Restricted Superstar

Chapter 972: The question of weekly salary

After Pogba left, Gao Xiaodong said to Zhang Qi with some anxiety: "Brother Zhang, Pogba this kid is a little bit of a tail."

Zhang Qi did not complain about Pogba's rudeness just now, and smiled: "Young people, behave better, have a little reputation, expansion is normal, and slowly he will understand that he wants to become second. A Gao Xiaodong is not as easy as imagined."

Gao Xiaodong frowned and said: "I'm worried that this kid ran away before he even got his name."

Zhang Qi He Hui smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, as long as he wants to stay at Manchester United, he dare not leave Xinglong Brokerage Company."

The monkey said: "This is hard to say. Young players like Pogba, as long as they have a bit of fame, there will never be fewer people who dig him."

Zhang Qi said: "The attractiveness of such a giant Manchester United is not comparable to other teams. With his ability, other giants will not dig him to be the main force. Since they are not the main force, you say Pogba is To stay at Manchester United or go to other giants."

Gao Xiaodong said: “As long as there is still a chance at Manchester United, Pogba’s first choice will definitely be Manchester United, but we must also be prepared. This is the first talented player signed by our company and the hope for our rise. You can't just let it go."

Zhang Qi is mature and stable. He attaches great importance to Gao Xiaodong's advice and said: "Well, we must take good care of him. Now I am contacting Pogba with our domestic businesses to give him more opportunities to make money."

The monkey said: "Brother Zhang, I think you should ask for a senior team contract for Pogba now. As far as Pogba's performance is concerned, I think he is worthy of a Manchester United professional contract."

Zhang Qi said: "I'm considering whether to sign a professional contract with Manchester United now, or wait for Pogba to have a better performance before signing the contract, so that we have more initiative and the contract can be signed larger."

The monkey said, "Although you say that, you shouldn't be too optimistic, in case Pogba does not perform well afterwards."

Gao Xiaodong has been listening carefully to the monkey and Zhang Qi's words. At this time, he said, "Young people, the team looks at potential. Even if they perform poorly later, they won't be denied the contract, but they want a higher annual salary. Then we have to take advantage of the good performance."

Zhang Qi said: "Although no one knows whether Pogba can play, I still firmly believe that Pogba will play it, regardless of whether he is in Manchester United or not, so I think it would be better to wait a while. I am anxious. It should be Manchester United, not us."

The monkey said: "Brother Zhang has a point. Let's wait for Manchester United to come to you."

The three were talking. Zhang Qi's cell phone rang. Zhang Qi glanced at the phone number, made a silent gesture to Gao Xiaodong, Monkey and Xiao Le, and then connected the phone.

"Hello, Manager David...Oh, this way...Okay, um, I'll be there tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Qi smiled and said: "Said Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be there. No, David Gill called and let me go over, probably because he wanted to talk about Pogba's contract with me."

Gao Xiaodong, Monkey, and Xiao Le are all very happy. If Pogba can sign a contract with the giants Manchester United, it will greatly enhance the reputation of Xinglong Brokerage Company. With its reputation, Xinglong Brokerage Company will have the opportunity to recruit more and better. For a brokerage company, a good player is a cash cow.

The next day, Zhang Qi was invited by Manchester United manager David Gill to the Manchester United headquarters at Old Trafford.

David Gill was indeed looking for Zhang Qi to talk about Pogba's contract.

During this time Pogba didn't play much time in the FA Cup, but he played very well, and there were two goals. You must know that they played Arsenal and Manchester City. This is a bonus for a young player.

An 18-year-old young man with such a performance will definitely be coveted by other giants, especially Pogba has no adult team contract, and other teams can take Pogba away with only a training fee.

Now Manchester United’s midfielder is not picking up. Scholes, Giggs, and Park Ji-sung are estimated to retire next season. Besides Gao Xiaodong, the players have a single function and lack the all-round midfielder Pogba. When Pogba reached his age and performed well, Ferguson quickly asked David Gill to find Pogba's agent to sign the senior team contract.

Zhang Qi did not directly agree to David Gill, saying that it was too sudden and he wanted to go back and discuss with Pogba. In Zhang Qi's view, although Manchester United is a very good choice, Pogba has great potential and performed well. , There is no contract for the senior team, so I don’t have to worry about getting home, which means that the Xinglong brokerage company has the initiative and can ask for a higher price.

After returning, Zhang Qi discussed with Gao Xiaodong, Monkey, and Xiao Le first, and then called Pogba over.

Pogba heard that Manchester United had started to talk to Zhang Qi about his senior team contract. He was very happy. This was the first time he had signed a senior team contract. He knew almost nothing. He didn't trust Zhang Qi, so he went to look for him. Gao Xiaodong asked if he wanted to sign this contract and what his annual salary would be.

Gao Xiaodong told Pogba that Manchester United is a great team, and his midfielder is now unavailable. Giggs and Scholes are about to retire soon. As long as Pogba waits patiently, staying at Manchester United is a great A good choice. As for the annual salary, Gao Xiaodong asked Pogba to listen to his family's opinions and do what he could.

Although Gao Xiaodong is the actual controller of Xinglong Brokerage Company, on the surface, his relationship with Xinglong Brokerage Company is only a friend of the manager Zhang Qi. For Pogba, he can only give him some advice from the perspective of the big brother. He went back to discuss it with his family.

After Pogba went back to discuss with his family, he came back and told Gao Xiaodong that he hoped Manchester United could give him a weekly salary of 40,000 pounds, because he felt that he could be worthy of this weekly salary. His teammate Cleverly had received it before. 50,000 weekly salary.

This weekly salary is incomparable to Gao Xiaodong’s weekly salary of over 1 million pounds, but Pogba is a young man who has only played a few FA Cup substitutes, but Gao Xiaodong is not an agent. What is his weekly salary? He didn't know whether it was high or low. Gao Xiaodong asked Pogba to discuss with Zhang Qi and Monkey. They were professionals.

However, Gao Xiaodong told Pogba that at this time, he should focus on playing more games instead of asking for more money.

After Pogba told Zhang Qi and Monkey about his ideas, both Zhang Qi and Monkey felt that Pogba’s weekly salary was a bit high. I am afraid that Ferguson would not give an 18-year-old child such a high weekly salary. After all, Borg Pakistan has yet to prove himself.

Zhang Qi directly told Pogba that he can ask for such a weekly salary from Manchester United, but Pogba had better adjust his psychological expectations, because Manchester United may not give it, and he hopes to get an annual salary increase.

But Pogba thinks he is worthy of such a weekly salary. He said that the starting salary should be at least 35,000 pounds, otherwise it would be too bad.

Although Zhang Qi felt that £35,000 was not low, Pogba did have strength and potential, so he agreed to Pogba to talk to David Gill and see how Manchester United reacted. nt

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