Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1233: Representing the earth?

There was a brief silence in the room. Ruan Xiao waited for Ye Zhongming to understand what he said. Ye Zhongming was thinking about the choices he might face next.

"carry on."

Ye Zhongming's two words are a bit cold, but Ruan Xiao doesn't mind at all.

"Heaven, there are three camps." The southeast manager of the ogre chain began to tell what he knew.

"Hall Star Camp, Lena Star Camp, and Sioux Camp."

Everyone in the room listened quietly to Ruan Xiao telling this, and they all knew that this might be the answer they had been seeking.

How did the end times come? What's going on with roulette? What kind of race are slaves?

"If you want to know the specifics of these three camps, then I can't tell you too much, not that I don't want to say, but I don't know."

Ruan Xiao took another sip of fruit wine. "Our Ogre Alliance, which belongs to the Hall Star camp, is the agent of the Fenasifi in this camp on the earth. We have helped a lot in the establishment of our alliance."

Ye Zhongming remembered the words of Fesfi in another universe.

"Behind the Wuhuanqian, there are those forces of the universe who appeared in the Mingshui Realm at that time. They all belong to the Lena Star camp."

Ye Zhongming thought about it, at least from his perspective, and found no sign of Ruan Xiao lying.

This is not to say that the manager of the ogre chain is all telling the truth, but at least it sounds like it is true.

In the Mingshui world, each color change has a force to persuade Ye Zhongming, it is very orderly, no doubt they are negotiated, combined with the information obtained from other sources and the Gore said, these should be called Although the forces of the Lena Star camp also have a competitive relationship, they do stand on the same position.

Ruan Xiao's body has now fallen into the comfortable sofa in the room. These things he knows seem to still give him inexplicable shock.

"Why split up camps? Why did they come to earth? Are they right on our heads? Why not go straight down? What are the rules they have to obey? Are they caused by the last days...?"

Facing Ye Zhongming's series of problems, Ruan Xiao smiled bitterly.

"I knew you would have these questions, but I can't answer much because I also don't know."

"However," Ruan Xiao said in a deep voice: "What I know is that the reason why they are divided into several camps is because they have different attitudes towards roulette."

Ye Zhongming looked solemnly, arms on the armrests of the sofa, "Different attitudes towards the roulette? Are you saying that the roulette is not controlled by them?"

"No." Ruan Xiao replied: "At least as far as I know, the roulette is not controlled by any camp. So it is when these magical things are treated that these races have an essential point of view. Differently, the Hall Star camp, where our ogres chain is located, does not quite agree with the control of the roulette on the planet of life, and the Lena Star camp is the most steadfast supporter of the roulette system."

"Meaning I think you understand, to put it bluntly, Hall Star is the opposition, Lena Star is the royalist!"

This turned out to be the case! Ye Zhongming lowered his head, some of the questions in his mind were answered, but more doubts were generated, and the most fundamental question, that is, about roulette and the end of the world, Ruan Xiao did not give him an answer.

"Manager Ruan came here to want me to join the Hall Star camp?" Ye Zhongming asked.

This problem is more of a confirmation.

Since Ruan Xiao can come here and talk to Ye Zhongming, the most likely thing is to be a lobbyist. After all, Yunding Mountain Villa is very strong in the national area, and Ye Zhongming has been personally led by many Lina star camps. The race is fancy, if you can join the Hall Star camp, they will undoubtedly make a great progress in their regional strength.

"No..." Ruan Xiao was a little embarrassed. "I still have the right to represent the Horde camp for the Ogre Alliance. Even when I came here, it was only for the Fenasifi people to know, but they did not express their views."

Ye Zhongming listened to all this, but nothing happened, but Xia Lei, who sat beside him, was not very happy.

Since your ogre chain is an agent of someone else, then speaking should represent the meaning of your master, but you told us that your master just means knowing, but there is no other clear instructions, so what are you doing here?

In addition, no matter what the opposition, the royalists, but after all, in the camp of the Lena star, those races directly recruited Ye Zhongming in person. Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is only thought of use, at least on the surface.

But what do you mean? Amuse us to play?

"If this is the case, Manager Ruan, come a little pretentiously?" Xia Lei narrowed her eyes and looked at the giant's unkind questioning.

Ruan Xiao coughed a bit, "Boss Ye and Ms. Xia Lei, I came here for the good of you, there is no slight contempt. You may not be very clear, according to some rules that I don’t quite understand, it seems Our planet is closer to the sphere of influence of the Lena star camp, so although the Hall star camp has influence here, it is not as big as the Lena star camp. They also have some scruples. If you surrender to the Hallstar camp, you will most likely be targeted by other camps."

This explanation is justified. Ye Zhongming did not choose the Lena Star camp before. If he now surrenders to the Hall Star camp, it is certain to be hated or even attacked.

"But Mr. Ruan is coming, won't he just send me a message after all?"

Ye Zhongming asked leisurely.

"Naturally not."

Ruan Xiao nodded the table, apparently adjusting his mind.

"We hope that we can cooperate with Genting so that you can develop more quickly, instead of having to choose a camp like us because of some pressure."

"We are all Earthlings, and I admire, and our Ogre Alliance also admires the choice made by Boss Ye when he was in the Mingshui Realm. If we can, we would like to see a power organization that stands for the Earthlings themselves. It’s not a puppet team under the control of people with strong appearance and inside!"

After finishing this, Ruan Xiao put the empty wine glass on the table and leaned back on the sofa again. His eyes fell calmly on the faces of several Genting seniors. Obviously he had already said what he said. Now, It was Ye Zhongming's turn to answer him.

Ye Zhongming's answer made Ruan Xiao not think of it.

He said, who is the Sioux?

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