao Xiaodong very angry, and he turned back at Sneijder. With a sneer, "Don't be too early, you can't win."

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; In the VIP box, Moratti was excitedly applauding at the court after Sneijder scored, and suddenly saw Sneijder shaking at Gao Xiaodong With fingers, Moratti stopped his hand and his face sank.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Although Mourinho and Gao Xiaodong left Inter Milan, Moratti did not hate because of love, after all, the teacher and apprentice helped him complete his childhood They are the heroes of Inter Milan.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;Sneijder's provocative action is really unnecessary. Moratti doesn't want to be stunned with Gao Xiaodong, but now, if Gao Xiaodong hates the house and Wu, maybe Will pass on the disgust of Sneijder to Inter Milan, affecting the relationship between Gao Xiaodong and Inter Milan.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; CCTV's live commentator, He Hui, saw Sneijder provoking Gao Xiaodong and said: "Sneijder is really killing him. He is not afraid of Gao Xiaodong's runaway. The state of God, according to my observation, from the last round to the present, although Gao Xiaodong has done his best, but has not performed supernormally, now being provoked by Sneijder, perhaps Gao Xiaodong's small universe is about to explode."

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; and He Hui have the same feeling as the captain Zanetti sitting on the bench. Zanetti is sitting on the bench due to injury. He is right Sneijder's behavior was somewhat disapproving, and he felt that Sneijder was a challenge.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; In the first round, Manchester United beat Inter Milan to death. After Manchester United scored two goals, the captain Zanetti also interceded with Gao Xiaodong, hoping that Gao Xiaodong would give him his help. Don't let the boss take a bit of face. Gao Xiaodong also readily agreed. Zanetti didn't expect that Sneijder would provoke Gao Xiaodong at this time.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; "This guy! I just lost my mind."

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Zanetti sighed, wishing he could race himself.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; After the celebration, the referee did not give stoppage time, and directly blew the whistle at the end of the first half.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; When the whistle sounded, the players of both sides were relieved. Inter Milan was excited to interact with the fans on the field, while the Manchester United players did not raise their heads quickly. Walked back to the locker room.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; "Today's game is really irritating!" Rooney angrily threw down the leg guard in his hand. "Why don't we enter, how can they play!"

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; scoring Hernandez depressed and said: "Today's game was a bit tricky, Inter Milan just scored at the beginning and the end."

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Scholes said in a deep voice: "What the evil, when can't you score? If you score a goal, it means your opponent is playing well."

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Gao Xiaodong was also depressed, saying: "We are not bad at playing, but we can't score the goal, what should I do?

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Perhaps only Scholes is qualified to comfort Gao Xiaodong, Ginger said solemnly: "Luck will become, it will not only follow one team. , We have to work hard and wait until destiny favors us."

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Gao Xiaodong said: "Brother Paul is right."

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Rooney said: "We worked hard in the second half, I saw Sneijder provoking high, we can't let them succeed."

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;While the Manchester United players were discussing, Ferguson walked into the home team's locker room and saw the coach coming. The Manchester United players immediately closed their mouths, like a mouse. Here comes the cat.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;Ferguson didn't furious, his first sentence was, "Children, we all despise Inter Milan, they are the defending champions."

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;Ferguson's words were deafening. It was only at this time that everyone realized that after the first round, they really did not take Inter Milan to their hearts.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Although Manchester United also made careful preparations, they did not regard Inter Milan as stronger than Manchester United, forgetting that Inter Milan is the Champions League champion.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; In fact, this is also normal. Last season, most people thought that Inter Milan could win the championship. Mourinho and Gao Xiaodong were the biggest contributors. Inter Milan's record seems to prove this too. Without Mourinho and Gao Xiaodong, Inter Milan's game played like shit, and the results were in a mess.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; However, the facts have proved that football is an overall sport, without Gao Xiaodong and Mourinho, this Inter Milan also has a very strong combat effectiveness, absolutely can not have the slightest contempt.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;Ferguson continued: "I also despise Leonardo. Although he has a short coaching time, he is very smart. A goal, one within three minutes of the opening and one within three minutes of the end of the game. This is not accidental, nor is it luck. This is Inter Milan’s tactic. They must have guessed that our mentality might be a bit erratic, so Sneak attack at the beginning and end, and we didn’t concentrate on 45 minutes."

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; The coach is the coach, especially the old coach, Ferguson sees it thoroughly, and the players understand it.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Seeing that the players have realized the problem, Ferguson made the second half of the tactical arrangements and personnel adjustments.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Now Inter Milan tied the score, Manchester United has no advantage, or even disadvantage, because once Inter Milan scores again, Manchester United must score two goals. Row.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; But to a certain extent, this is also a good thing for Manchester United, because an away goal will tempt Inter Milan to attack, and once Inter Milan strikes, Inter Milan's Running ability, being countered by Manchester United is a matter of minutes.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; There is a battle of wits between the coach and the coach. In the first half, Leonardo guessed the psychology of Manchester United and Ferguson and evened the score with a goal. During the intermission, Ferguson saw Leonardo’s intentions and replaced the full-back Valencia, who had returned from injury, and replaced the midfielder Carrick, to continue to strengthen the wing attack and The speed at the time of the counterattack, so that, no matter whether Inter Milan wants to defend or attack in the second half, Manchester United can react accordingly.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; In the visiting team's locker room, Inter coach Leonardo and his players celebrated. He proudly praised the players for their determination of tactics. I won the chance to advance for myself, but this is actually boasting that I have deployed wisely before the game.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp; Finally Leonardo deployed the second half of the game again. Leonardo was indeed attracted by the benefits of away goals. In the second half, he prepared to defend against the front. , And Manchester United in the last certain period of time to see if there is any hope of overtaking the score.

amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;amp;bp;Inter Milan has a lot of old players, but Leonardo’s deployment is still very good and reasonable, so it has also been unanimously approved by the Inter players, except for being replaced Carrick. (https:)

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