Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 386: The birth of artificial elemental creatures

When Kong Ming was localizing the ascension ceremony, inspiration came again...

And it's very ferocious!

Even Kong Ming, who was already an advanced master, was almost pitted by the ferocious inspiration on Karazhan's outer wall.

So, sometimes doing scientific research is like killing one's own head.

When Kong Ming was studying the ascension ceremony before, he found a very big problem!

Whether it is an ascension ritual or an ascension skill, it has something to do with the shaman. To be precise, the user must have the ability to borrow elemental power.


In all classes of Azeroth, the inheritance of warriors, paladins, priests, wizards, druids, rangers, thieves, death knights, etc., has spread in this world.

Only the three professions of Warlock, Demon Hunter and Shaman, Kong Ming had not cultivated them alone.

The reason for detaining the warlock is because the warlock is too evil and dangerous, and most of the skills need to be exchanged with the demons of the Twisting Void.

Demon hunters are also a dangerous inheritance. They need to fight against the devil in their hearts forever, and as long as their minds are a little bit worse, they will blacken or collapse.

Moreover, the energy systems of the above two classes are all fel energy, but the damage caused by fel energy to the environment is also too powerful...

Look at what Draenor looked like back then, after seeing what it looked like after being ruined by the warlock?

Compared with warlocks and demon hunters, the reason why Kong Ming didn't release the profession of Shaman was much simpler.

Because the current conditions for releasing the Shaman inheritance are not enough...

That's right, it's Jiang Zidi!

Although there are shamans killed every minute in the world of Azeroth. There are even civil organizations that have begun to study the shaman's technique of instant hearthstone.

But Kong Ming really did not dislike the shaman being too weak. That's why they discriminate against shamans!

It was mainly because Kong Ming discovered that the element world in the Pirate World was not as lively as Azeroth, and the space barrier from the main material world to the element world was too strong.

At least with Kong Ming's current strength, coupled with the power of the magic source of Crown Island, there is no way to open a stable door to the elemental world.

As a result, it is almost impossible for people in the Pirate World to make a contract with the elemental creatures in the elemental world and borrow the power of the elemental creatures.

And without the help of the elements, what would be left of them?

So the hardware is not enough. It's not that Kong Ming thinks that shaman is a mobile honor and discriminates against them.

But with the help of inspiration, Kong Ming came up with a very creative idea...

Although it is not known whether there are elemental creatures in the elemental realm of this world, there are indeed elemental creatures that are alive and kicking in this world.

For example, there are two closed in Kong Ming's Wangguan Island laboratory...

A variant of the earth element, the sand elemental creature.

A variant of the wind element, the thunder elemental creature.

So as long as you make a few changes to the ascension ritual, you can make a contract with these two elemental creatures, and then use their elemental power to complete the ascension ritual.

After the inspiration pointed out the research direction, Kong Ming quickly completed the transformation of the new ascension ceremony...

In the laboratory of Crown Island, Thunder God Ainilu was lying in his prison with his eyes blankly, pale and weak, as if he was stepped on by a hundred men.

In a room next to Aini Road’s cell, a cylinder made of metal and glass, which looked very high-tech, stood in the middle of the room.

On the ground around the cylinder, there is a circle of silver-white patterns poured on the ground.

Countless wires hang down from the surroundings of the room and are connected to the cylinder. From which wires the countless shining electric lights were transmitted into the cylinder.

In the center of the cylinder, there is a transparent liquid that looks like water, and electric sparks flicker at the top of the liquid.

A man dressed as a pirate is hanging his head, floating in the middle of the liquid as if dead, motionless!


In the monitoring room directly opposite the cell, an operator sitting next to the instrument panel looked at the instrument in front of him with a serious expression.

"Volunteer No. 1034 has completely stopped beating his heart, blood circulation has stopped flowing, and brain waves have begun to weaken, entering a state of dying."

"Tell me why!"

Sitting on the main seat, Kong Ming looked at the instrument in front of him, and was struggling to write.

"Roger that!"

Sitting on the left side of Kong Ming, he put on a white lab coat again, and Huo Cubagu, wearing a white mask, looked at the instrument in front of him, and made a very positive conclusion.

"Volunteer No. 1034 is currently undergoing a cardiac arrest caused by human body rejection in the process of cell transformation."


Kong Ming glanced in the direction of a quill pen on his left that was automatically recording, then again turned his gaze back to the experimental record in front of him, and finally set his gaze on the volunteer No. 1034 The direction between the operations.

"You can consider using the lightning energy originally intended for cell transformation to stimulate the heart..."

Before Huo Cubagu finished speaking, the operator who had been observing the vital signs of Volunteer No. 1034 had spoken again.

"The report shows that the brain waves of volunteers No. 1034 have completely returned to zero. Repeat, the brain waves of volunteers No. 1034 have completely returned to zero..."

"How can this be?"

Huo Cubagu stood up suddenly, walked quickly to the glass in front of the observation room, and looked at the cylinder in the operating room opposite.

"Even after the heart stops beating, the human brain can still last for ten to twenty hours. Why did the brain waves of the 1034 volunteer disappear so quickly?"


Huo Cubagu turned his head to look at Kong Ming, "I need your approval to conduct an autopsy on Volunteer No. 1034..."

"no need!"

Kong Ming stood up and gently pushed his glasses, "Because we have succeeded."

"Okay, I will arrange the operating room...wait!"

Huo Cubagu looked at Kong Ming in surprise, "Master, what do you say, our experiment was successful?"


Kong Ming walked slowly in front of Huo Cubagu, looking down at the opposing operation room.

"The reason why Volunteer No. 1034's vital signs disappeared so quickly under our supervision is because he has broken away from our life form and turned into something else..."

Following Kong Ming's voice, the body of the pirate who seemed to be a dead man floating in the glass cylinder in the operating room shook suddenly, and the liquid inside the glass cylinder began to turbulence.

Kong Ming put his hand on his glasses frame, the corner of his mouth evoked a confident arc.

"Everyone, let's witness this historic moment together, now in front of you is the world's first man-made elemental creature!"


The pirate inside the glass cylinder opened a pair of eyes flashing with electricity!

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