Roulette World

Vol 4 Chapter 2055: Waiting to sit in that position (on)

"Have you chosen?"

Jie Su came and sat next to Ye Zhongming, and when he saw that he was still watching the various formations on the terminal, he asked casually.

"Do you know how many people have sought me these days?"

Ye Zhongming turned off the screen and smiled at Jie Sudao.

Jie Su shrugged, a little speechless, "This group of people is really... so firm as I said before, what formation is confidential, what cannot be passed on to outsiders, and what is forced by pressure can only teach you a few large formations , But now, alas."

In this matter, the future star of the Sioux has a new understanding of the ethnicity of the clan.

At the end of the agreement a few days ago, Ye Zhongming said that Hugo and Luozi zinc could be used in exchange for the formation method. At that time, the Su people firmly rejected it.

Ye Zhongming had thought of it, but anyone thought that someone would come to him just an hour later, saying that he could teach some formations in exchange for the two items that the Sioux desperately needed.

After all, the Hugo and Luozi zinc that Ye Zhongming wants to hand over to the Sioux in the agreement need to be uniformly distributed by the clan. When and how much can be divided into the hands are all questions.

So since the clan has already opened their mouths to teach Ye Zhongming a lot of large formations, it would be fine to let him know some small and medium formations.

So in addition to the patriarchs and Klansu, the other line quickly found Ye Zhongming, put forward some conditions, and developed a list of twenty formations, ten small and ten medium, in exchange for One hundred and fifty hugos, and Luozi zinc capable of manufacturing fifty small formations and one hundred medium formations.

Before the two sides finished the talks, the people of the Klansu family also came, and the purpose is naturally needless to say, these are also things.

In the end, Yao Hansu directly came forward, limiting each department to no more than ten small formations to trade with Ye Zhongming, medium formations to no more than five, and large formations to prohibit trading rules.

To this end, Ye Zhongming needs to prepare the Luozi zinc needed for 350 Hugos and 30 small formations and 15 medium formations.

Of course, these are divided into three equal parts for the three direct lines.

But even so, there are still people secretly looking for Ye Zhongming and want to continue this transaction.

"I can be sure that your Hugo recipe, Luozi zinc, and that ancient formation method are all obtained after you came to the universe. Sometimes I have to be jealous, why you can do this and I used I haven’t done it for so many years."

Jie Su patted Ye Zhongming's shoulder, and then said: "At the same time, I am also very glad that you are my friend and will fully support me."

"In the past, I always thought that the cooperation with the Star Eyes is the contribution of the Sus to cultivate a potential teammate. Now I don’t think so. I think that you are very good and strong teammates. You know, I have never Confident as before."

Although Jie Su said that he was jealous, he couldn't see it at all, nor did he ask Ye Zhongming how these things came from. He was really glad that he was so close to his ideals.

"It's hypocritical." Ye Zhongming smiled.

Jie Su is telling the truth, but how can Ye Zhongming really think that the Xingyan tribe can now sit on par with the Su tribe. No matter what he puts out now, on the whole, the Su people are still helping the Star Eyes to help him more.

"By the way, the formations used by your men are being studied by the elders these days, and it feels like a lost ancient formation-stab. Although it is only a small formation, it has always been known for its strong attack power. Yes, I didn’t expect to be able to use people as an array. The elders are experimenting to see the possibility of combining warriors and array mages."

Ye Zhongming nodded. Although he taught this method to the commandos, the formation was too rigid because of the soldiers. Once he encountered a tough opponent, it was very easy to cause downsizing.

If you use a combination of warriors and array mage, this problem can be solved, because when stacking attacks, it depends on the total amount of Fu Leila, not whether the members are warriors.

Ye Zhongming was only recently aware of this problem, but the Sioux began to experiment a few days after getting the formation. The big clan really has some great clans.

"To be honest, do you have other similar formations?"

Jie Su asked what he had always wondered. He always felt that Ye Zhongming was black in the family.

Ye Zhongming smiled, and did not deny, "Yes, but there are not many. Speaking of attack power, it is not as powerful as the formation that was handed to you, at least not at present."

"What do you mean? At present?" Jie Su didn't understand.

"Yeah." Ye Zhongming said: "I found these things in the Book Collection Palace. I might find them in the future. You can also find them when you have time, but this matter is best not to be rumored. By now, everyone knows that there is treasure in the Book Collection Palace."

The matter of the bibliophile is of great importance. Ye Zhongming dared not tell anyone, and he can only answer Jie Su in this way. In fact, these people-based formations were indeed taught to Ye Zhongming by the Collection Palace.

Although the core formation of the Sioux was not placed in the collection palace, but a long time ago, some very unique formations were put in it. Over time, many people who mastered the formation died unexpectedly or because of various other For various reasons, these formations were lost in the Sioux, but left a record in the library. Because these formations are not the key formations, the Sioux did not pay too much attention. After all, these lost formations have the same effect. For the Sioux who have new formations almost every time, There is absolutely no need to spend that energy to spend a high cost to find in the book sea of ​​the library.

Someone in the library has learned these formations and has recently begun to improve.

Once a learned person has a clear goal, the energy he can burst is quite amazing.

Over the years, these formations have been changed to another form. Ye Zhongming left, and naturally took it into his hands.

You know, there is only one bibliophile who studies and improves these formations... It is said that I tried it when I was still bored.

When Ye Zhongming left, the cattleman was studying the few large formations left by the Sioux before. Ye Zhongming believed that there would be results soon.

The gang of bibliophiles was...too powerful, so powerful that Ye Zhongming felt like an idiot in front of others.

"I'll say it!" Jie Su Xu clicked on Ye Zhongming. It was not very comfortable for this kid to kill the Su people with a small ancient array of 100 million monthly pensions.

Ye Zhongming smiled and hugged the world Su Dao: "Don't mind, it's good for everyone, so, let me tell you a secret as compensation?"

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