Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1196: The last ethnic war (Part 1)

This method of severing the iron ropes of the posthumous people did indeed cause great shock to the people of the Temple of Dawn. The act of giving up their lives gave them the same flesh and fear in admiration.

They are a little confused. Can such an army, such a posthumous person, be defeated?

Even if it wins in the end, can you still live?

The army of the Temple of Dawn is indeed well-trained, but this does not mean that they have lost their ability to think.

However, the collapse of a section of the city wall made the negative emotion they had just generated disappear.

These chains were constantly being cut off and interrupted by attacks on the city wall. It took only a while to work, and in the end it was possible to connect the city wall. In fact, not much.

But there are still some connected to the wall.

In a certain place, there are about twenty iron cables connected side by side, all of which are not broken, and it is here that finally collapsed.

Although the collapsed wall is only the wall of the outer wall and the inner wall is protected inside, the inner wall cannot be compared with the outer wall in terms of strength or height. Basically, it loses the defense of this position. It will be reduced to one-third or even less.

What made King Zun and Genting commanders most troublesome was that in order to guard the collapsed city wall, the surrounding firepower needed to cover this side.

However, the city defense is a matter of mobilizing the whole body. If the defense power of other places is mobilized, it must be compensated accordingly, and the entire king city defense must be changed accordingly.

And this passive change is impossible to completely avoid without any loopholes. Since there are loopholes, it is almost certain to be caught.

Many people's hearts sink.


The Father looked at the collapsing wall and waved at the Air Force standing by on one side. The guys immediately picked up the top flowers assigned to them and began to take off orderly.

The larger number of land cavalry, formed a formation in silence, the forward slowly adjusted the direction, aimed at the place without the wall protection.

The Father looked at it, and took a seemingly casual shot on the power of the gods, and the shining light struck again, hitting the inner wall of the collapsed city wall, where there was no defense ability of the outer wall, and was directly shot. A huge gap.

Wangcheng lost the protection of the city wall at this moment.

"Rush in!"

These three words are spoken in the mouth of the dawn temple warrior, and spread like a wave of infection.

The cavalry moved. Under the cover of the comrades who had rushed to the wall, they started to rush towards the breach. Once they entered the king's city, they basically declared the destruction of the spiritual city of the posthumous.

"Block them!"

This is the response of the posthumous people. In addition to the soldiers guarding the city wall, the troops standing by in the city are also gathering towards the breach. The city wall is gone, so they are the city wall!

The Air Force in the Temple of Dawn first came to the battlefield. They stared at the attack of the deadly equipment above the city wall and threw out the top flower in their hands. When the top flower was used up, they threw the spears and hammers tied to the spirit eagle. Go down and kill as many of the dead men on the city wall as possible to provide support for the ground troops to march.

Of course, if the air defense power of the king city is better regardless of them, these soldiers will let the posthumous people know what is the power of the highest unit of the Temple of Dawn.

The ground was shaking, the Knights of the Dawning Temple had rushed up, and the same robe on their course of travel had given way, which made the moment of the city's head suddenly relieved of pressure.

Nearly all urban defense equipment, at this moment, when the external space was slightly weaker, all of them were suddenly aimed at the Temple Air Force in the air. The intensive attack was overwhelming.

Many commanders of the Dawning Temple were stunned, and even the remaining two giants and the saint frowned.

In doing so, the posthumous people completely gave up the obstruction of the cavalry who was charging. Are they afraid that they would rush into the royal city?

If it is necessary to let the commander choose between the air and ground forces, which one will attack the city, everyone will choose the former. Because the former can also use various methods to make up and expel, but once the ground troops represented by cavalry are flooded into the city, it almost represents the end of the battle.

So the talents in the Temple of Dawn did not understand why the posthumous people would make such a choice to give up.

But they will never be stupid, and they feel that there must be something that they have not discovered is happening.

The air riders did not expect that when they were fighting back and forth, the enemy would attack themselves frantically. Almost in a few breaths, nearly one-third of the living power was destroyed.

The city-defense equipment above the king city proved that it had lethal damage to the eighth-level existence.

The screaming giant crossbow arrows and magic crystal weapons poured into the limited space, which is almost devastating. This power has not been shown before, because these weapons are scattered in the vast defense zone.

Now, when they are about to kill your Air Force when they make an appointment, they show shocking power.

Even if the insane control team of commanding generals retreated at the fastest speed, when they left the battlefield, the Dawning Temple's most famous and fearful Air Cavalry Corps had been completely maimed.

If you can or come back, you can't save one.

Everyone's giant face was somber, and even the Father, who had been light and windy before, was now sinking into the water.

Although there are many troops in the Temple of Dawn, they are truly elite. They are nothing more than knights, guards, and air riders. Now, air rides are useless. If you want to form a large-scale combat power again, it is estimated that you need to rest for a few years or even For more than ten years, waiting for the now born vulture to grow up.

"Since they are looking for death, let them die."

The Father made a decision, and all the Knights started to charge. He also knew that the posthumous must rely on it so he would do this, but now he or other people have no other choice.

Only fight to the end!

Regardless of casualties, break any so-called tactics and win the final victory.

Under such circumstances, the first knightly group rushed into the royal city with a roar, and suddenly burst into silence after an outcry of shouting and killing broke out.

There was a moment of silence throughout the battlefield.

"Continue!" The Father's voice rippled throughout the space, and then the knights who had begun to slow down re-slap the mount and continue their charge.

Within the royal city, the first knights that rushed in were two thousand people. At this moment, all have died, blood and dead bodies are accumulated in the royal city.

In the direction of their charge, countless backs are leaving quickly.

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