Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1191: Epoch-making works

Although they all admire Genting's technological strength in the resistance zone, when it comes to admiring them, apart from Ye Zhongming, only Le Dayuan and Liu Zhenghong are left.

In their view, the War Fortress is very strong, but it is certainly not as strong as the musicians.

Sure enough, the war fort transformed by Le Dayuan opened the eyes of everyone present.

"Strictly speaking, the new type of war fortress has done well enough, whether it is in process or in long-range combat, it has excellent combat effectiveness, and can even use its advantages in reconnaissance, surveillance and patrol to become a command center."

Le Dayuan's voice spread to Lao Yuan, clear and powerful.

"However, the designer of the resistance zone was limited by the war before the end of the world." After Le Dayuan said this, he began to officially introduce his modified war fortress.

"I positioned the war fortress that I transformed myself as a firepower output."

In a word, he made his core philosophy clear.

"I removed four nuclear-energy rotating machine guns and all the rich bamboo fighting missiles, and I removed all cold weapons except the cross cutter and the base spike cutter."

"Except for the early warning aircraft and the detection bee, all the carrying equipment is also abandoned by me, and there is a troop transport cabin, which is not needed at all."

Le Dayuan said, gestured to the control room of the No. 3 war fortress in Genting. After seeing it, a researcher immediately manipulated the machine, and some structures and weapons began to appear in front of everyone.

"I installed a crystal-energy machine gun at the location where the four nuclear-energy rotating machine guns were removed." Le Dayuan's face appeared excited. "This not only saves nuclear energy, but as for the nuclear energy after saving, I will talk about it later. "

Crystal machine gun!

Hearing this name, the core members of Genting were all taken aback.

This kind of equipment has been available at Genting for some time, and it has even been loaded onto a heavy truck and made its debut in the Fire Tiger project.

However, it disappeared afterwards. Everyone heard that the problem of ammunition could not be solved, and energy supply was also a limitation. This powerful weapon could only be remembered, but it did not play again, let alone large-scale manufacturing.

Who would have thought that now the crystal-energy machine gun not only appeared, but was also installed on the war fort.

"Compared to nuclear energy machine guns, crystal energy machine guns have advantages and disadvantages. Let's talk about the disadvantages first. Their initial speed is not as fast as that of nuclear energy machine guns, the range is also worse, and the attack power of a single bullet is not as good."

"This is mainly due to the difference between nuclear energy and magic crystal energy."

"But the crystallized machine gun also has its own advantages, such as faster overall firing rate, stronger penetration, and cutting ability, and the continuous shooting time is much longer than that of the nuclear machine gun, as long as the barrel bears the energy and energy Keep up and ammunition is sufficient, then in theory, you can always shoot."

The structure of the crystal energy machine gun is more similar to the traditional firearms. The barrel can withstand millions of shots after being processed by Ye Zhongming. This data seems inconspicuous. After all, in peacetime, some firearms can achieve This degree.

But in the last days, because the power of bullets and firearms is increasing, the wear will be very serious, this data has shrunk a lot.

The crystal machine gun can have this advantage, but also thanks to Ye Zhongming, a craftsman. The accessories materials of the magic crystal weapon are all strengthened by him.

"The most important point is that due to design issues, our crystal machine guns are combined with double power, that is, the firearm itself and the bullet itself can be added to the final attack power, which makes our machine gun power controllable. When attacking relatively easy targets, choose cheaper low-level bullets to save cost and energy. When attacking tough enemies, replace with more advanced bullets."

Le Dayuan looked at the people around him very seriously and said: "Don't think it's okay. Although we have an ammunition production line and related technical personnel, but the output has not yet reached the point where we are squandering, there are even bullets involved. In the mini-carving and artisan occupations, it also takes time and materials. What we save here can be used in other places, such as our equipment, so that it can be more effective."

Everyone nodded one by one, expressing their understanding.

"In addition, I have installed a projector on the mechanical arm that I have saved, launching a special magic crystal grenade. With strong ejection and intelligent aiming, I can throw farther. And this special magic crystal grenade , Also improved the structure according to the characteristics of mechanical ejection, increasing the power."

The mechanical arms that previously controlled the cold weapons are no longer needed, and they are all converted into this type of projector.

"A total of four groups of magic crystal grenade projectors, each group has a capacity of 500 pieces."

Hearing this figure, the following people are smiling, and two thousand magic crystal grenade can turn a huge place into nothingness.

"Of course, since it is positioned as a long-range firepower output, it must naturally have its advantages. Naturally, our Genting magic crystal cannon must be indispensable!"

Le Dayuan laughed, but his face was red with excitement because of his achievements. He kept pointing at multiple places with infrared pens: "There are two main types of magic crystal cannons installed on the war fort, one is the rate of fire. The fast-firing near-power jet guns are relatively small. Because of their small size, they have a large number, and there are a total of thirty guns on this big guy."


Many people are stunned, thirty doors? Even if the magic crystal cannon is small, it can occupy a lot of space when thirty doors are arranged together. Everyone does not think that this number can be installed on the war fort.

But Le Dayuan did not explain it to everyone, but continued: "This type of jet gun has two types of shooting according to the location where they are installed, one is normal flat shooting, and the other is projectile, which can deal with no air defense. The ability is hidden behind the bunker. Because it is controlled by intelligent programs, the accuracy is very high."

"The second kind is slow firing speed, but the range is very far, and the powerful artillery."

Le Dayuan gestured to six thick muzzles and told everyone.

Everyone just looked at the diameter of the muzzle and grinned a little.

"How does it compare with Oblivion Cannon?" Xiao Hu asked the question.

"The power is definitely not as good, but the number of launches per unit time is more, and the overall output damage is higher." Le Dayuan answered simply.

"Le Gong, I don't doubt you, but so many magic crystal weapons are installed on the war fort, how to ensure the output of the magic crystal energy? What should I do to replace the magic crystal? Due to this limitation, these magic crystal weapons talk about the rate of fire. , Meaningless."

Guangyao raised his hand and asked politely his doubts.

Instead of being upset, Le Dayuan also cast a glance of appreciation.

"Good question, but also the key." Le Dayuan's eyes are bright. "If we follow the traditional method before, it will not work, just replace the magic crystals for these weapons, which will make the efficiency low. However, I was inspired by their nuclear energy drive, and based on that principle, I designed a magic crystal master valve to collectively supply energy to these magic crystal weapons!"

Anyone with a bit of a brain, after listening to this, was faintly aware of one thing. The father of the magic crystal weapon may have to write a thick stroke in the history of this weapon.

The magic crystal master valve may be an epoch-making work!

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