Robust Mage in One Piece

Chapter 624: Let Kaido really surrender us

"Goo la la la..."

Standing on the deck of the Moby Dick, White Beard raised Cong Yunqi in his hand and issued orders to the godsons behind him.

"Stupid sons, set sail and anchor, we should go!"

Behind him, the members of the White Beard Pirates group who had become smiling because of his return began to talk babbledly.

"Are you going to run away again?"

"Father, you can't do that!"

"Yes, you are the strongest white beard in the world!"


The phoenix Marco came up from the side and stared at the members of the White Beard Pirate Group.

"Father said to go, you should go quickly, what are you tossing about!"

After seeing his appearance, the members of the White Beard Pirates group happily walked to their posts, then set up their anchors and retreated to the sea to the west.

Behind them are three pirate ships with pterosaurs, brachiosaurus and mammoth prows, and the pirate flag of the beast pirate group.

Standing on the bow of the first pirate ship, Jhin, who looked like a fallen angel, watched Baibeard leave and waved to his hand.

"Well, the White Beard Pirates have retreated. Now we are attacking and planting Master Kaido's flag on this island."


The members of a gang of beasts and pirates agreed weakly, then put down the boat and rowed towards the island where the white beard and them had left.

Of course, not everyone knows this kind of fighting like a child's play or playing house, so in the eyes of the outside world, the truth of the matter is...


With an expression that I did not expect, the Admiral Red Dog patted heavily on the map of the new century with his hand.

"The guy Kaido, on the surface, was sending people to negotiate with the world government for help, but secretly sent three plagues to drive out the remnants of the White Beard Pirates from their original turf. Now Kaido's forces can follow BIGMOM is connected."

"In other words, what Kaido said before that he wanted to become a member of the world government was only used to paralyze the navy and let the navy relax its surveillance of him, so did it take the opportunity to expand its territory?"

Admiral Ai Ran, who was standing next to the red dog, pushed his glasses with his hand.

"From Kaido's old style, it's hard to tell that he looks like such a sinister person."

"You are wrong, Aizen!"

Since leaving his post, the Navy Chief Inspector with all white hair and the Warring States Period dang a piece of Senbei beside him, and said yin and yang strangely.

"Kaido has always been a sinister guy, but he just pretended to be reckless. If you know a little bit about this guy, you won't make this mistake."

"shut up!"

The Red Dog stared at the Warring States unceremoniously.

"When you retire, you can rest at home. Don't just go around in the conference room of the Navy Headquarters."

"What does it matter, Red Dog!"

Sengoku, who has retired and no longer needs to carry the frame of the Admiral, seems to have let go of himself, covering his mouth with his hands like a child, smiling very promotional.

"Isn't it a good thing for us seniors in the Navy to help you give pointers? What do you think, Karp!"


Karp raised his head, holding a piece of senbei in his mouth, looking at the Warring States period with a dazed expression, and then took a sip from his teacup.

"Ha! What did you say, Warring States!"

"I said……"

Warring States' face became gloomy.

"Where did the senbei in your mouth come from?"

"Does the old man have senbei on his mouth?"

Kapu flipped his lips and squeezed it flexibly, and Senbei disappeared without a trace.

Click! Click!

"You must be mistaken, Sengoku, miamiamia..."

The corners of Sengoku's mouth twitched.


A big bag appeared on Karp's head, holding his teacup in both hands, and fell to the ground in a standard sitting posture. Warring States moved his hands calmly.

"Yes, the old man is wrong!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Red Dog...Marshal Red Dog only felt that the blue veins on his forehead burst one by one, and both hands were shaking involuntarily.


Unlike the red dog that was about to explode, Ai Ran who also saw this scene burst out laughing.

"The Warring States Supervisor, you are really elegant and easygoing!"

The other two people standing next to Lan Ran were also covering their mouths with their hands, their bodies still twitching.

"Okay, ignore them, we continue to discuss business matters."

Akainu Sakaski turned around and said to Ai Ran, a tall mermaid and an old blind man beside him.

"Then what should we do with Kaido next?"

"Treatment of sin is not allowed to tolerate..."

The old blind man stated his position without hesitation.

"I am willing to take the fleet to the new world and tell the beast Kaido about the attitude of our justice navy."

Akagi nodded slightly, then turned to look at the mermaid.

"I have nothing to say, if the marshal thinks you need to kill Kaido, then count me."

Princess White Star abstained without hesitation.

However, this is also in the prediction of Aka Inu. Regarding the position of Princess White Star, he has seen very clearly in the past few years. As long as it has nothing to do with murlocs or mermaids, this Princess White Star is basically silent. .

"On the contrary, I feel that this matter is a good opportunity!"

Ai Ran smiled slightly on the side, smiling very gently, with a look of harmless humans and animals.


Akagi's eyes lit up.

"You talk about it in detail."

"Now we have understood Kaido's thoughts. His plan is to use this negotiation to hold our hands and feet, and then take the opportunity to annex the remnants of the White Beard Pirates and expand his territory and power..."

Lan Ran pushed her glasses with her hand, and a cold light flashed.

"In this process, his annexation of sites and forces is the most important thing. As for negotiations, I believe that Kaido never expected this thing to succeed from the beginning, or that he did not intend to let this thing happen. success."

"We all know these things."

Akagi said impatiently.

"What are you trying to say, Aizen."

"I mean..."

Lan Ran touched the hilt of her sword with her hand and smiled gently.

"Then what if the negotiation is completed?"

As soon as he said these words, everyone present fell silent, especially the Navy Marshal Red Dog, who touched his chin with his hands, with a thoughtful expression on his face.


The Warring States patted with both hands, which was full of joy.

"If this happens, then it will be passive for him Kaido!"

"A pirate emperor who directly surrendered to the world government..."

Akagi also nodded in thought.

"It seems to be very messy!"

"Yes, no matter what Kaido thinks, as long as this thing is 10%..."

Ai Ran raised his head, the light on the lens flashed away.

"It means that our navy has left a firm nail in the new world."


The old blind man on the side also nodded.

"The Pirate Emperor surrendered to the world government. This was a huge blow to the Pirate."

"Yes, I think so too..."

Aizen gently pushed his glasses, and looked at the red dog.

"Moreover, the person Kaido sent to negotiate with us seems to have a special identity."

"Well, it's decided!"

Marshal Akainu Sakaski stood up, showing a slightly grinning smile.

"Let's take the matter of Kaido's surrender to the world government to him first, Ai Ran, you are responsible for contacting the world government and the person who negotiated with Kaido, so that they can sign the agreement as soon as possible."

"To understanding!"

Lan Ran lowered her head calmly, leaned slightly, and agreed.

"Smile, you go to the new world, bring me the big news Morgans back..."

The cigar in Sarkarski's mouth shook twice.

"This time the incident absolutely does not allow this bird to talk nonsense about where we are."


The old blind Fujitora smiled and lowered his head.

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