It's rare for Li Mobai to go to a library, but he met a beautiful teacher once!

This is the probability. Really.

Worthy of being a cruel man who can be reborn.

However, Wen Mingyu's words confused Li Mobai. What do you mean? Are you trying to draw a line with me?

Although Li Mobai also knows that there is a natural gap between students and teachers!

As for the three words "teacher-student love", it is taboo. Completely untouchable.

Li Mobai is not as bold as that.

As a turtle teacher, Wen Mingyu is young and unrestrained. But she must think more comprehensively.


Li Mobai has a headache.

If only Wei Jiangshan could have the consciousness of Wen Mingyu. Annoying.

After reading books in the library for two hours, Li Mobai went to the school canteen to cook. By the way, I called Dad and asked them how they were playing?

The old father and they climbed the Great Wall. Although tired, but very happy.

People who have lived in small cities for a lifetime suddenly see a broader world. This impact is very huge.

Li Mobai is also happy for his family!

You should see the world more!

Tell them to have a good rest and don't be reluctant to spend money. After that, Li Mobai took a bath and went to bed!

He is waiting for the news of Zhu Qingzhi tomorrow!

If everything goes well, it's a good start for yourself.

Early the next morning, Qinzhou Telecom Bureau attracted a group of technicians!

Although, Hai Mingwei is only the deputy director of the Finance Bureau! Can't control the Telecommunications Bureau. However, the governor of Qinzhou gave him three points of face. As long as the leader of the telecommunications bureau is not in his head, he will not lose face!

Soon, the news that the telecommunications bureau can handle low-cost mobile phone business spread all over the city!

Many people came to see the excitement at the news!

Zhu Qingzhi also made full preparations. Plus, the good popularity saved by the cash register business before! In one morning, more than 500 mobile phones were shipped!

Qinzhou Telecom Bureau also strongly supports this!

On the one hand, the above policies have been liberalized.

The central government has repeatedly stressed the need to embrace the development of the market and actively innovate. What is innovation? This is innovation.

Moreover, there is also the face of director Hai! It is said that this is a woman with a wide background.

There's no need to offend her. It's better to have a good relationship. Again. For Telecom bureaus, they can also profit from it.

Why not kill three birds with one arrow!

It has not only opened a market for ordinary people! The Qinzhou governor's office also issued a document to equip more than 100 state government officials with PHS mobile phones.

This is an official order! For the start-up stage of Kyushu technology, it is really a long drought and rain!

Subsequently, the Finance Bureau also asked for 50!

The finance bureau is the God of wealth of a city.

All departments are counting on the God of wealth to live. The God of wealth did it. We have to have fun!

All departments in Qinzhou ordered some. Add up to a small 1000 units!

Fortunately, Zhu Qingzhi didn't listen to Li Mobai.

He thinks that the communication market in other cities has not been opened except Qinzhou! The factory has shipped more than 3000 mobile phones idle! I have to check it anyway. Just bring it all at once!

In this way, you can save the freight once!

Unexpectedly, this is the idea that PHS didn't sell out in Qinzhou on the first day!

When he excitedly reported the news to Li Mobai, Li Mobai said three good things!

OK! Good! very nice!

With this card, he will negotiate with Wu Ying again, which is like a duck to water!

He has the final say in how to open the price.

"Next, we have to consider our own base station. This is an important bottleneck that may restrict our development in the future. We must accelerate the breakthrough!" Zhu Qingzhi is a layman in this regard! But after all, they are all engaged in the field of science and technology, which is expected!

The network of PHS is completely different from that of mobile communication. The service radius of PHS's small base station is only two or three hundred meters!

The big base station is only 700 or 800 meters, and the transmission power is very small, only milliwatts.

The service radius of the mobile base station is several kilometers to more than ten kilometers, which is much larger than that of the PHS base station. They have nothing in common.

Therefore, telecom and Netcom companies start PHS business by building their own cellular network!

Fortunately, PHS base stations are very simple, and operators have an inherent transmission network. There are thousands of small base stations in a city.

If I remember correctly, a slogan of PHS in my last life is that the radiation is small! Good for human health!

Although this is actually a little deceptive! But there's no way. People believe that. Especially the uncles and aunts!

Twenty years later, there are often news that residents do not allow base stations to enter the community! Say the radiation of the base station will cause cancer and so on!

How to say, I can understand!

You can't expect everyone to have scientific knowledge!

At this time, PHS with less radiation is undoubtedly very popular!

Moreover, the PHS base station is simple and easy to maintain! Win by quantity!

Li Mobai smacked his mouth. He knew that he must have his own base station. I thought it could be put off for a while. But now it seems that it can't be delayed! We have to get on the horse early!

The three armed forces have not moved, food and grass first! You look back and let the user have no signal. The big deal phone is very funny!

But building a base station means spending money. Li Mobai is short of money now!

"It will cost a lot of money," Li Mobai said, touching his chin!

Zhu Qingzhi: "...!"

"It's OK. Our current profits should be covered. Besides, we can let Starcom pay? If they want to cooperate with us, they have to bleed! I'm not afraid they disagree!" Zhu Qingzhi said with a bad smile.

Li Mobai: "...!"

"That's right. How can I forget this big dog. OK. It seems that I have to know this Wu Ying!" Li Mobai was overjoyed!

Wu Ying's family is foreign capital!

They are green coins, dollars and knives!

I think it's not bad for money.

After hanging up the phone, Li Mobai figured out how to squeeze oil from Starcom!

Actually, he didn't want to do things too well. If we say, Wu Ying's attitude has always been polite. Li Mobai will consider giving him some sweets.

Business. That's it.

What a pity. Wu Ying is a little complacent. His arrogant face that night left a very bad impression on Li Mobai.

I thought your boy had learned to steer the wind in America for so many years. I didn't expect it to be so bad.

Think you can do whatever you want when you find a backer? Naive!

I gave you a chance, but you want to bypass me and eat alone. Then the terms I offer you are doomed to be very harsh.

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