Roulette World

Vol 4 Chapter 2557: Lava swamp

Hong Haier shrank up, hiding behind Ye Zhongming, a pair of long eyes kept looking around.

Ye Zhongming looked helpless, and said in his heart that the traitorous dragons he had collected were a little abnormal in spirit except for the tide.

Are you a dragon, even less courageous than a human? When I was on your site before, wasn't it a terrible bluff?

After Ye Zhongming decided to go back, he let Red Boy's Aunt Chaoyang ‘train’ it, and then looked at the surrounding environment.

The first feeling is that it is hot, so hot.

The temperature in the habitat of the fire dragon in the Broken Star Belt was already very high, but it was even higher here. This temperature, even for the fire dragon, should not be so comfortable.

Just as the fire dragon can plunge into the flames without doing anything, it doesn't mean they like to stay there.

There was warm plaster under his feet. Ye Zhongming didn't know what it was at first, so he stepped on it with his foot. It didn't matter if he stepped on it, some magma appeared.

Ye Zhongming immediately jumped to a hard-looking place, Hong Haier looked down at his huge paws, then looked around, giving up the idea of ​​following the past.

After standing still, Ye Zhongming looked again. There were such magma muddy fields in front of him, and occasionally mountain peaks and hills that collapsed into ruins appeared.

The sky is full of gray dark clouds, windy, but eye-catching, it is the flame that keeps burning and moving like stars.

The light they produce is the main source of the brightness of this dead space.

The other one is the huge mountain towering into the clouds in the distance, still flowing crimson lava and thick black-gray fog!

Ye Zhongming frowned. The temperature and smell here are very uncomfortable. Is this a testing space?

Why doesn't it seem so... advanced?

"Um, uh, boss, what should we do?" It was allowed for the red boy to call Ye Zhongming the boss, and it was a bit embarrassing for him to call the boss in front of so many dragon clan bosses... Dragon, boss face is not good.

"Eyes are not easy to use?" Ye Zhongming said in an angry manner.

In any case, Red Boy is also a powerful existence of more than 150,000 yuan? It stands to reason that even if Ye Zhongming accepts it as a war beast? He should be polite. After all, he is good at his own strength? Is he backed by the dragon? With reason.

But Ye Zhongming really couldn't stand Red Boy's blindness.

Such a bright road is here. You ask me what to do? People have already shown you the way, so they will keep you going? Follow here to the distant Jufeng, where? There must be something waiting.

Ye Zhongming didn't want to talk to the red boy? He threw one at it...Forget it, Dihuang Wan is not there.

The color of the road is actually the same as the surroundings, but in the eyes of a master like them, it is already very, very conspicuous.

Ye Zhongming walked up first? The top was really harder than the surroundings.

Hong Haier wants to fly? But after thinking about it, forget it, and honestly followed Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming walked towards the distant giant mountain, observing the surrounding situation as he walked. Although the place was desolate and dilapidated, every time he walked a certain distance, Ye Zhongming felt that uncomfortable speech became heavier.

He walked for a while and stopped.

Have you turned to Red Boy? Let it lie on the ground and Ye Zhongming sat on its back.

Compared to the ground? It's cooler there.

Ye Zhongming took out some materials from his space equipment and began to manufacture equipment.

The space in [] is very special here? It does not prohibit the entry of other space equipment.

What Ye Zhongming made? It was equipment that could offset the temperature.

The smell in the air is unpleasant? It is also toxic, but it doesn't have much effect on Ye Zhongming for the time being. Just hold your breath. With Ye Zhongming's current level, there is no problem if he doesn't breathe for a long time.

But the temperature was not good, Ye Zhongming walked a distance forward, giving him the feeling that at every step before, the temperature may have to rise by one degree, and now he is at almost sixty degrees.

Ordinary people can't survive long in such an environment.

This is not the surface temperature, but the temperature of every corner. Ye Zhongming visually inspected the distance to the giant peak here. Obviously, even for him, the more troubles the temperature brings, the more trouble it will cause.

He is not a life of fire attribute after all.

Strangely, he summoned two little guys but there was no response, and the master equipment could not be used here.

Seal high-level existence?

Ye Zhongming was thinking about this problem while making equipment that could withstand the temperature.

Space equipment can be used, but elemental elves and master equipment cannot be used...

Soon, Ye Zhongming made the equipment and put them on his body, and he immediately felt a lot more comfortable.

"Boss, can you make two for you?" Hong Hai'er looked pleased.

"Are you afraid of this too?" Ye Zhongming said that you are still not a fire dragon?

"I can feel that the temperature in front will be higher, even a little uneasy..."

To make the red dragon feel uneasy, Ye Zhongming pays more attention to this place.

It's a pity that animal gear is not something that can be made casually. Ye Zhongming can do it now, but there is no material that can help Red Boy to withstand the temperature. It is meaningless to make other kinds of beasts.

"You follow behind me. If you feel that you can't bear it, then just stay where you are or step back."

The test here is that Ye Zhongming is not ready to let the red boy together.

In case it succeeds, what if this is really the roulette of elemental spirits, what if the brand-new elemental spirits appear and belong to the red boy?

Hong Haier heard it and felt it, and then immediately stopped going forward.

When the speechless Ye Zhongming continued, it began to retreat. At that moment, it embodied greed for life and fear of death to the fullest.

Ye Zhongming also confirmed that the fire dragon is **** afraid of death!

(Yangos: ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ)

When Ye Zhongming was almost halfway away from Jufeng, he saw the magma pit in front of him like a swamp, in which something like a viscous liquid gurgled slowly, spitting out heat and a pungent smell.

Ye Zhongming paused, then stepped into this magma swamp.

In the first step, the magma pit around Ye Zhongming erupted.

Pillars of magma spurted out from the pit, rushing straight into the sky, and brought out some stones that were not refined without knowing what the material was, and shells shot towards the surroundings.

Ye Zhongming propped up the defense, and several stones that were burning with flames attacked, banging on the defense, causing Ye Zhongming to keep backing.

Strength and defense were what Ye Zhongming was good at, but at this time these fist-sized stones actually gave him the illusion that he couldn't protect himself.

But Ye Zhongming could only insist, his gaze flicked over here, looking at the top of Jufeng.

There, I don't know when, a red shadow appeared.

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