Roulette World

Vol 4 Chapter 2239: You are not very smart

"Thanks to [笔趣阁] Zhang Zeweitong brother's great reward, the old fantasy has been updated so little in the last month, it is really shameful~~"

The two camps that had violent conflicts before had camped on each other not far away. Many soldiers looked up and saw the opposite situation. For this reason, many people have a strange feeling in their hearts.

Perhaps this is a kind of confusion that does not know how to do in the future.

Only at night, a little confusion occurred.

Two people were killed, one from the Sioux and one from the side of the small race alliance.

As for the murderer...not caught.

When the body was found, it was almost dawn.

This made the already relaxed situation start to get nervous again.

Everyone has their own circle, even if there is no circle, they have their own race.

The death of the two people, the Sioux and the small race were very angry.

The killer will naturally not be a person within the alliance. In these days of the planetary hunting ground, the Sioux and the Dark Stripe Alliance have a very good relationship and very good cooperation. Some people have even become friends, and naturally no conflicts have occurred.

So who killed these two people? The answer seems easy to get.

But the people of the Alliance are still quiet. After all, there is no evidence. You said in the past that the Hallstar people would not recognize them.

However, the hostility towards that place naturally occurred, the intensity of the patrol increased significantly, and the guard against the Hallstar began to increase.

Jie Su and Ye Zhongming all went to see the corpse, and after a few words together, they went back to appease their men.

There are still five days before the end of the Planet Hunting, that is to say, according to each other's agreement, we have to wait four days before we can take action. Everyone seems to be rejuvenating.

But what I didn’t expect was that the scale of this kind of death and vendetta further expanded on the next night. On this night, more than 30 people died, including 12 people from the Sioux side and 21 people from the small race alliance. Among them, there are two Star-Eye tribes, one of them is also a soldier of the Bronze Battalion.

This time, things were a bit out of control at that time, not only because of the large number of dead people, but also because the bodies of the twelve people of the Su nationality were placed in a strange shape and placed in a temporary material warehouse.

This is a direct provocation.

The Sioux people are all very low-key, and they all uphold the principle of absolute quietness that can not cause trouble. It does not mean that they will be indifferent when they watch the clan killed.

Anger is gradually accumulating.

The small race alliance is similar here, and some people even directly chanted the slogan of revenge. Because one of the more than 20 people who died was a patriarch of a small clan. This time he came here with a thousand soldiers. Who thought that there was no accident in the hunting and defense battle of the stacked water Jedi, but he died here, The state of death was still miserable, and his people naturally did not do it.

It's just that everyone still has reason and knows that it's impossible to fight for the lives of these people.

In the end, Jie Su, Ye Zhongming and others represented everyone to negotiate with the Hallstars, but the results were not satisfactory. When several people came out, their faces were all green.

That night, the death happened again, even compared to the silent assassination of the previous two days. This time a direct conflict broke out somewhere. At least 300 people participated in the fire, waiting for the big figures on both sides to calm down. During the conflict, there were more than 100 casualties, including 68 deaths.

Coupled with the previously clandestine conflict, the number of deaths alone exceeded 100.

For three consecutive days, the number of deaths has doubled!

Everyone can smell the gunpowder between each other.

This night, the high-level officials of the two sides met again, but the location was no longer in the Hall Star camp, but between the two camps.

But the result was still not good.

Far away, Prince Delmar smiled calmly.

On the fourth day, when there were only two days left until the end of the entire planetary hunting ground, both sides raised their alertness to each other to the highest level, and stared at each other overnight.

It is a pity that chaos still happened.

No one knows what is going on. Anyway, it seems that suddenly the fighting between the two sides started. The entire camp became a mess. Countless energies and skills flew in the air, making the surrounding life still watching some lively flying life. Scared and far away.

In battle, you can often hear one side calling for revenge, and the other side will call you again...

Not far away, Delmar smiled more cheerfully than the day before.

"The Crown Guards have done a good job!" His Royal Highness Prince, the fifth-ranked leader of the Lena Stars, praised, "It is really commendable to be able to successfully provoke disputes under the strict guarding of both sides."

A dozen people beside him, including Kilsel Ting, watched with some excitement the scuffle of hundreds of thousands of people below.

"It's just..." Delmar suddenly smiled and said to the pinnacle master around her: "The plan was originally used for two days, but they were calmer than we thought, so the goal was only achieved now. Will it recover completely?"

After hearing this, Kiel Thiel shook his head and said: "After a long time, it will naturally recover better, but I think he can only recover to about 70% of the previous one. After this battle, I’m sure I’ll still get hurt.

"I will be able to kill you by then!"

Before Kielther's words were finished, he heard the sound of the Queen of Queens. He suddenly raised his head and saw that the Hall of Stars master was watching him coldly in the air.

Prince Delma's face changed. Shouldn't this person be attacking the Sioux and minor race alliance with the Hallstar?

"Is it weird to see us?" Jie Su's voice came from the darkness. He walked out slowly, and at the same time, there were Ye Zhongming, Bailong Horse, Mingqi, and Hallstars in other directions. Master.

In the dark, I do not know how many lives are hidden, waiting.

"If you really think so, then you can only say that you are too self-righteous and take us as a fool too." Jie Su shook his head.

"How did you guys see it?" Delmar said, thinking quickly about the countermeasures.

"Whether it's your asking price, or sending someone to provoke an assassination against us, it's actually not too clever. If the level of the hands-on person is too high, we are actually not willing to cooperate." Ye Zhongming smiled and said: "Of course, We have to admit that you have a good grasp of people's psychology. You know that the hatred between us is at its strongest, so your mind will not be sober, maybe you can't see your temporary arrangements, but... you may It's too smooth in the tribe, so when talking and doing things, there is always a taste of contempt for others."

"It's your desire, it's too obvious." Kunzuo finished speaking and waved his hand at Del Mar.

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