Roulette World

Vol 4 Chapter 2092: Trial of the Brave (Part 2)

The referee on one side stepped back subconsciously, and his back was attached to the cold metal material of the arena, which caused him to wake up suddenly and cold sweat came out of his forehead.

He is a master, that is, Fu Leila has more than 100,000 powerful lives, but when this huge sword shadow appeared, he also felt terror and fear.

This is a life-threatening ability.

For this, the referee was very clear.

However, he also believes in his own eyesight. The fighters of the Star-Eye clan, Fu Leila, is around 50,000, which should be less than 50,000. If he fights against himself, he can hit them with one hand. But this group of guys who don't really think in his eyes put together such a blow?

There are also a lot of masters in the stands, and even those who can't reach the realm of the masters, don't prevent them from feeling the power of destruction.

Almost all the Huitang people stood up, and they had to do this because they especially wanted the miracle to appear.

It's just...the miracle, when you want it, it's often absent.

The huge lightsaber sword fell into the battlefield of the Huitang clan, and the frightened escape made some warped battlefields divided into two.

On the stands of the arena, on the outside light curtain, and on the live broadcast terminal, countless followers of this game's life have seen the blood rising with the falling of the giant sword.

All the Huitang warriors within the falling range of the giant sword were all cut into pieces.


The patriarch of the Huitang cries roared repeatedly.

These people are the elite of the Huitang clan. How much did they die in just one click? Two hundred or three hundred people, or more?

Even if this battle is won in the end, the Hui Tang clan's vitality is already inevitable.

"The Huitang clan's decision was wrong. They were afraid of sacrifice before, and they were overweight. They wanted the Xingyan clan to consume the energy of the market in vain. Whoever thinks about it, people have another means to deal with your static braking. This time, it’s really stealing the chicken and not killing the rice."

Some people, like Ye Zhongming, pointed out the strategic mistakes of the Huitang clan. However, before this, as long as you don't know that the Xingyan tribe has this ability, all think that the Huitang tribe has responded properly.

The aftermath of the Great Sword disappeared, and a huge ditch was cut off the ground of the arena.

Originally, the white stone on the ground was specially treated, and even the idle attack could not leave traces on it. After being built for so many years, the ground has not been renovated once, and at most there are many shallow marks left on it.

This is naturally related to the strength of the warriors in the dark strip city. After all, there are too few masters. Now this sword directly cuts off the ground, which reflects the power of the blow just from the side.

The referee gradually recovered from the shock, but just glanced at it and shook his head slightly.

In the Huitang tribe just now, at least more than 200 people died directly, and dozens of others were swept by the edge of the giant sword. The injury was not light. In addition to the previous attack, there were basically 350 people. There is no fighting power left or right.

Even the opponent's side is not close, but he has already lost almost one-fifth of the manpower. If the Huitang clan does not make any changes, the situation will be too unfavorable.

It's just that the more crisis time, the more calm you can find the chance to turn over from the disadvantage, but the referee glanced at the Huitang tribe, many of them haven't recovered from the horror, they just moved by themselves. And aimlessly protected.

Looking back at the star-eyed tribe, the square phalanx with a huge sword was not cheap, but they were all sitting on the platoon at this time, throwing drugs into their mouths to start recovery, but the square phalanx next to them, but Has taken over the companion's rhythm of attack.

This phalanx is centered on Cheng gild. They don’t move like Bashilu collided all the weapons together, but constantly waved some trajectories. As they injected power into them, the weapons crossed In the air, there will be some traces of afterimages. The more times, the faster the speed, there will be a light group appearing beside each soldier.

When the Huitang tribe started the whole team, the Star Eye tribe had already prepared for the attack.

"go with!"

Cheng Liujin shouted in the center of the array, and the soldiers who had been in the match were pushing the weapons out, and the light group in front of everyone was pushed out, falling on them and Between Huitang warriors.

The Huitang fighters who had just formed their formations were all stunned. With the lingering fear, the first reaction was not how to deal with it, but to try to avoid it.

These light groups became one by one in the surprised eyes of other lives...light people.

Human form composed of light.

"What is this?"

"Energy mimicry, usually this is only used by masters or ethnic warriors with some special abilities. Where did the Star Eyes learn from?"

"Not quite. Can energy mimicry exist for so long?"

"Look, all the forms of these rays are exactly the same. Normally, there is always a difference between what each person sends out individually. I think it should be the same as the lightsaber attacks before. reason."

"I agree with this statement. You see, although it hasn't been long since the beginning of the war, have you felt the brightness of the array? It hasn't been significantly reduced. What does this mean? It means that these arrays are not ordinary products, and they are definitely made by the Su people. The real products that come out are even orphans!"

"Good thing!"

The audience is not too much to watch the lively, the more intense the battle, the better, the more new things, the better. It is better to be able to open your eyes.

Today they knew that there was such a position that could change the situation on the battlefield.

In the debate among the audience, the humanoid warriors formed by the light rushed to the battle line of the Huitang clan.

Spier and Lola looked at each other, knowing that today's things can't go on like this. If you have been so passive, you still don't know what other moths the star-eye clan will make if you are quite prepared.

"We killed in the past, we can't let them attack like this again, one team and two teams, you outstrip from both sides, the rest, follow me and Lola!"

At the command of Spier, the Huitang warriors moved. They also knew that the previous decision was wrong. Now they have to rush into close combat, even if they are subject to the attack of the array, they are constantly being consumed here. Strong.

The Huitang tribe immediately divided into three parts and rushed towards the Xingyan tribe's position.

It's not that Spier doesn't want to avoid these light people without knowing what they can do, but they find that if no one is in charge, these light people can change their own direction and pounce towards you.

So Spier could only bring these strange energy bodies together with Lola, whose strength is second only to himself.

The two sides collided together within seconds.

The rumbling began to resound throughout the arena.

"I'm going to explode."

"Outright energy shock!"

"This attack method is too thieves. I see these energy bodies waving their arms. I thought they could fight like a war beast."

"Look, look, look down, a big piece."

"Unfortunately, the explosive power of these bare people seems to be average, and most of the Huitang warriors who have been blown up have risen."

"That's it, but if you look at their weapons and armor, the damage rate is a bit high."

"This thing is such a big threat to equipment?"

"Come and drive again!"

In the exclamation of everyone, the second batch of light people rushed out from the position in charge of Cheng Liujin, both in front and on the left and right.


These energy bodies with auto-tracking ability came into contact with the reluctant Huitang warriors again, blasting the enemy back and forth.

Although the power was not enough to seriously hurt the Hui Tang nationality, it also allowed dozens of people to never get up again. Among them, the estimated death was only a dozen people, and the rest was not bad.

Originally, the distance between the two parties was about 100 meters. Under the sprint of the Huitang clan, this distance was quickly narrowed. After the second energy explosion, the nearest enemy to the Star Eye clan was ten meters.

Cheng Lijin's team didn't panic at all and issued a third attack.

It is only different from Qiang twice. This time, they no longer emit 500 small energy bodies, but ten huge energy bodies. They are divided around the four battle arrays of the Star Eye Clan, just like the door gods. The general combat power slowed down the pace of the Huitang warriors.

The power of explosions of energy bodies that were almost as large as they were before was already impressive, but now such a big one, once it explodes, it is estimated to be deadly.

"At this time, are you afraid that it will be useful?"

Spiel yelled, and the strange weapon in his hand was rounded by him. Afterwards, his body twisted strangely, and the weapon actually bounced a few times on the ground like a ball. Among.

Immediately, two Star-Eye warriors were hit undetected, one was directly shattered in the head, and one arm was bombarded with blood mist.

After that, the ball-shaped weapon jumped out of the battle array again and returned to your hands.

This is the first time that the Huitang tribe has achieved results since the beginning of the war. It is not only the soldiers who were present at the moment, but the tens of thousands of Huitang tribes in the stands also gave a huge cheer at the same time.

Lola was not willing to be outdone, his attack was as gloomy as he was, several cold lights flew out of his waist, just what the Xingyan clan thought he had fired, and he focused on these cold lights. At that time, these things were suddenly bright and bright, and the brightness was dazzling, which caused many people to lose their vision for a while.

Lola sneered. The curved double knives of both hands swayed back and forth.

The warriors of the Star-Eye Clan kept falling down. Although they stood up again, they still took the lives of three people by this less bright attack.

The sound of the Huitang people's cheering was even worse.

The two were the most powerful warriors of the Huitang clan. The energy body explosion just made them retreat backwards, and it didn’t matter. Now, with one shot, the situation leaning towards the Xingyan clan has really stopped a little. .

But the two are bitter and aware.

The strength and equipment of the two people, not to mention the current Huitang tribe, even on the side of the Xingyan tribe, are definitely top-notch, but the full blow, combined together, only caused the other party to kill five people and injure three people. This is far from their expectations.

The good equipment of the Star Eyes showed great effect at this time.

However, after the Huitang clan was pressed and played for several rounds, they finally became the attacking side. They rushed to the star-eye clan's position and started their attack.

It's just that this attack is awkward.

The ten giant energy giants beside them are not self-explosive. They are really big hands. Their weights are heavy. Although the speed is not fast, but you have to hide. If you are hit, the fracture and vomiting blood are all light.

Everyone in the Huitang clan hates to die, how can there be such annoying things?

They didn’t think of attacking, but as soon as the weapon touched it, they were immediately imprisoned, and he was also equipped with fists and feet, and he didn’t know what characteristics, although giving them such a effect did indeed, these energy giants would be dimmed, When the arms and legs of the weapons are not recovered for a while, they can only stick to their bodies.

Only skill attacks can prevent them from consuming, but each of these ten giants is extremely impressive. It is dimmed, and it takes some time to break them.

This makes the Huitang people have a dilemma. No matter, they are frustrating with one punch and one kick on the side. If you fight, you will have to separate some people.

There are more people to split up, the number of people on the battle star eye tribe is too disadvantageous, and there are fewer people to split up, and I don’t know when the energy giant can be broken.

Also, even if these energy giants disappear in a short period of time, the expendable energy and physical strength is also a big trouble.

This dilemma made it difficult for Huitang people to make a choice at a time.

The beginning of the scuffle means that the battle will not stop until the end. The spectators in the auditorium are very attentive and very serious.

At this time, the star-eye family's array really began to play a role.

The previous attacks were misunderstood, and it was not the role of the platoon at all, but the ancient phalanx that Ye Zhongming brought back from the Book Collection Palace.

He and the Sioux said that there are only one or two, but the real number is enough for the entire Star Eye Clan.

But the market is indeed a premium market from the Sioux. It does not exceed people's understanding of the market, but it is not comparable to those on the market.

Because Ba Shilu and Cheng Liujin's battle front was at the forefront, they suffered all the pressure from the Hui Tang clan, but the Hui Tang clan warriors mistakenly thought that the power of the line had been used before, so when they rushed in, the range The heart is not heavy.

But when the Star-Eye tribes start their abilities, they will be punished.

Two phalanxes, together lifted up a piece of red filaments, first attached to the disk, and then floated up, quietly hovering beside each star-eyed tribe in the array.

Once the Huitang clan encountered these filaments, both the weapon and the body were all cut off.

"Crimson Red Dream Floating!"

In the stands, someone exclaimed in silence.

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