Roulette World

Vol 4 Chapter 2209: Not the right time

"Leave? Where did they go?"

The mechanical ghost finally got permission to enter the base from those left behind on the Jedi Water Jedi, but the news was that Ye Zhongming had left all the people he was looking for.

From Fatty to Star Eyes and two adults to Cheng Liujin, all left the station, none of them!

He reacted for a moment, and weighed them for a moment before asking them where to leave. He wanted to chase himself.

Left behind is a deputy commander of the Golden Battalion. After learning that this person and Ye Zhongming are from the same parent star, he somewhat believed him, but this person who is always in the mechanical war beast has a bit of a strict mouth, I don't say what the news Ye Zhongming wants to deliver.

The deputy commander did not continue to ask, he felt the same whether he asked or not, because he had guessed what the general information was.

Ye Zhongming robe Bai Jiesu together, let this person come to convey the news, what else could it be, 90% of them are okay, let the people in the camp not act lightly!

But now, the army has already set off!

He let the mechanical ghost and the little girl with him rest, and then immediately sent someone to chase!

He gave a death order to this hundred people. In any case, he must catch up with the big army, because it is related to the lives of more than 160,000 soldiers!

In addition to the tens of thousands of people remaining in the camps of the Sioux and small races, a total of more than 160,000 people set off. Others do not know what their real purpose is, and the deputy commander knows.

If the situation requires the Xingyan tribe to desperately, then it does not matter, just fight, this has always been the case in these years.

But if you don't have to desperately, the special object still has a pinnacle master and a bunch of Hallstars who are masters.

Because of his duties, he could not leave, and the Sioux did not know anyone, so he could only send the best 100 Star-Eye fighters and let them carry the news to catch up with the big troops.

The mechanical ghost didn't stop after knowing, and set off with the hundred people.

The deputy commander stood under the armoured Sikong cover, looking at the fading shadow in front, sighing silently.

Hope, it's too late.


Robe White escaped the two energy shocks that flew behind him, and as soon as he rolled, he hid in the shadow of a pile of supplies, and disappeared, leaving behind thousands of chasers behind.

When it reappeared, several more kills had been completed and two camps had been ignited.

The night gave the robe white a great free space, so that he could fully play the characteristics of the star eye clan.

When Jie Su, like a beacon, attracted eight-headed masters to stop him, there were very few camps that could pose a threat to the robe.

The silver of this star-eyed tribe makes the long kill a bit cool.

He drank a bottle of potion, recovered for a moment in a dark place that no one could think of, and then took out a spare weapon to continue his hunting trip.

It’s just that Robe White suddenly stopped, and after two steps back, he looked at a corner of this place, where there was a light curtain photo album that didn’t know when it was touched off, the point was not that some of it was still flowing slowly. Pictures and photos, but the time directly above.

"How many days have passed...?" Robe White looked at the display above and was surprised.

In his and Ye Zhongming's and Jie Su's feelings, the successive tests are continuous. After these fields, it is estimated that it will take two or three days? This is because Ye Zhongming had been in the study for a long time before disassembling the equipment.

But in fact it doesn't seem to be the case. It took them more time to pass these tests than they felt.

After all, their terminal is no longer usable.

How is this going?

The robe white has a bit of scalp tingling,

At their level, they are actually very sensitive to time. Usually, even if they are not accurate to the minute, the time they feel will never differ by half an hour. So, what caused their sensory errors?

That mountainside is a mysterious separate space? Or did they enter a weird time flow?

However, their test is clearly on the same planet, the opponent is here life, and even met acquaintances!

Robe Bai couldn't understand it. He decided to see Ye Zhongming and Jie Su later and tell them the news.

No matter how much he doesn't want to admit, not only Jie Su, even Ye Zhongming has determined to surpass him, he must work hard.

When the robe looked at the figure outside, there was a strong enthusiasm!


Jie Su threw a man who should be a patriarch of eight heads aside, and this man soon lost his life.

After a while, he had already killed four patriarchs.

After this, his entourage withdrew.

The people who had been retreating all around stopped.

That horrible thunder and lightning array disappeared?

For them, the almost ubiquitous lightning is a nightmare. No one can support it for more than five minutes, not even the patriarchs.

This may be the strength of the master after using the secret technique.

But now that those terrifying thunderclouds are gone, is that... it's time for skills? In other words, the energy of this Sioux is not enough to support this attack?

Does this mean that the opportunity is coming?

The patriarchs who had been trembling but still alive looked at each other and decided to take a risk.

After all, they have no escape route. If they lose this camp, they will be homeless in the next few days. On such a planet full of mutated life and parasites, there is no companion, no more Supply, no defensive position, it is almost looking for death.

If it is possible, no one wants to chase people to kill.

Now there is an opportunity, if you can, you have to try.

With their orders and encouragement, more than 10,000 people gradually gathered around them, and they launched an attack toward Jie Su who was in them.

"I am the Su people, did you forget?" Jie Su said softly, his hands raised, and the surrounding ground shone hundreds of lights together, and all the people who were touched were directly melted away.

In the offensive just now, the rising star of the Sioux team quietly completed the formation of a formation, inspiring at this moment.

At the same time, there were vibrations around Batou's camp, which were getting louder and louder, and there was a stench in the air.

At the same time, some tweets appeared, and after a while, they began to intensively, and finally formed a horrible sound. Like the vibration, the tide hit the station.

A white shadow quickly rushed into the air of the camp from a distance. It was Ye Zhongming riding a white dragon horse. He and Jie Su's eyes met in the air and smiled at each other. They both knew that this time's test passed.

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