Roulette World

: Decision and arrival (middle)

The human camp was originally cleaning the battlefield, but it was halfway through, and the sea was full of activity. The scene was extremely spectacular, but I didn't know how to describe it.

It must be described as a bit like that after the water is boiled, in addition to bubbles, there are all kinds of light and leaked energy, as well as various colors of blood.

Soon, a large number of corpses began to float on the sea!

In Haili, is this... a fight? !

Xia Lei and others also came to the beach, looking at the sea in the distance and frowning.

"What's going on? It should have been fighting, but haven't the whales unified the sea already?"

"Is the Devil Whale injured, so the opponent is out of control? For these mutant lives, it has always been the truth that the strong is the king."

"Or is it a sea beast from other seas? I was attracted by the **** smell of the previous two days of war? Just like the zombies and land life we ​​are attracted to now."

"Isn't it going to devour those wounded races and things, to evolve faster?"

Everyone has different opinions, and speculations vary.

"It's not like the whale is out of control."

Liu Zhenghong suddenly said, "Although Xia Bai and the Red Makeup Guards have given it a heavy blow, its remaining combat power is still much more powerful than the life of the ninth level. It may only consume more, but its status should not be challenged."

Her eyes are where the power lies. Natural observation is clearer than others, and the judgment on the remaining combat power of the whale will be more accurate.

"Yes, the whale should have left this sea area." Xiaohu's eyes are also special. Although he can't directly use the tracking skills, there is a vague feeling.

"Let's go down and see." Xiao Peng suggested on the side.

Before, his army was a reserve team. Although he passively participated in the battle, he did not go through too fierce battles. He kept around the headquarters just in case.

Because his team base is not in Genting but in Linhai, Yunding is best at fighting in the sea, but he still dare not enter the sea in this sea of ​​beasts and can only stay on the land.

However, if only to go to the sea to investigate, Xiaopeng's troops can still do it.

Xia Lei nodded, "Send those teams blessed by the Sea Crown to pass by, don't get too close, the sea and land are ready to respond."

Xiaopeng immediately went back to his team to do things. After a few minutes, the elite fifty were divided into five teams and launched from different positions. Several ships in the sea also appeared on the surface of the sea, most of them were blue , And one of them is a golden class.

The long-range troops moved forward a distance and were ready for fire support.

Two hours later, the five teams returned separately and lost six people, but the news brought back was basically the same.

The sea beasts are killing each other, and the two sides belong to different camps.

"This new group of sea beasts should have come from the sea to the east, with at least two top life inside, and the total number is not as much as here."

Xiaopeng went to the sea personally just now. He is the most recent of the 50 people. His news is the most detailed and accurate.

"Although it seems to be evenly matched now, but..."

Xiao Peng thought for a while, "How do I say, I always feel something is not right."

He sorted out the language and continued: "The number of new sea beasts, whether it is the number of top life or the overall number, is a little bit worse than the current group of sea beasts. Don’t look like they are evenly matched. The leader is not there, and the other populations have just experienced the war, and the state is not good. The second is that the new sea beasts are a little bit fearless and do not care about the appearance of casualties."

After saying this, Xiaopeng said again: "Normally speaking, it has not evolved to a certain degree of mutated life. This should not happen, they are also sensible, but now this is really a kind of suicidal behavior, so I cannot Determine what is going on."

"How far is the main battlefield from us?"

"Basically in the north of our front, the distance from the coastline has extended from about two kilometers to about five kilometers. This is just my estimate. Most of the battles are concentrated in the shallow seas, and some are deeper."

Xia Lei asked Xiaopeng to answer, after getting this answer, Yunding Villa immediately made a long-range attack to cover the side of the sea beast near the coastline.

Now Genting doesn't care what the purpose of those sea beasts is. Xia Lei and a group of high-level leaders believe that reducing the strength of the Whale School sea beasts as much as possible is the most important thing to do.

So the long-range troops moved forward one by one, and attacked the approximate distance judged by Xiaopeng.

The distance and sea water, as well as the angle of launch greatly reduced the power of these weapons, but it still works. This will definitely help those newcomers to stay longer. Genting pays only the money, but the enemy pays. Fate, this is a bargain.

This situation lasted for more than ten hours, after which the newly arrived sea beasts collapsed after the death of a top life.

The battle in the sea became a chase battle, and a disordered battle against land.

Many sea beasts were irritated by the long-range attack on Genting, or some lives in the shallow sea could not bear such endless harassment, and turned back to the shore to attack the human front.

The number of such sea beast groups is still quite large. Although it is not the kind of whole battle before, the long human front is still everywhere, and local fighting is reopened.

The land and sea are fighting. This situation came to a climax after the newly arrived sea beasts regrouped just six hours later. Even Xiaopeng’s team at the top of the cloud had entered the offshore battle, except for the gene warrior army that had not been moving. All the means of Genting and the resistance to the Yaoshi Army in the zone were on.

The battle started from the evening of the day and continued until the dawn of the third day. The casualties of several parties were very heavy, but they were persevering with their teeth clenched.

Everyone knows which side collapsed at this time, it really collapsed.

The Genting Legion of Genting is also the dawn of this day that entered the battlefield, so that the morale of the entire human camp was revitalized.

This boost is real.

The first is that the number of gene legions is really enough. After joining the battlefield, the sea beast was pushed into the sea in almost a few hours. This process was naturally tragic and full of blood, but this was the first time in the The battle between land and sea suppressed the whole sea beast back into the sea.

Secondly, of the genetic life, more than 200,000 are dedicated to fighting in water, and nearly 30% of the remaining total can exert more than 70% of the fighting power in the sea.

So when the sea beasts were pushed back into the sea, instead of getting time for breathing and cultivation, they were invaded by the Gene Life Corps.

Because humans have involved too many sea beasts of the Devil Whale series, let another group of sea beasts stick to the present. Although the number is basically reduced to less than 20% compared with the beginning, it is still sticking to it.

The human camp saw the dawn of complete victory at this time.

Just give them a little more time, not too long, it is estimated that the time of one or two days is almost the same, and they can completely destroy this group of sea beasts!

At that time, even if the whale came back, it would be useless. If it were only itself, Genting had a hundred ways to kill it.

It is a pity that on this night of the day, a completely restored figure of a whale appeared in the dark sky.

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