Li Mobai is the best friend with Judy among the boys in the class!

After all, they had those unforgettable and beautiful. Indescribable memories.

Judy glanced at Li Mobai from time to time while she was in class. Li Mobai was a little embarrassed!

What is this!

How do you feel? You don't have any good farts?

"Why does teacher Judy always look at me? Do you like me?" Zhu Yan, who is next to Li Mobai, suddenly said.

Li Mobai: "...!"

"It's true. I saw it too. Fat man, Miss Judy won't really like you?" Zhou can said with flying eyebrows.

"It's hard to say! What if foreign girls like my plump type? They have a sense of security!" Zhu Yanpeng said.

Look at his elated appearance. It's really spring.

"Why do I think Mr. Judy is looking at Lao Li?" the simple Huang Feilong made Zhu Yan furious!

nonsense! No way!

Why is this good thing all his Li Mobai's? I disagree?

Li Mobai did not join their discussion. He just wants to finish this PE class quietly. However, unexpectedly, Judy suddenly raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

"If you think the practice is similar, you can find boys to fight!" Judy told the girls!

Well, is this going to make boys sandbags?

However, all the boys are very excited!

Being a sandbag for girls is a gift to an old color stick like Zhu Yan. What do you want?

It would be better if we could be the sandbag partner of ban Hua pan Ying!

But Li Mobai is not so crazy!

He thought, boys in the class are better than girls! There will inevitably be boys left alone.

That's embarrassing.

As a good contemporary youth with great love, Li Mobai is willing to sacrifice himself and achieve his classmates.

However, the idea is beautiful and the reality is cruel!

Ban Hua pan Ying went directly to Li Mobai and said, "I'll have two moves with you."

Li Mobai: "...!"

"Why me?" Li Mobai was helpless.

But looking at the irresistible look, he had to harden his head.

Now he is afraid of fighting with girls. so much trouble!

It's not good to win, even worse to lose. Headache!

Pan Ying is not big, but her steps are very flexible. Li Mobai is not easy to attack, so she has to take the defensive counterattack route.

However, the defensive counterattack is not so easy to use. If you were not careful, pan Ying kicked you on the back and took three steps forward, almost biting the mud.

All the roommates around are stupid.

What's going on?

Lao Li is always fierce. How do you feel so powerless now?

Is the body hollowed out?

Actually, it's a little. Because Li Mobai was drunk too much yesterday! I'm still a little dizzy at the moment. Not fully awake!

It's not that he can't fight. But worried about his hangover, in case he couldn't stop, he would be embarrassed if he tried too hard!

Isn't it embarrassing to be called a sex wolf in full view of the public?

Li Mobai, who has become a famous figure in the school, doesn't want to be famous anymore!

He's ready to admit defeat! In this way, the competitive class flower can let itself go!

But obviously, he still doesn't know pan Ying enough!

The little girl had to be unreasonable. She jumped up in front of him and kicked him behind. Li Mobai's shoulder was slightly sideways, and her right hand caught pan Ying's jade foot. Moving forward, pan Ying couldn't hold her body and came a horse.

If it were ordinary people, it would be useless!

Fortunately, this guy has good flexibility and didn't collapse on the ground.

But this annoyed pan Ying. She felt ashamed!

At that moment, he raised his hands and waved his pink fist gently. Li Mobai deliberately hit several punches to eliminate her anger.

In fact, for Li Mobai with rough skin and thick flesh, this attack is not a problem at all. It's like tickling.

But he has to pretend to be miserable! This can make pan Ying calm down!

Unexpectedly, the little girl got up and kicked her from the bottom. Li Mobai was startled. It was too poisonous.

If she hits this foot, won't she be useless?

Then the body tilted slightly and flashed over the leg. The two hands had grabbed pan Ying's waist. As soon as they lifted their hands, they tried hard to wrap pan Ying's body around a big circle, and they were about to fall hard on the floor!

Teacher Judy exclaimed, "No."

Pan Ying's small body can't stand such a fall!

It'll kill people.

Why is Li Mobai so careless?

In fact, it was Li Mobai who frightened pan Ying. Seeing that the little girl was hanging in the air, her face was pale. Li Mo smiled and let you know how powerful!

I didn't want to mess with you. But you have to push an inch. That can only teach you a lesson!

Li Mobai swung her body like a pendulum and didn't touch the ground.

Pan Ying was shocked and found that she was being held up by Li Mobai. He quickly struggled and his legs swung back and forth, which inevitably made Li Mobai get a few legs in front of his chest.

See that the purpose of punishment has been achieved. Li Mobai put her down, flashed aside and sat down!

Judy came over, her blue eyes full of appreciation and said, "Li Mobai, you're playing well. Have you practiced Kung Fu?"

Li Mobai nodded modestly and said, "a little, a little."

The Judy teacher was a little unconvinced: "do you want to compete."

Li Mobai quickly waved his hand and said, "no strength, no strength."

Judy obviously didn't believe it. When you just fought with Pan Ying, you were very handy!

At this time, Zhu Yan and others surrounded. Although Judy was open, it was not good to tease Li Mobai in front of other students, so she let him go!

Round Zhu Yan ran over and said, "your boy plays with the class flower and monitor as a ball. You're dead."

"Er...!" before Li Mobai spoke, the boy sighed again: "teacher Judy's figure is really great, American girl, really speechless."

The boy is going crazy all day long!

Li Mobai said silently, "don't think about women all day. Young man, you should know how to restrain."

But Zhu Yan said with small eyes: "Restraint is a fart. In today's era, what we stress is the survival of the fittest. If we want to know restraint, we can only be eunuchs. I want to stick to the idea that man can win the day. People have no me, people have me strong, constantly meet difficulties and strive for, so as to achieve great goals. Only the stronger people, the more beautiful women around them, and the more opportunities to choose. At a certain time, there is no need at all When you look for a beautiful woman, she will throw herself into her heart automatically, and then she will reach the supreme state. "

Look at the boy's intoxicated appearance. What he said is not completely unreasonable!

Competition is ubiquitous in this society. It's really inappropriate to restrain your desires.

The bell rang after class. Li Mobai got up and patted his ass. teacher Judy said to dissolve. Everyone left the venue in a swarm!

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