Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1227: They were killed in battle

The camp was brightly lit and there was no fighting, but the excitement seemed not to dissipate here, but there were signs of increasing danger.

"Are we really going to be loyal to such a holy lady?! To be loyal to a woman who inserted her weapon into the body of the Father?!"

A middle-aged man walked back and forth in the camp, his expression excited, and the word spread outside the tent, where there were thousands of warriors listening silently.

"The temple is our belief. We fight desperately for the honor of the temple, not only us, but also our ancestors, and even our descendants will continue to do so." The middle-aged people's voice is low, but they are powerful and very infectious force.

"But what we believe in is the honor of the temple, and what is honor? Firmness, fearlessness, bravery, sacrifice, unity!"

"We have been adhering to these, hitting here from our hometown, we have gone through arduous march, after fierce fighting, our countless companions died. Now, in our home, there are more loved ones waiting Let's go back!"

"But look, what are we doing now?" Middle-aged men pointed around. Through the gap between these camps, many posthumous men and Genting soldiers could be seen patrolling in the distance, gazing Basically, they are concentrated in their camps.

"Are we defeated? No! In that case, why let us wait here like a prisoner? Why is this?!"

Looking at the middle-ranking officers in the tent, the middle-aged man looked for his face.

"Because our Father is dead!"

"Because our Father was killed by himself!"

"Because the woman who killed our Father is surrendering to our enemies!"

"Because this surrendering woman has no sense of glory in the temple, she is the shame and traitor of our entire race!"

"Brothers, do we really have to obey her orders and the orders of a man who killed the Father? Go to the people who killed our comrades around us a few days ago and call them brothers or even bow down?"

"Then we are still Templar Warriors, what honor can we say?! How can we... also be worthy of the ancestors who gave us life and soul!"

The middle-aged people became more and more excited, waving their arms vigorously. The following officers and soldiers outside were also excited by his fandom. These troops were originally the most loyal to the Father. The orders of the two giants, now that the father died, was still killed by the saint, and the dissatisfaction in the heart has already accumulated to the edge of the outbreak.

Now, I heard that the people represented by the saints are negotiating with the Genting coalition forces, and some details are passed back, which makes them uproar, feeling that this is selling the benefits of the Temple of Dawn, a compromise that is almost surrendered.

There are even some statements spreading in the army that the saint has decided to marry the leader who came here from another space to become his woman in exchange for better survival for herself and those close to her.

For the Dawn Temple people who have been kings for countless years in this space, this cannot be understood and accepted.

It's just that even if these people can't understand or even hate the Virgin to kill the Father, there is still some inertia in their hearts-the Virgin is another symbolic inertia of the temple.

Under this instinctive inertia, they can oppose the virgin, but they can't accept what the virgin did to the temple in their view.

"Brothers, we should no longer be silent, otherwise, we will lose our faith and soul and become walking dead!"

"So what should we do?"

An officer stood up and asked with a fist.

"Rebellion!" The middle-aged man's eyes are bright, he firmly said: "Only against us can we have a glimmer of hope, as long as the saint's inheritance of the temple is overturned, we can win the future. A man who killed the father, how? Can lead us! What qualifications does she have to lead us?"


There was an officer who wanted to stop talking, but he still felt a little bad.

"No, unless..." The middle-aged man came to the officer in an instant, and his fingers were directly inserted into his eyes when the other party was unprepared. "Unless you are a saint, no, a witch's stray dog!" "

After a short scream, the officer's body fell to the ground.

"It's time to avenge the Father!"

After the middle-aged officer finished speaking, some people under his arrangement began to shout slogans of revenge for the Father, and the surrounding soldiers gradually became infected and joined his ranks.

However, this atmosphere lasted only half a minute, and was interrupted by the vibrations on the ground.

The shout gradually weakened and became extremely quiet, and many people began to look for the source of the vibration.

Soon they found what they were looking for, but this guy was too tall.

"It's that kind of metal monster!" Someone started shouting, the panic in his eyes grew stronger.

The middle-aged officer rushed out of the camp with people and found that they were surrounded. The posthumous men and Genting soldiers did not know when they had crossed the cordon of the Dawning Temple and went deep into the camp.

"It's the witch! She betrayed us!" At this time, the father's loyal officer didn't know what was going on. It was the lady who used Genting's hand to remove the instability in these temples. .

The modified war fortress that has been repaired reveals its ugly face. The energy machine gun is ready to prepare these temple warriors. At the same time, the main team of Yunding raised the grenade rocket launcher. The rest of them are black hole magic crystal spears, and The warriors of the posthumous people often took the short crystal axe spears produced by the magic crystal grenade or Yunding and stared at them with their eyes.

As the team came, the little tiger waved his hand, and the whole camp was full of guns and guns.


The virgin and Ye Zhongming stood far away, watching the massacre, the former said nothing for a long time.

Even if she decided to do so, when everything happened, the saint had a deep sense of guilt.

"It is necessary to survive well in the new world." Ye Zhongming exhorted him, because he would do the same for him.

In any power at the moment of life and death, no opposition is allowed.

"When our people arrive, I will reign as king and become the first queen of the Dawning Temple. I will let my people live in the new world forever."

The virgin finally looked at the blood in the distance and turned away.

"They died in battle, for the Temple of Dawn!"

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