Riyu's Back File 2011

Day Entertainment-2011 Chapter 172

According to reports, Yui Aragaki recently became independent from Lespros office because Miyazaki was unable to pursue Yui Aragaki and wanted to acquire the other party's office, using his position as a major shareholder to put pressure on Yui Aragaki.Yui Aragaki was helpless, and finally reached the head of the old man Li Shun. The two teamed up to negotiate with the Nishi, and agreed to some harsh conditions from the party. This is the last moment before the acquisition of the firm. Lespros office became independent, but also lost a lot of resources and advertising contracts.

According to reports, Li Shun will quit Yui Aragaki's office after his contract expires to open a mom-and-pop shop.In essence, it is to work for the Ranji, who holds a lot of shares in this firm, to repay the people they owed in the Aragaki Yui independence incident.

On the other side, Li Xun looked at the true and false news on the Internet at the computer, crying without tears.He was called by his agent early in the morning and asked if he was really going to move to Yui Aragaki's office, and whether they really had a secret agreement with Ranji, something the office didn't know about. .

The agent was not at all polite on the phone, so he just cursed him for not knowing what is good or bad, and even lost his career for the sake of an Aragaki Yui.

Who is Yui Aragaki? That is the woman Miyazaki Sosuke pursues. Although you look like Miyazaki Sosuke, can you Li Shun, a Feiyu, compete with a business tycoon like Miyazaki Sosuke?I didn’t see people wanting to pursue Yui Aragaki. They always bought the office. The advertising costs of affiliated companies every year, according to the news broke on the Internet, can buy the five core TV stations. This is not a player at all. How do you compare.

Li Xun could not cry without tears, and he did not know when he and Yui Aragaki were going to open a mom-and-pop shop.His relationship with Yui Aragaki is only general.

The interaction between the two of them on the variety show did not add up to a single sentence, except that Yui Aragaki got rid of Miyazaki Sosuke and added the "Escape from Shameful But Useful" ratings to Changhong. At that time, the heart was very good. People just started talking about food again, so Yui Aragaki only said a few more words. I didn't expect to be misunderstood by netizens as evidence of their secret exchanges.

###Two hundred twenty one chapter rejection###

The agent breathed a long sigh of relief after hearing Li Shun’s explanation, as long as Li Shun’s cash cow in the office did not faint and rob Miyazaki Sosuke women.

That night, Sanshi Office contacted Yuxi Tamagawa, hoping to issue a statement with them at the same time, to give an official response to this scandal.

Yui Aragaki thought and thought about the content of public relations, and finally decided what was there.

First of all, she denied in the announcement that the man standing opposite her in the underground parking lot of Lianwan was Li Shun. According to the announcement of Sanshi Office, Li Shun was filming on the crew, so it was impossible to appear in the parking lot to scold Yui Aragaki.

Secondly, the statement explained that Yui Aragaki himself and the back figure are nothing more than ordinary to not ordinary friends. The reason why they quarreled was because there was a conflict between the two due to a little personal affairs, which caused Yui Aragaki to not hold back. She had a temper with that friend, so she apologized to the general public and thanked everyone for caring about her.

As soon as the firm’s statement was released, fans began to make trouble again, and even passers-by could not help but rush to major social networking sites to express their opinions.

"Ordinary friends, are there any ordinary friends who meet at the bottom of an apartment building in the middle of the night? Going to public places, such as coffee shops, might still make sense."

"That man must be Li Xun. There are not many men with short hair, and short-haired artists in the mixed entertainment circle are even rarer. Li Xun must be too late to finish the filming, and he and Gakki are on the ground floor of the apartment late at night. Meeting, this kind of focus on career is understandable, but it seems that Gakki is so empathetic."

"In fact, whether it is Li Xun or not, Gakki's age is almost the time to get married. It's normal to have a boyfriend. But, why is Li Xun? I didn't expect the two to come together."

"Although the probability that that man is Miyazaki sauce is very low, I still can't help but imagine that if the president of a big company like Miyazaki is willing to be reprimanded in front of you, if I were Gakki , I decided to marry as soon as possible."

"+1, the man now!..."

Well, this group of fans are pulling further and further, from the entertainment sector to the social sector.Looking at everyone's comments, Yui Aragaki became more and more irritable.She was studying whether to deal with the still-noisy scandal. Suddenly, she received another call and took her mobile phone. Yui Aragaki saw "trouble" displayed on the screen.

She answered the phone, only to hear Miyazaki Cousuke gritted his teeth at her on the phone, "Now, make a statement that the person in the photo is me, right away!"

Yui Aragaki didn't know why Miyazaki Sosuke suddenly called. Was it a stimulus?She asked a little dazedly, "What do you admit to admit? Admit that you are my young love, a wolfdog? President Miyazaki!"

On the other end of the phone, Miyazaki Cangsuke fell silent when he heard the three words wolfdog spit out by Yui Aragaki, but his breathing gradually became heavier.

Yui Aragaki could hear that the opposite Miyazaki Sosuke was undergoing a complicated psychological activity. She frowned in disgust, and she didn't know if it was time to hang up the call from Miyazaki Sosuke.

After a few seconds of silence, the opposite man finally spoke again.

"Acknowledge that the person in the photo is me. It was you and me that night, and we made a statement together."

In the end, Miyazaki Sosuke's tone was obviously brisk. Although it is difficult to admit a fact, once he speaks, this invisible pressure will be released.

However, Yui Aragaki simply rejected the proposal without even thinking about it.

"No, I don't want to make a statement. I don't have a wolf dog like you. How can President Miyazaki be a woman who is easy to think and can afford it?"

Then, Yui Aragaki decisively hung up the antonym, leaving Miyazaki Cousuke in a daze at the "beep" sound in the phone.Nothing else, in Yui Aragaki's mind, what's the matter with Aosuke Miyazaki that she can afford to raise a wolf dog.

On the other side, Miyazaki Cangsuke watched as the call interface popped back to the cell phone broadcast as the phone hung up. He looked at the screen and cursed in a low voice, threw the phone on the table anxiously, and rubbed himself vigorously. hair.


In the afternoon, Miyazaki Sosuke waited until the group meeting was over. He returned to the four-hour working system, sitting in the office and calling the driver to get off work later.The assistant was also going to leave. What she likes most about this job is that after Miyazaki Aosuke is off work, she can leave the account without having to stay in the office like the analyst below.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? No one wants to eat you behind?" Miyazaki Sosuke's voice came from behind.

"...Chairman, the computer in my office is still on, and the work summary for the first quarter is only halfway through, look!" The assistant is still rejoicing for Miyazaki Aosuke's off work, and is walking lightly to pack things. , Was stopped by Miyazaki Cangsuke.

She murmured in her heart. As usual, if Miyazaki Cousuke stopped her at this time, it would prove that something was going on at night and she couldn't run away.

"There is a cocktail party in the evening. Clean up and get in the car with me later. Remember to go down and bring up the documents. I will watch the progress summary at that time." Miyazaki Aosuke stood up from his seat and took the phone from the hanger. After taking it up, he ordered the assistant.

Ten minutes later, the assistant failed to escape the fate of overtime in the end.It's just that she clearly felt that after experiencing the recent incident, Miyazaki Aosuke had become much softer than before.

It is rumored that Miyazaki Sosuke has three main characteristics, arbitrariness and righteousness, which can be seen from the turmoil he set off within his life group.

Secondly, Miyazaki Sosuke's cold-bloodedness is also famous in the company and even in the Tokyo business community.In recent years, Miyazaki Sosuke's vigorous vigor has not only led the rapid rise of Alpha Investment Group, but also attacked and eliminated a group of elderly people who could not keep up.He has never been too tolerant of dissidents. He has some ideas as long as he decides to do it, he will definitely run the school.

This way of handling is like this when changing the company's internal structure and eradicating opponents from the board of directors. Miyazaki may not behave in this way when dealing with private affairs.It's just that he might be gentler when he treats a female child, but in essence, the so-called gentleness is just giving more money or giving gifts more expensive.

As for the dedication of feeling and time, Miyazaki Cangsuke has always had his own considerations.But now, the assistant looks at Aosuke Miyazaki sitting in the car, wearing a thin shirt, slightly loose because of his weight loss, and with a well-proportioned skeleton inside, he looks so frustrated and depressed.

###Two hundred twenty two chapter shelf###

Feeling the upside is not going well, Miyazaki Cangsuke's career has been smooth.After shooting the movie "Burning", when he returned to the company, he had been busy with Alpha Group, including some of the company's projects and related company issues, especially the issues related to the life group, which the group invested heavily in.

At this stage, after two mergers, the Life Group has completed its layout in the Asian region. The company has also established two new pharmaceutical R&D centers in Shenzhen and Shanghai as conditions for its subsidiary Qianke Health Group to acquire land.

Since the first quarter, the entire company has been busy developing markets.

It's a pity, as the saying goes, success is also poor, and failure is also poor.After the company acquired Qianke Group, it used its rich experience in the real estate market to not only vigorously enter the commercial real estate market, but also pave the way for the health group to acquire a large amount of land across the country.

But it is precisely because of this that the executives within the Life Group found that the real estate market is so profitable that on the basis of the internal struggle between the market and R&D groups, there has been a dispute between the medical and real estate groups within the market group.

For any large company, this is something that can never be avoided.In a mature business organization, the power held by an individual determines his value, and his value determines his position in the organization and benefits such as allotment and income.

Since Miyazaki's return to the company, he has been monitoring the operation of the entire company, observing, thinking, and coordinating this huge business organization through the information platform of the Life Group.

Compared with financial companies such as Alpha Group and Internet companies such as Wechat, the Life Group not only has a larger business scale, but also has more complicated staff. The management is a test of the comprehensive ability of this group of executives.

Companies have troubles with companies, and big companies have troubles with big companies.When money is scarce, everyone is thinking about cashing out, and when money is getting more, everybody starts thinking about dividing money again.

At each meeting, Miyazaki Sosuke and these executives are chatting and laughing. These people talk from theory to reality, from data to market development, from future development trends, market research results, to each department’s three years The expected goals, in fact, they all have the same requirements, that is, they hope to get more cash, recruit more employees, and conduct more mergers and acquisitions from Miyazaki Sosuke.

After a new round of capital injection and the listing of several new drugs, the cash flow of the Life Group is now close to 4 billion U.S. dollars. Some of this is newly injected by Miyazaki Aosuke through Alpha Group financing, and some are The sales revenue of new drugs, such a large amount of fat, naturally makes the executives jealous, and everyone wants to grab some cash.

In this era, only money can recruit troops, only money can invest in research and development, and money can expand combat effectiveness and compete with other competitors in the market.

The drug department hopes that the board of directors can invest more funds in research and development, so that they can continue to launch explosive new drugs, and they still have a record of hot sales just after the market is on the market.

The marketing department is even crying poorly. Miyazaki has asked Tamaki Taiben Life Group to open up the global market and expand the group’s originally limited domestic channels to the world. This is a gold-swallowing hole that not only takes time, but also Need money investment.

Channels, if you want to make things fast, apart from merging other companies and absorbing and digesting their already mature market channels, there is no other way. It costs money.

The same is true for Wang Shi of Qianke Health Group. Less than half a year after the establishment of the new company, he took nearly two billion US dollars in cash from Miyazaki Sosuke and bought land in major cities, each time thousands of acres. Even if the cost is 20 or 30% lower than the market price, the land that cannot be bought is too much.

In addition to the funds needed for later development, Wang Shi would fly from Beijing to Tokyo every month, shuttle between the two Beijings, just to be able to ask for a little more money.

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