Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 1272: Ways to escape

The current situation is undoubtedly caused by the ninth-level life, but Ye Zhongming did not expect that this guy was actually capable of doing this.

Opening a channel and sending his hands from the inside to the farthest distance, this method seems to Ye Zhongming to be very anti-celestial, at least he has not heard of anyone who has such a perverted ability, and the nine-star evolutionists in the previous life will not work.

Even more frightening is that this nine-level life does not know what method to use, and it actually seals the door of time and space!

This is not what Ye Zhongming can understand!

The secret key is the product of the roulette, and it is the highest priority. It can seal this thing. How terrifying is the ninth level monster?

Now the question is coming, all the pre-plans made by Ye Zhongming were based on the opening of the door of time and space. Now that this door cannot pass through, then he is trapped here.

These thoughts were turning in his heart. He flashed to the door of time and space. He wanted to retrieve the key, but he didn't respond at all. Everyone was watching. Ye Zhongming's expression was seen. Everyone knows that today's problems are big. Too.

Now in the temple, it contains all the essence of Genting. The core members of the family are almost all except Mo Ye, and also include the leaders of Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan.

In addition, there are all the Xia Bai team, plus a few darlings who follow the core members.

Together, these people are in their early 1,000s.

Although randomly picking one is very strong, the average evolutionary level of the Xia Bai team is more than five stars, the six-star captain-level fighter has three figures, the core members are all seven stars, and Ye Zhongming’s virgin Yangos and others have all reached The eighth evolution level.

Such strength is placed on the earth, and any force must retreat, but in front of a nine-level life, it is still not enough to watch.

Not to mention the monsters like the sea.

As soon as the situation started, it became extremely unfavorable.

It can even be said that it is desperate.

"We open here!"

At the moment of crisis, both Saints and Xia Lei showed calmness and decisiveness inconsistent with their genders. They also suggested attacking the door of time and space to see if they could break this bondage.

Ye Zhongming didn't hesitate, he immediately raised his head and launched an attack on the seemingly frozen door of time and space.

Whether he is a saint, or even Xia Lei, the attack power is extremely strong, but their skills fall on the door of time and space, and there is no slight looseness in this thing.

The attack quickly stopped, because it was useless, and because the monsters had rushed into the temple at this time, some in front, with blood stains on their mouths and paws.

Obviously, the believers who were outside the temple before have become the targets of these monsters.

"Destroy these black holes!"

Since the gates of time and space cannot break the imprisonment above, then destroy these passages leading here!

At least for now, Ye Zhongming and others have not sensed the arrival of the ninth level of life, so it is likely that they have not come here temporarily, or are waiting to come out of these passages.

After many battles, the members of Genting now know what they can do. Upon hearing Ye Zhongming's order, they were immediately divided into several parts in an orderly manner.

Not all of them went to one place, nor did they evenly divide the number of people. Each went to several people. Instead, Shengyuan and Park Xiuying, who had just been awakened, were at the core, and some defensive fighters formed a defensive array. , Protected Liu Zhenghong, Le Dayuan and others, and some long-range professionals with ultra-long range were also incorporated into the camp to support the surroundings at any time.

For the rest, the direction of the Virgin, the direction of Ye Zhongming, and the direction of the heavenly Yangos, these three eight-level evolutionary levels of life can completely stand alone in such a battle.

Xia Lei, Xia Bai, Xiao Hu and Liang Chuyin took other people and rushed to four other black holes.

These things only happened in a very short period of time, but the surging monsters almost filled the surrounding of the temple, and most of them were invaded by these guys in the hall.

The battle violently rose in an instant, and the battle between the human and the Night Demon Plain was separated and many years later, it broke out again.

Ye Zhongming is holding the wind and thunder twins in his hand, and this weapon has reached his hand, and it does not show any color that represents the level. He does not know the reason.

But it does not affect the strength of this weapon.

Indeed, Ye Zhongming has not yet been able to exert his power as perfect as the Father. However, the sword light that Ye Zhongming emits from above when used is still very fast, at least below level 7, Ye Zhongming has not seen any life to resist.

He responded all the way alone. For efficiency, he didn't keep his hands at all. The wind and thunder twins waved in his hands, and sword lights flew out, and flesh and blood and debris flew with it. There was almost nothing to stop Ye Zhongming even for a moment.

The virgin is also outstanding in strength. In the past, she has always lived under the glory of the father, and she has also created a holy and quiet image for the people, so few people saw her shot, and it was not until she attacked the royal city that she showed her combat power. .

At this time, the Fazhu in her hand seemed to be a perpetual motion machine, and a white beam of light was continuously emitted. All the monsters encountered in the way were struck and flew, and the defense power was slightly worse, and even burned to death directly by this holy light.

In the remaining four roads, the progress is not as fast as Ye Zhongming and Saint Maiden, but due to their large number of people and their strength, they are only slightly behind.

The real pressure was on Sheng Yuan Pu Xiuying and the rest of them were rushing towards the black hole outside, but they stayed where they were. The rest of the monsters rushed over like a bee and launched a crazy attack on them.

Sheng Yuan launched his skills long ago, and the energy shield wall protected everyone in the center. The rest of the defensive fighters also showed their best abilities, guarding Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan in the middle. pressure.

They don't need to aim at all. The density of monsters has prevented them from attacking casually.

From time to time, these people will also throw out the magic crystal grenade they carry when they find some monsters with relatively high evolution levels, and quickly clean up the surroundings, and then concentrate their firepower to kill these monsters.

Even Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan will come up with some things or abilities they can carry to assist the attack.

So everyone is fighting.

But among these people, the first to achieve the effect was Yanggos hovering in the sky just outside the temple. At this time, the evil dragon let everyone see the horror of the eight-level dragon.

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