Riyu's Back File 2011

Day Entertainment-2011 Chapter 146

Hill had some lingering fears. She never thought that an executive who hadn't even entered the board of directors could actually leverage so many forces.

"This person is so insidious, why do you give him the financing business? What if he really introduces State Street Bank or even other investors?"

"Hill, remember, none of the executives who can achieve this position are not simple, they are masters of strategy. Because you were directly mentioned to such a high position by me, you have not experienced too much office politics. Once you are promoted, you still need to learn more in this area."

After Miyazaki Cangsuke finished speaking, he sighed, drank the wine in his crystal glass, even chewed a few ice cubes together, and he barked his teeth cold.

"However, although Simon Weiss and Masanori Mochida are in the same boat, he did not expect to be defended by Masanori Mochida because of his too strong ability. He did not tell him that we are not short of funds, even Goldman Sachs. Nothing within the group told him the priority of Nippon Life Group."

"What you mean is that after Masanori Chitian was forced to resign, he regretted his cooperation with Simon Weiss, and felt that even if we and the Goldman Sachs Group were defeated, Simon Weiss would only benefit from him. It's profitable, so I deliberately cheated Simon Weiss and want to borrow our hand to kick Simon Weiss out of the game?"

Although Hill hasn't experienced much office politics, he is also an elite killed from Wall Street, with an IQ far exceeding ordinary people. Miyazaki Aosuke understood the twists and turns behind this storm.

"That's right." Miyazaki nodded silently, "So, if you can see Takatake Nagai's cell phone now, there must be contact information between him and Masanori Mochida. The reason why he is so weird today should be before. Masanori Mochida has told him his plan, letting him know that the things he planned with Masanori Mochida and Takatake Nagai will not succeed, so he will cooperate with Masanori Mochida to beat Simon Weiss."

"If I'm right, Masanori Mochida is now looking for someone to join in New York, trying to transfer from within the Goldman Sachs Group to a partner's investment company, and also promised Nagai Takatake that he would take him with him. Before the two left, they were not reconciled to Simon Weiss's benefit so they buried this pit for him."

"I'm about to faint, boss, you said that this turmoil was planned by Masanori Mochida and Takatake Nagai to pit Simon Weiss? What are you going to do now, boss? Do you fire Simon Weiss?" Hill raised her forehead and asked, this kind of conspiracy is still too far for her.

"Keep on playing with them!" Miyazaki looked up at Hill strangely, and asked, "You have been with me for so long, why don't you know me? Such a fun thing, why not keep playing. Play them all to death, can't it?"

"Ah!" Hill just remembered. Miyazaki Cangsuke had been engaged in such a big battle tonight. He should have guessed the probabilities of this matter. He deliberately set up a game to arrange Simon Weiss and the way behind him. The rich bank, led them into the bureau and gave themselves money.He has done this kind of thing more than once.

It is a pity that a wise man must have lost his mind. Even if Miyazaki Aosuke caught so many clues, he underestimated the capabilities of Simon Weiss and State Street Bank. For this kind of thing, never underestimate people's determination to make money.

But that's all for later!

As for now, Miyazaki Cangsuke did not continue to investigate.He just asked the public relations department to hold a press conference to tell the media clearly.

First of all, the departure of the vice chairman of Masanori Mochida is because his position within the Goldman Sachs Group will change, and it is no longer suitable to represent the major shareholder Goldman Sachs as the vice chairman of Nippon Life Group, so his departure is just a normal position. Adjustment.

Secondly, Nippon Life Group will not give up its drug research and development business, and will continue to invest heavily in the research and development of new drugs, continue to strengthen its own drug research and development capabilities, and shorten the gap between Nippon Life Group and Pfizer and other leading pharmaceutical companies.

Finally, Alpha Investment will continue to inject more than 10 billion U.S. dollars into Japan Life Group in the next three years for the development of large health business and to expand the global market.

In this matter, Miyazaki Sosuke actually has to thank Mochida Masanori and Simon Weiss for their ambitions. If it were not for them, within the Japan Life Group, the faction dispute between Shiono Yoshi and Ono Pharmaceutical, R&D faction and the market The internal fighting of the faction may be delayed until the future erupts, resulting in more serious consequences.

After dealing with the company's internal affairs, Miyazaki Sosuke was able to spare time and rush to NHK's headquarters the next day to discuss the adaptation plan of this novel with the other party.

The preparatory meeting for this project has been planned since Haruki Murakami agreed to sell the adaptation rights of the work and joined the crew as a co-screenwriter.It's just that the participants are very busy, and it hasn't been held until now.

"I think this world is really a mystery to young people with helplessness and anger these days!" Miyazaki Sosuke sat in the center of one side of the conference room, with other members of the crew on both sides, listening to him about The creative idea of ​​this work.

"When I wrote the script for this work, I discussed it with Murakami-san many times and changed the theme many times. In the end, I decided to continue the theme of this film around the shouts of marginalized people to the world. This story." Miyazaki said while looking at Haruki Murakami on the opposite side. The other side nodded and looked around the crowd, saying that he had no opinion on Miyazaki's words.

"Traditional Japanese movies are used to telling warm and inspirational real life. Directors like to tell such a story. It seems to be saying, strangely, the harder the life, the more valuable the life. In order to obtain a carefree In life, you often have to do things that you hate. This kind of thinking does give people strength, but it ultimately makes viewers who want to observe in depth why life is so bitter, feel that they are a fool, extremely stupid. "

After Haruki Murakami finished speaking at Miyazaki Sosuke, he also continued to talk about the creative ideas that he and Miyazaki Sosuke held in the process of creating the script.

"The 19th century of cultural historical significance did not end in 1900, but ended in 1914, when the First World War broke out. Similarly, Japanese films in the first decade of the 21st century should not be delimited by 2010. "

"The fault that people actually felt occurred in 2011."

### One hundred seventy three chapter happy###

With the rise of Tao, Murakami quickly got up, walked to the whiteboard next to the conference table, drew a timeline with a marker, and marked each node.

"I don't need more of me, I think everyone should know why. The big earthquake in the Higashimoto area, the disasters caused, and the explosion of the Fukushima Rainbow Station caused by the earthquake have brought irreversible changes to the history of this movie for more than a century. Of non-continuous damage."

"So, when Miyazaki and I were creating the movie, one of the questions we have been discussing is, what has happened to this movie after the 3-11 earthquake? How should we create it in line with this era? Background work?"

At this time, Miyazaki Sosuke asked the NHK staff to take out some of the information he asked the other party to collect from the box on the side and distribute it to everyone.

"This is some information that I commissioned to collect from NHK TV. Since the 2011 earthquake, there have been nearly a hundred documentaries shown in cinemas, public halls and other public places. If you consider personally filmed online video works It’s difficult to grasp the full picture of the video works after 3-11."

"Several feature films on related themes have been completed and released, but the critics’ evaluations of these works are split. I am afraid that it will not be until the next ten years, that is, in 2022. In fact, the historical significance of the discussion on the traces left by this unprecedented disaster on this movie."

Just when Miyazaki Cangsuke finished, and everyone was looking through the materials, someone asked.

"Excuse me, are we going to create a work about remembering the earthquake?" The cameraman of the crew asked with a pile of earthquake information.

"That's not what we mean. What we want to discuss is that after the 3-11 earthquake, those filmmakers who were driven to the disaster area and recorded with photographers after the 3-11 earthquake, ten years later, there will be a few people who can insist on video recording. And to keep the soul clean? Face the moral issues brought about by the act of photography? In which direction will this movie develop because of their behavior, this is the subject of discussion with Murakami-san."

After Miyazaki Sosuke finished speaking, Murakami continued to explain to everyone.The people in the conference room are all members of the creative team of the film crew. If they can't reach an agreement with them, the film will not be able to implement the ideas of him and Miyazaki.

"Going into the cinema to watch movies and being moved by the art of film has become more and more like a kind of performance art without knowing it. The reason why I agreed to participate in the creation of this film is actually my attempt to pass He and Miyazaki-san re-examined the era of the happy relationship that I had established with this movie to answer what the essence of the movie is! This is the greatest motivation for our creation."

When Murakami finished, the members of the crew nodded, seemingly understanding.They are all members of the technical department. How do you use the lighting, how the lens is taken, or what makeup style you use, etc., these are more practical issues, perhaps they are more straightforward to understand and give feedback.

But up to now, they are still not so interested in the topic of Miyazaki Sosuke and Murakami, so now everyone is lacking in interest.

When Miyazaki Sosuke and the film project team had a meeting, on the other side of Tokyo, Yui Aragaki had just finished TBS's publicity work and got into a babysitter car exhausted.

At the beginning of this month, after the host list of this record award came out, Yui Aragaki was invited by the organizing committee to be the host of this year's record awards, and co-hosted the record awards at the end of next month with TBS broadcaster Shinichiro Anzumi.

Therefore, Yui Aragaki's schedule for November is basically related to the promotion of the album awards.She has been out of business for almost half a year, and now she is suddenly working hard and feels a little tired.

The nanny car drove all the way to the garage of her apartment, and the assistant wearing glasses sent the contemplative Yui Aragaki upstairs.Walking to the door, the assistant saw that the other party had been in a daze, and couldn't help snapping his fingers in front of Yui Aragaki.

"Huh?" Yui Aragaki finally recovered.

"Ming, I won't call you up, remember to set the alarm clock yourself." When the assistant saw Yui Aragaki regaining his soul, he told this employer who didn't know why, and was in a trance.

"Also, Aragaki-san, your medical report for this year is coming out soon. Did I pick it up for you, or do you go to the hospital by yourself?" the assistant continued to remind.

This is because the medical report is actually a private thing. In a country that pays attention to **, for such information, I often go to the hospital to personally receive the report to prevent the information from being exposed.However, Yui Aragaki believed that there was no physical problem, so he was not afraid of the medical report being exposed.

After hearing the reminder, Yui Aragaki smiled to the assistant and said, "You reminded yesterday, it's very late, and you will go home soon. As for the medical report, work has been too busy recently, so please You can help me get it!"

"Okay, then I'll go first. Goodnight Aragaki-san!" The assistant waved his hand to say goodbye to Aragaki Yui after hearing the employer's order.She is the life assistant arranged by LesPros office for Yui Aragaki. In a sense, it is also the eyeliner arranged by the office on the side of the artist. Yui Aragaki can't escape her eyes and naturally can't escape the office. eye.

Yui Aragaki took out the key to open the door of the apartment, turned to watch the assistant disappear from the back of the elevator, closed the door and let out a long sigh of relief.She looked at this empty single apartment and clenched her fists tightly. She could finally get excited now that she could not express in the car just now.

Yui Aragaki came to the sofa, took out his mobile phone to open Wechat's chat log, and watched the message sent by Sosuke Miyazaki, informing him that he would be coming tomorrow night, Yui Aragaki could not help but smile.

Miyazaki Sosuke is finally coming over!what!!!!

Since the fireworks display, Yui Aragaki has no idea what Miyazaki Aosuke has been doing in recent months.I only know that the other party has been very busy. In October, I saw on the news that Miyazaki Cangsuke visited China as an economic and trade representative. Recently, the two parties saw that the scandal within him and the life group was exposed.

Except for sending messages with Miyazaki Cangsuke from time to time, and occasionally making calls, they were all answered by the other party's assistant.Therefore, Yui Aragaki did not dare to bother Miyazaki Sosuke.In the TBS lounge today, I suddenly received news from Miyazaki Sosuke that he will come over tomorrow night. I think he should be done recently.

### One hundred seventy-four chapter minors###

Yui Aragaki looked at the news for a while and found that there was nothing wrong. She got up from the sofa and went to the bathroom. After removing her makeup, she took a shower. Then she wandered out in her cotton crayon Shinchan pajamas and used it in the living room. The hair dryer was blowing the hair.

While blowing her hair, Yui Aragaki looked at the product list on the tablet, picking up the pajamas to be worn when she was with Miyazaki Aosuke tomorrow night, and prepared to buy it tomorrow.

After watching for a long time, Aragaki Yui struggled for a long time between the two pajamas.

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