Roulette World

Vol 4 Chapter 2240: It's a bunch of words and unbelief (Part 1)

Del Mar is very embarrassed at this time. If he is facing a master, even if he is very senior, he has various ways to deal with it.

As the heir to the high rank of the Lena star, this is still possible.

But just now he and the two guards have to face several times the enemy. One person is enough for them to suffer. Now there are several wounds on the body that are bleeding, and the body is uncomfortable. It is very serious. which performed.

However, in this unfavorable situation, Delmar was keenly aware that when he thought that he could no longer hold on, the Hallstars' masters suddenly reduced their attack strength.

This discovery revived Delmar's already desperate heart.

He quickly found out why the gang did this.

Del Mar thought of two points. The first point is that the Holzers did not want to be the murderer who killed him personally, so that if things were exposed in the future, most of the responsibilities could also be pushed onto the Sus.

The second point, they may want to catch alive, after all, the large forces of the Lena Stars are coming, they may not want to do anything.

Either way, it’s good news for him.

Not to mention the second, as long as it does not die, even if it is captured, there is a great possibility of survival. Mainly the first one, if they want to make the Sioux hands, then Del Mar feels that they have a good chance of surviving, because there are only two masters on the Sioux side involved in the attack on him, and the other one is against the dragon. In dealing with his master guard.

And one of the two great masters is Jie Su, the Su nationality, when fighting... little effect, their specialty is still in formation after all. As for robe white, although it is very annoying, an assassin, in the case of a knife and a gun, has a limited role to play.

So... chance!

Del Mar felt his opportunity came. He had a way to leave the battlefield quickly, but it only took a little time to prepare.

So when Jie Su and Ye Zhongming approached, he was not afraid or how to deal with them, but chose the escape route in advance.

He knew that as long as he left, Kilsel would also find a chance to leave. No one could stop him. As for his guards and others, he didn't care at all.

It was just suddenly that Del Mar felt danger, which was stronger than when he was facing the siege.

He found a huge hand under his feet holding his lower body, while Jie Su directly in front of him at the same time threw two positions beside him.

For Luo Zinc or something, Ye Zhongming will not be stingy with his brother.

Del Mar quickly recovered the little equipment that had been in his hand to help him escape, and turned his body energy down.

Several rays of light emerged from the huge palm of the earth system, and the almost unfavorable grip of life had lost its effect. After the light emerged, this ability began to disintegrate.

But Jie Su's position began to play a role, protruding more than ten blue rattan sticks from the surrounding ground, using Delma's temporary immobility to entangle his body.

I have to say that the high-ranking heir of the Lena star is really powerful. Even under such unfavorable circumstances, he still made a quick response. His equipment did not know why there was a little bit of Mars. The rattan is ignited, and this ability loses its effect in a few seconds.

From the start of Ye Zhongming's attack, Delma was restrained on the ground for a maximum of five seconds.

But this time, it was enough to attack many times.

Two cold lights shone from the darkness, one towards Delma's neck, and one towards his heart.

A thick black sticky substance appeared on Delmar's hands, blocking it accurately, blocking the two cold lights from the outside.

Blood splattered and all his palms were injured, but he also resisted the deadly attack of the robe.

However, Ye Zhongming quietly reached behind Delma after launching the attack, and the weapon in his hand was viciously leading to his back.

With a ding, Ye Zhongming quickly backed away, shaking his body before standing firm, and a crack appeared in the weapon in his hand.

Although only red coagulation grade, but this situation is rare.

The King of Genting looked in one direction, and a master of the Hall star was sneering at him.

Because Ye Zhongming didn't reach the realm of a master, and his attention was still on Del Mar, he was suddenly attacked. It is already very good to be able to get the current result.

It's just that he's a little confused now, what exactly does the Hallstar mean, and catch it alive? Still have other ideas.

Del Mar took a life back, and his heart was stable. He can now be sure that the Hallstars don't want to kill themselves, at least now they don't want to kill themselves.

As clever as he reacted quickly, the Hall star people did not intend to let go of the rhythm of the Sioux. They wanted to see the direct conflict between the Sioux and the Lena star.

They want to buckle the hat of the attacking Lena star on the head of the Sioux! And he is a witness and a condition for his life.

But will the Sioux let them do this? Definitely not, they can't bear the pressure of offending the Hall star and the Lena star together, so they must want Delma to die, even if they kill the kill by their own hands.

The surrounding fighting sound suddenly sounded. It was the outsiders fighting with the Crown Guards. Although the latter had fewer people, the individual’s fighting power was stronger, so they suddenly rushed into the battlefield where Jie Su and others were located. Near.

This gave Delmar more hope for survival.

As for the Hallstar people worried that he would not come as he wanted, Del Mar knew he had no choice.

On the one hand, the crime of unauthorized challenge of the two races is very likely to be deprived of heir status. On the one hand, being a victim, and putting all the blame on the Su people, the fool also knows how to choose.

It's just that although the situation is much better, the Hallstars don't even want Delma to die, but will they easily let him go?

No, it won’t, because they only need Delma to be alive. The others are the trophies. The special equipment is Kiel Thunder. This person is dead. It is definitely a major blow to the Lena star. This With the growth and decline, the Hall star people will get more benefits.

In addition, a pinnacle master, the things on his body are very, very good, even if there is no spirit level, but there are certainly many pieces of the Lenny level, and there may be other valuable things.

It can be said that every pinnacle master is a mobile treasure trove. How could the Hallstars let go of such a treasure trove.

The situation on the battlefield began to become very unfavorable to the Sioux and small race alliances after the change of attitude of the Hallstars.

But would the Su people be so stupid that they didn't think about this?

Obviously not. After the unsuccessful killing of Del Mar for the first time, Jie Su simply observed the situation and immediately issued an order.

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