Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 479: Volunteers are more terrible treatment than death

Dressrosa's battle is finally over.

All the cadres of the Don Quixote family, except for the undercover "Ghost Bamboo" Virgo who broke into the navy, were all swept away. Even the Flamingo Doflamingo was seriously injured. Caught it.

After all, in this world, someone who can eat a golden lion Shiji’s lion Chikiya from the front, and then be bitten by a certain Erha who goes up and dances his claws, can still do nothing...

It is estimated that there is only one...maybe two!

When a certain flamingo woke up from a coma, he had put on a full-body Hailoushi equipment and lived in a single room.

Several of his senior cadres, such as a wretched old man with a nasal face, a wretched middle-aged man dressed like an Indian chief, and a wretched loli in a golden armor...

They all moved in next door to him.

The rest of the people live a little further away.

Such as a certain perverted middle-aged wearing children's underwear, perverted old woman with triangle glasses, perverted big man in red tights, perverted old man dressed like a superhero, perverted teenager wearing red high heels and white stockings...

"That flamingo looks like a normal person..."

A voice with an interrogative but calm tone reached Doflamingo's ears.

"Why are these guys under your hand, all dressed up and looking at their brains?"

"Doflamingo is just dressed and looks normal,"

A familiar voice answered Doflamingo. "But in fact he is also a lunatic, no different from his gang."

Doflamingo opened his eyes and looked out from the cracks in the walls of the leaky house where he lived.

I saw a young man in a robe and glasses in the aisle in the middle of these airy small houses where he and his men lived, walking in calmly with his hands behind his back.

There were three women behind him...well, two women and a loli!

That loli is very familiar to him, well, those two women are even more familiar to him!

One has a leg with himself, the other seems to have a leg with himself...

The beauty with brown-black hair who is talking now, if Doflamingo remembers correctly, seems to be still in his bed last night.

So, what did Kong Ming of the Qiwu Maritime Chamber of Commerce intend to do to humiliate himself?

"Kong Ming..."

Flammingo looked at Kong Ming and cried out hissing at the wall by Hailou stone shackles.

"Do you think you won?"

Kong Ming turned his head and glanced at Doflamingo lightly, and then walked over without hesitation.

Behind him, the beautiful brown-black hair looked at Doflamingo with a complicated look, then turned her head and walked over.

The beauty with light green hair looked at Doflamingo with undisguised admiration, as if she wanted to stop and talk to him.

But in the end she looked at Kong Ming with a timid look, then lowered her head and followed silently.

"The new era is coming, Kong Ming, it is coming... 咈咈咈咈咈..."

Step on...

The footsteps of Kong Ming and his party echoed in the silent cabin.

"One, two, three... ten, eleven..."

Standing in the middle of the cell of the Aegwynn, Kong Ming counted the prisoners seriously with a serious face.

"Are all the cadres of the Don Quixote family here?"

"Yes, Master Kong Ming!" The brown-black haired beauty answered without hesitation.

"The Don Quixote family has four cadres in the Spades Army, five cadres in the Square Army, four cadres in the Club Army, plus two cadres in the Red Army who have been disbanded and Doflamingo himself, the Don Quixote family is sixteen A cadre..."

"The number of people here now excluding the three of us, as well as the dead Guradius and the surrendered Baby-5 and Buffalo. The remaining ten are here."

"Violet, Monet, sugar..."

The perverted teenager in red high heels in a cell on the edge of the cabin leaped hard in the direction where they were, and their wrists and ankles were stretched straight.

"You betrayed the family, I want to kill you, I want to kill you!"


The beauty with brown-black hair burst out laughing.

"What betrayal?"

She walked to the front of the cell where the perverted teenager with horns was located, and put her head into the cell.

"Tears of Hot Iron·Whale!"


After two explosions, the perverted young man who was still flaring his teeth and claws was scorched and fell to the ground with his eyes turned white.

The beautiful brown-black hair stood up straight and let out a long breath.

"Know? I wanted to do this a long time ago, you, you, and you and you...especially you!"

She pointed at the cadres of the Don Quijote family in the prison one by one with her hand, and finally her finger pointed at Diamanti, who was opposite Doflamingo.

"You have subverted my country, deceived my people, and seized my throne... Forget it, in the end you even let my kind and innocent sister not let go."

The beautiful brown-black haired woman pointed at Diamanti and her hand was shaking.

"Diamanti, since my sister's death, every day when I am alone, I will think in my heart how to make you inhuman executioners die amidst miserable shouts.

Even when I am smiling at you, what I think in my heart is how to take advantage of your unpreparedness and stab your heart with a knife..."


The brown-haired beauty laughed again, and in her laugh, drops of tears fell on the floor of the cell.

"I never felt that I was one of you scumbags, so don't talk to me about betrayal!"

"If you really want to kill him..."

Standing on the side, Kong Ming pushed his glasses, and a sharp dagger and a key appeared in front of Violet.

"I'll leave his life to you!"


Violet looked at the dagger and the key floating in front of him, and hesitated.

"But I heard that these devil fruit abilities are useful to you, it seems that they are volunteers..."

"No problem!"

Kong Ming answered calmly.

"Without you, I would not know the intelligence of Don Quijote’s spies in the Chambord Islands, nor would it be possible to know when the Don Quijote’s cadres would all gather in Dresrosa...

Not to mention that you risked your life to solve the observation deck at the top of the Palace of Dresrosa before our raid, so that I could launch the enchantment and block it without Doflamingo’s knowledge. The opportunity for these pirate officials to escape...

It can be said that this perfect raid would not have been possible without you, and your credit is worthy of any reward! "

"Have you heard? Dover..."

The old man with a snot-faced face who was directly handcuffed to the wall by the Hailou stone shackles said weakly.

"I told you a long time ago that this woman is untrustworthy, but you just don't listen, Dover!"


Doflamingo laughed.

"What about credibility, what about untrustworthy, do whatever you want, isn't it the right of ‘king’?"

"This is the key to Diamanti's cell,"

Kong Ming ignored the interaction between Doflamingo and his men next to him, and still spoke to Violet in a calm tone.

"If you really want to pierce the other's heart with a knife, I allow you to do it!"

Violet looked at the key and dagger floating in front of him, his hands trembling slightly.

"Come on, come and kill me!"

Diamanti, who was also handcuffed on the wall, looked at Violet slantingly. He wanted to make his clothes generous and heroic, but he said weakly.

"Pick up that dagger, stab it in my chest, don't worry, it will be over in one go. Just like the trash sister I killed you back then."

After listening to Diamanti's words, Violet's eyes flashed with fire, her hands moved, as if trying to grab the dagger, but finally stopped.

"I won't kill you!"

Violet let out a sigh, "That would be too cheap for you, let you live as a volunteer of Master Kong Ming. Someone once told me that your future experience will be more painful than death!"

Kong Ming pushed his glasses silently.

Becoming a scientific "volunteer" is actually more painful than death?

Medivh is on, these **** don't let yourself know who is vilifying my reputation.

As long as Kong Ming knows who this ‘someone’ is, he will definitely experience the treatment of a ‘volunteer’.

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