Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1269: Tears of Lucy's grandmother

After the light disappeared, it was the door of the sacrifice that was restored to its previous state, but the beauty was still amazing.

Ye Zhongming tried, the door of sacrifice can no longer be put into the space, nor can it shrink, nor can it cover its light.

This means that in the future, the door must be placed in a fixed position.

Ye Zhongming has some headaches. It is conceivable that once the specific location of this piece of equipment is transmitted, how much covetment will be attracted and how much trouble it will cause.

But thinking about Genting's defense, he felt relieved again.

"Boss, boss!"

Xiao Hu leaned over and pulled the leaf sleeve of La Ye Zhongming, but one eye fell on the beautiful and unmatched box held in his hand.

"Open it and see?"

In order to see what good things are in it, Xiaohu has stopped even the morale.

Other core members chuckled, that is, Xiaohu is still able to ‘grind’ Ye Zhongming, but others are no longer affected by his identity and the increasing power of Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming turned over the box and agreed.

He opened the upper organ buckle, and the box made a click, and a light flowed out from inside to brighten the surroundings.

Everyone held their breath and looked closer, looking forward to the good things in it.

Ye Zhongming opened the lid completely and found that it was actually a three-layer storage structure. With the lid, a three-layer storage drawer appeared in front of him.

Naturally, his eyes fell on the storage drawer above his mouth.

Inside, there are two very round silver pearls.

He gently took the two pearls in his hand, and some information appeared in his mind.

"Teardrops of Grandma Lucy."

Seeing this unique name, Ye Zhongming probably knew the value of this thing.

"Different choices have different results."

"If you treat these two teardrops as food, then they will be one of the most delicious foods in the world."

"Function one, food. Using the teardrops of Lucy's grandmother, the user is a male, and the strength attribute increases by 30%. The effect of taking two capsules together increases by 50%."

"2. For women, the agility attribute increased by 30%. The effect of taking two capsules together increased by 50%.

"3. For the rest of the mutated life, get a surging heart. When a fatal attack occurs, the surging heart will break, turning into a surging power to protect the life. The mutated plant becomes the seed state, and the mutated animal becomes the egg laying equipment Take the second teardrop and add one-God-given heart. During evolution, it will randomly increase a certain amount of energy, ranging from 40% to 80% of the energy contained in the body at that time."

Ye Zhongming was very surprised. He had a very strange psychological preparation before, but he didn't expect it to be so strange. It has several functions. The first one can still be eaten. Not only can it be eaten, but also divided into men and women and mutant lives. This is too fresh.

But the effect really scared Ye Zhongming.

One word, strong!

Men take a 30% increase in strength, two take 50% increase, women increase the same level of agility.

Eat both of them, 50%, which is half the strength or agility!

Ye Zhongming was a little afraid to imagine how much he would become abnormal if he or Shengyuan had eaten it and increased half of the existing strength value!

And if Xia Bai and Liang Chuyin, famous for their agility, take it? How fast will it be?

You have to know that the more advanced the evolutionists are, the more advanced it is to be. It is very difficult to go further. Then, if you want to improve your strength, you must start from other aspects. But everyone's favorite is undoubtedly this kind of thing that uses percentage values ​​to improve.

Not to mention fifteen percent, it is one percent. In the high-end market that has just begun in the last three years, there has been a trend of price increases. If it exceeds 5%, it is in short supply. Tenth, no matter what aspect of the improvement, there is no market. If it is 15% or more... Congratulations, who has such equipment or potions, then it means that this is a huge asset.

If the teardrops of these two Lucy grandmothers are on the market, it is estimated that it is no problem to exchange more than five bottles of Seven Star Evolution Potion from those powerful forces.

"Function two, inlay."

"When the embedded target is a weapon, each teardrop can increase its own attack power by 30%, and increase the equipment by one level, the highest level is purple."

"When the inlaid target is an armor, each teardrop can increase its own defensive power by 30%, and increase the equipment by one level, the highest level is purple."

"When you want to take the target as a jewelry, each teardrop can increase the subject's attributes by 30%, and increase the equipment by one level, the highest level is purple."

Another percentage increase!

Mosaic equipment, this kind of thing is very rare, as far as how little it is, see Ye Zhongmingkong has the mosaic skills in the glorious craftsman, but it is rarely used.

Generally speaking, only gems can be set, or runestones, but the former is extremely rare, and the latter are only created by special occupations, and there is not much chance of seeing them.

The second role of these two teardrops is inlaying, which is still divided into categories. Weapon defense and ornaments are still increasing percentages. These are the only things that are already very against the sky.

What's more, it can increase the original value by 60% in total, and upgrade an equipment level!

Gold equipment is set, and immediately become purple equipment!

That is to say, once used for golden equipment, it not only improves the original 60% attribute, but also allows the equipment to be upgraded to purple. While upgrading equipment, the attributes will naturally increase accordingly, which is equal to the second upgrade.

Good stuff, good effect!

Ye Zhongming can only say so.

"The third role is organ replacement."

"The substitute is: 1. In humans, you can obtain all the functions of the replaced organ and randomly generate a related ability. If you use the second teardrop on the same target, when you replace the same organ, except for the normal random generation of one In addition to this kind of related ability, a third ability will also be generated, which is not limited to the relevance of the replaced organ. When the replaced organ is different, in addition to obtaining the full function of the replaced organ and randomly generating an ability related to the replaced organ In addition, it will increase the intensity of the two random abilities by 30%."

"2. When it is a mutant animal, it can obtain all the functions of the replaced organ and increase the strength of the maximum ability of the life and the main attribute to match 50%. If the second teardrop is used, the replacement organ is the same, except for the normal acquisition In addition to all the functions of the replaced organ, the ability to best match the main attribute will be upgraded by one level. Different from the replacement organ, in addition to obtaining all the functions of the replaced organ, it will also upgrade a random ability to the next level."

"3. When the plant is mutated, the replacement organ becomes a replacement part. In addition to obtaining all the functions of the position, a related attribute ability is randomly added. If the second teardrop is used on the same target and the replacement part is the same, then again Add a random ability, and get 50% of the energy of the level of the body (the maximum level is limited to seven), if the replacement part is different, in addition to all the functions of the position, you will also get a random related attribute of the position The ability, when evolving to the ninth level of life, requires 20% less energy."

At the beginning, Ye Zhongming was slightly uncomfortable with this ability. Although he had seen many people replace his organs with some other objects or equipment, he still could not fully understand.

Now the third role of Lucy's grandmother's teardrop is organ replacement. He subconsciously repels his heart, and he is immediately attracted by the explanation.

When acting on the human body, this can randomly increase two abilities, which is equal to two skill scrolls. Although what is added is uncontrollable, it is not too bad to think about it. After all, this thing has a high priority, and it also indicates that it is related ability.

You can replace the same organ or different organs, each with its own benefits.

It can also be used for mutating animals and plants, and the benefits are also very many. Whether it is to increase the strength of the ability, to upgrade the level of the ability, or to obtain a random ability, all are the dreams of increasing strength. What's more, when the mutant plant uses this thing to replace different parts, on the ultimate road to the ninth level, it takes 20% less process than others!

Don't underestimate the 20% energy, how many mutated lives die in battle in order to accumulate energy after reaching eighth level? Saving less energy will greatly reduce the risk to some extent.

"Fourth role, accessory materials."

"When the teardrops of Lucy's grandmother are successfully made into jewelry as materials, they will gain the following abilities..."

"Ability 1, perseverance. When the jewelry is worn on the body, it will slowly increase the wearer's professional skills, and the speed and the wearer's evolutionary level are proportional to the total mental power."

"Ability 2, Dispel the blueberry. When the jewelry is worn on the body, it will slowly increase the wearer's bloodline ability, and the speed and the wearer's bloodline level are proportional to the speed of mental recovery."

"Ability 3, born with multiple sensations. The jewelry wearer who wears jewelry on his body will increase the perception of all organs and double the sensitivity to danger."

"Abilities 4, shining light. When the accessories are carried around, it will increase the wearer's visual, auditory, and olfactory abilities by one level."

"Ability 5, unimpeded. The wearer's resistance in various extreme environments increases, and the degree of increase is proportional to the wearer's evolutionary level and physical fitness."

"Ability 6, Enlightenment Star. When the wearer is fighting, the jewelry will automatically record the target's ability and fighting method, and mark the location of the flaw. The accuracy rate increases with the wearer's perception ability and evolution level."

"Ability 7, Sound of Thunder. The wearer can activate this skill to collect sound waves in a non-combat state. When needed, he can release a sound wave attack that is converted into the sound of Thunder at a time, causing damage to the target. Power and sound waves The time and intensity of collection are proportional."

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