Rise of the Marvel Universe Zerg

Chapter 1043: It turns out that Voldemort is a goblin

After coming to this side of the cliff, Lin Fan passed through the ruins of a human building. It seemed that humans had gathered here, and the level of the building was not ordinary wood, but a high-end building with exquisite stone carvings.

But now these high-end buildings are just in ruins.

After passing here, there are swamps and bare woods, and from time to time there are gurgling bubbles.

On the edge of the swamp, there are some tents made of animal skins and tree trunks. When Lin Fan came here, many goblins with short knives and homemade bombs emerged from it.


At this time, in the cloth pocket hung on his back by Lin Fan, the black book flew out, showing a mission on it.

Task content: kill 50 goblins! Reward 100 goblin home-made bombs. Reward the method of making goblin home-made bombs. (Goblin’s hidden buildings will appear in large numbers before they are destroyed! Please find the hidden buildings and destroy them, otherwise you will be exhausted and unable to escape here.)

Lin Fan smiled. This hidden building is a dry tree surrounded by about three or four people. Anyone who has played "Devil City Shadow King" knows this very well.

There are two ways for the goblin to attack. The first is to come up and stab someone with a short knife, and the second is to throw a home-made bomb, and they will accidentally hurt them along with their companions.

Lin Fan's cross, with the spikes and chains underneath, could reach about four meters away, and the lashes made it impossible for the goblin to get close.

As for the technique of "whipping", Lin Fan knows too well.

There is "whipping" deformation in the black light virus. This is the most advantageous basis. Lin Fan's use of the cross can be said to be very handy, and some of the experience, techniques and moves of using the whip are even more handy.

The templars of the Protoss have a long history and a long life. They have accumulated the use of various skills and changes in their moves. They have long been recorded in Lin Fan's brain cells.

If you can't use your own abilities, use your own skills, it's okay.

50 weak vegetable goblins were tortured and killed by Lin Fan.

The home-made bomb that was thrown was also thrown by Lin Fan under the dead tree next to him. After Lin Fan finished cleaning the goblins, the dead tree could no longer hold on, and it just collapsed.

Lin Fan came to the goblin's tent. There was a black iron-colored treasure box. Lin Fan opened it and it was full of goblin home-made bombs. Counting them, they just made up 100.

However, Lin Fan didn't have the space to equip these things, so he couldn't take them away.

Under the box, there are formulas for making bombs. Lin Fan can understand that these things, except for the metal shell, can be found in the forest and are easy to gather.

Lin Fan can't be stumped if the bomb is not taken away. These things are made of crude and heavy iron shell, which not only increases the cost, but also increases the inconvenience for the holder.

Lin Fan is a master-level character who is proficient in forging, transformation and weapons. He can't use the Heaven and Earth Forge Scrolls now, but with Lin Fan's technical qualities, he can still achieve some small transformations.

Temporarily staying in the goblin's tent, Lin Fan hollowed out the silver dagger on his body, released the explosive from the bomb, increased the concentration, and stuffed it into the hollow slot in the dagger.

In this way, when the dagger hits the target again, it will explode due to the impact, and even against a powerful werewolf like the wolf, it can kill it with one blow when it hits the key.

The silver fragments will penetrate into the flesh and even the internal organs, forming a dissolving effect.

"This time and space vortex produces mythril mines. The silver of these daggers is not ordinary silver." After clearing the customs, Lin Fan thought, let the insect swarms come in and occupy here to dig mythril mines.

Mithril is a metal with excellent energy conductivity, which is one of the necessary resources for the study of many things for insects.

After transforming the explosive dagger, Lin Fan went on the road again, and the place where the dead tree fell was forwards, helping Lin Fan to build a bridge to cross the swamp belt.

These swamps are more than just traps. There are also water ghosts living in them, specifically dragging the passing travelers into the silt and suffocating them alive. Moreover, the chance of breaking free is very slim.

But there are still surprises and no dangers here, as long as you don't have a lack of root in your brain and know to hide, you will not be dragged down.

After passing here, Lin Fan saw another corpse on the road, and got more things from it.

This thing is life fragments, and if you collect 5 of them, you can increase your vitality.

In Lin Fan's current situation, it was raised from Tier 3 to Tier 4, which is still a very useful collection.

There are still some corpses that don’t have gems like life fragments, but there are some handwritten notes that record the situation. The above describes that in this forest, there is a terrible guardian who will peep at you quietly when you relax your guard. , It will kill you.

Shortly after……

Lin Fan came to the tomb of a church exorcist.

This should have been a peaceful and peaceful environment, with forests, rivers, and the fragrance of birds and flowers, but now it has been destroyed by the minions of the Shadow King.

If the sarcophagus in the tomb is not strong enough, I am afraid it has been destroyed, and it can be seen that it has been ravaged by terrible things.


At this time, the black book appeared again, with some hints on it, which were hints to the silver stele in front of the church's exorcist's tomb.

Reminder content: After the exorcist of the church dies, he will turn his cross into mithril and leave it in front of the tomb, waiting for the exorcist of the alliance to take it when he arrives. You can use this silver tablet to increase your cross combat power.

Lin Fan stuffed his cross into the groove of the silver stele, and immediately the gear device in the silver stele was strengthened. After a while, Lin Fan's cross was sent out.

Now there are more hooks on the cross, which can allow Lin Fan to tow and drag, passing some building ruins or high cliffs, which may help.

From here, Lin Fan was about to walk deeper into the forest, but a shadow appeared above his head.

A green Voldemort who is much stronger than the wolf appeared! !

Similar to the wolf in the werewolf. Voldemort is a powerful character among goblins.

However, the figure of more than three meters tall, like iron muscles, green crusty covered with moss, is a bit stronger than a wolf.

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