Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1236: The mouse also has technology?

"Two in one is a bit worse~~"

The people at Genting opened their eyes, and Ye Zhongming also opened their eyes. At least in his previous life, he had not heard of any bases that possessed these abilities.

He was not suspicious of these agents of the Sioux on the earth, nor was he so arrogant that he felt something he had not seen in his previous life. This time he saw it, so he credited his butterfly effect.

Ye Zhongming just knew that his previous knowledge was still too little, and he couldn't get in touch with these core secrets.

Everyone’s world team not only brought these changes to the fortifications, but also promised to surprise Ye Zhongming when the overall construction was completed.

As for the surprise, Captain Liang sold a pass.

In this regard, privately, Xiaohu Tonghu Yunshao and others are somewhat dissatisfied.

"These people, even if they cooperate with us, but the final effect will be hidden from us? I don't know these, how can we cooperate?"

After losing one eye, Xiaohu was a bit irritable, especially when dealing with outsiders. In his eyes, obviously everyone’s world team is not a friend.

"Don't be scared, since it is a partner, you should not deliberately hide something from us. In my opinion, that Captain Liang did not have too complicated thoughts, just wanted to give us a surprise."

Liang Chuyin had a pair of long legs on the table and sang against the tiger.

Ye Zhongming listened and shook his head, let Liang Chuyin see it, leaned in and asked, "What's wrong, are the people really a bit wrong?"

"That's not true." Ye Zhongming replied, "It's just that I noticed a problem, which can prove that they may really want to cooperate with us, but the same, they also hide from us."

"Of course, it may be that I was wrong. These people...may not know as much as we thought."

In this sentence, Ye Zhongming's voice was a little low, obviously he was thinking.

After waiting for a while, Ye Zhongming looked up and saw everyone else looking at himself, and said with a smile: "In fact, there is nothing, remember Captain Liang said their agent in the country?"

"Mr. Bae?"

Shine that didn't speak before sitting on one side.

"Yeah." Ye Zhongming raised his hand. "But when I was in Mingshui Realm, when I signed the scroll of the vow with him, I saw the name written by that person-Fuyou."

Everyone looked at each other, and they wondered for a moment what that meant.

"It's nothing more than two possibilities. One is that Fuyou is Mr. Ape, but they don't know about Captain Liang. The second is that Fuyou is not Ape."

Ye Zhongming analyzed, "The first kind of nature has nothing to say, it only shows that Captain Liang has not been trusted. This is also normal for agents. The second situation is complicated because Captain Liang did show me It’s a photo of Fuyou. If he’s not Apei, then they might walk the world with the same appearance, or maybe he used a fake name when he signed the contract, then he just mastered some secret skills and could Avoid the constraints of the Scroll of Oath. Also, none of them are real names..."

Probably I felt that I had too many guesses. Ye Zhongming didn't go on.

"What now?"

Liang Chuyin was a little worried. At this stage, she obviously felt something was suppressing in her man’s heart, and roughly felt that it was related to these cosmic races now, but she couldn’t help much. A little flustered.

Ye Zhongming comfortably patted the net red girl's hand, "It's okay, first prepare those contracts, and complete the transaction with these Sioux agents, as for those that Captain Liang later proposed... depending on the situation."

Everyone nodded.

At this time, some voices came from outside, and the people stood up and went out, and soon knew what had happened.

Came to a defensive system construction site outside the villa, everyone's world beam captain was frowning, and the two responsible persons on the Yunding side looked down at a place, and there were not many people around, and there was a lot of discussion.

"what happened?"

Liang Chuyin walked over with his arms, frowning.

Don't look at her as a cat in front of Ye Zhongming, but in front of others, but the boss of a main battle team that does not blink.

People around greeted Liang Chuyin, Ye Zhongming and others.

Captain Liang and the two responsible persons also came over.

"Boss, things are a bit unexpected."

The person in charge at Genting didn't look very well. As soon as he finished, they looked at the hole and saw a few people drilled.

The leader is Ganlan and Mina, followed by five or six people from their team. After becoming a part of Genting, they experienced a battle in the secret realm and saw the real Genting and the end time, and now they are fully integrated.

The core members implement the rotation system. Whether they go hunting or do other things, this area is their responsibility.

Seeing Ye Zhongming and others, the two quickly walked in.

Other people's eyes just swept over them, and fell on what they were carrying.

Those are two dead mutant mice.

Everyone is an old warrior in the last days, but just seeing their bodies can see the problem.

"Huh, the new breed? Is this baby pregnant?"

Yun Shao looked closer and determined that one of them was a variant that he had not seen, while the other had seen the type called "Bei Beitou" by Yingcheng. Sharp and long hair, can shoot out to hurt people, good power.

At this time, Liu Zhenghong also came with several researchers, and apparently someone had notified them.

While Liu Zhenghong took over two fourth-level mutant mice to observe and study, Ye Zhongming set his sights on several people of Captain Liang.

"Boss, that's what happened. We discussed with Captain Liang, and carried out some phase III construction near some fortresses, which is underground defense to prevent people from coming under the ground."

The person in charge of Genting rubbed his hands and said, "After digging here today, I dug a little deeper, and a place collapsed, revealing this hole. We also heard a short cry inside, Gan Lan. He Mina had sharp eyes, and they saw the mutant mouse flashing through the hole."

"Sister Hong has long told me to notify her of all the life variants within the range of the villa, and I will send someone to go. When the sister is red, Ganlan and Mina go down, and you will see the rest. , What's going on... I think that the stinky rats in the British city dug under our villa, this group of guys may not be so kind."

Hearing this, many Genting people's eyebrows jumped up.

To be honest, although Genting has lost after the battle of the Secret Realm, but they have fought with the ninth-level Father and faced with the tidy and orderly and powerful army of the dawn temple, their morale is at the peak.

Not even the Ninth-level Dawn Temple is afraid of them, can they be afraid of little mutant mice? So when I heard that the gang of dirty things were caring about the villa, the killing intentions of my body all came out. Many people watched the dark paint of the hole flashing their eyes, looking at the meaning, they all wanted to go exploring and encountered mutant mice Even better, you can kill it.

Ye Zhongming was not surprised. He originally deliberately let this group of mutant mice out of Yingcheng. Some of them were not easy to destroy in the underground, but more, he still wanted to leave something to hunt for Yingcheng and Genting. Otherwise, if the hunting ground is too far, it will bring many problems. When the enemy is looking around, it may be used by people to continuously hit this point.

But if, as you all see, these mice are digging underground from Yingcheng to Yunding Mountain Villa, what are they going to do? Attack the mountain?

Not to mention these ordinary soldiers, even Ye Zhongming thought these mice were crazy? How many evolutionary levels is that rat king now? It should still be level 7. Ye Zhongming let him kill it ten times with one hand. Where is it confident that he wants to attack the villa?

These guys seem to have a lesson to learn. Ye Zhongming narrowed his eyes and thought, he already had a preliminary plan in mind.

But this idea was interrupted by Liu Zhenghong.

"Little leaf, come here."

Everyone turned their heads, with strange expressions on their faces, and with a strong smile on their faces, they didn’t want to offend anyone, no matter whether they were Ye Zhongming or Liu Zhenghong.

Ye Zhongming rolled his eyes. He had protested many times for this name, but Liu Zhenghong kept on trying. He had no choice but to let her call.

"Sister Hong, see what's coming?"

Liu Zhenghong gestured to his men. The man immediately took out a bottle of water and poured it on her hand. While washing her hands, she said: "You guessed wrong, these mice are not going to attack Genting."

Everyone is unclear, so wait for Liu Zhenghong to continue to explain.

"If you are mice and want to attack Yunding Mountain Villa, what do you do when you dig a hole?"

Faced with this analogy of Liu Zhenghong, everyone could not help crying and laughing, and no one thought about it. Instead, they thought about it, and many people answered one after another.

"I mean how to dig a hole, did you dig directly towards the target? Is it possible to dig a few more channels?"

Everyone didn't understand what Liu Zhenghong was going to say, just nodded.

"But the passages inside are not like this. They made a lot of huge spaces." Gan Lan yelled and said what she saw just now.

"Well." Liu Zhenghong shook the injured blood. "If this is the case, I am not sure, but I just dissected this pregnant mutant mouse and found a problem that these mice are also very tolerant. They are undergoing organized and directional evolution, and want to make the next generation stronger! All of them are as far as possible the advantages of the previous generation, not the disadvantages!"

Ye Zhongming froze for a moment, "You mean, these mice... are you using this as their test base?"

"To be precise, they are safe houses, and they are using our Genting to protect them."

Everyone was amazed, but I didn't expect these mice to be quite caring, even knowing the reason for the coolness under the big tree, and moving the breeding base to the top of Yunding Mountain Villa to protect themselves.

"They have such high intelligence? Controlling the direction of evolution seems to be something in the scientific field. How do they do it?"

Ye Zhongming doesn't understand, even if these mutant mice become very intelligent, they can't master technology or build a laboratory, so how do they control the direction of evolution? This is too strange.

Liu Zhenghong frowned for a moment and thought, "I can think of several possibilities, all of which are the survival of the fittest and sudden changes in environmental adaptation. , So... I can't figure it out too much, at least temporarily it can't be covered."

Everyone is confused, don't know how.

But at this time, some evolutionaries with high evolutionary ranks suddenly looked at the hole, and everyone felt a strong breath approaching!

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