Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 497: If the father of Man-made Red and Magic Crystal Weapon had children

To be honest, because the previous life left a deep impression, Ye Zhongming respected Le Dayuan, which is how the survivors of the last days generally feel about the father of the magic crystal weapon.

And for Liu Zhenghong, it was fear.

So being called by Liu Zhenghong, Ye Zhongming shivered subconsciously.

"Am I right? Boss Ye, who singled out the seventh-level mutant life and won, how can it seem a little scared of me as an old woman?"

The assistant on the side bowed his head and smiled, and greeted Ye Zhongming and hurried out. The conversation between the two people was not something he could participate in.

Ye Zhongming couldn't help but touched his nose. Was this big sister's character the previous life?

In fact, it’s not surprising that Ye Zhongming was a little “feared” of Liu Zhenghong, a famous man-made man in the previous life, and a character like a devil, calling me a few tubes of blood at you! It is estimated that the former nine-star formers also had to change their faces.

However, after contacting this world, this elder sister is very affectionate and has a very strong sense of belonging to Ye Zhongming and Yunding Mountain Villa, and is the most solid ally.

Of course, Ye Zhongming thinks so. He was more influenced by his previous life, and he looked at Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan with an equal vision, but he also knew that because they met two people very early, they both used their hands. Down to locate the relationship between Ye Zhongming.

I have to say that this made Ye Zhongming feel very accomplished.

"How are they?"

Ye Zhongming was pulled by Liu Zhenghong, who couldn't help but draw three tubes of blood, and then looked at the Liao brothers in the petri dish to ask.

"not too good."

Facing Ye Zhongming's puzzled eyes, Liu Zhenghong nodded the bodies of the two brothers with their eyes closed, and then pointed to one of the following instruments: "Everything was fine before, although it was not perfect, but overall it was smooth, but this time After the battle, I showed some anomalies."

Ye Zhongming didn't understand the data, so he frowned and listened.

"These..." Liu Zhenghong paused for a moment, then remembered that Ye Zhongming was not his assistant, and it was impossible to understand the data. "In short, after this battle and injury, the cell function of the two brothers was declining. It is about ten times, and once it enters the fighting state, this degree has soared more than twenty times."

"Although it is not completely correct, you can understand that they are aging rapidly. In order to delay this state, I can only let them temporarily fall asleep, so that their aging will bottom out to only five times the normal level."

"This standard is for ordinary people, not evolvers."

Ye Zhongming understands that the lives of the two brothers are flying away, and it is almost time to fall into a state of sleep.

These two people can be said to be the pinnacle of Yunding Mountain's genetic engineering. If such a problem occurs, then it can almost be said that this is the pinnacle of failure.

It took so much effort and so much time and energy, and the result was a'one-off' result. No one can say that this is a successful work.

"Is there a problem?"

Liu Zhenghong shook his head.

"Is there any difficulty?"

Ye Zhongming was keenly aware of Liu Zhenghong's desire to stop, so he asked directly.

"To solve this problem, we must naturally find the correct method, but the equipment, environment, and the quantity and quality of assistants here cannot meet my requirements."

After a pause, Liu Zhenghong continued: "If you can't solve this problem, then you have to find the answer from other places, the most likely is the temple."

Liu Zhenghong motioned to Ye Zhongming to come with him, and walked to an experimental bed. Ye Zhongming saw a corpse of a Level 5 zombie.

"In addition to the above two methods, I have two new ideas. One is to find answers from us normal evolvers, or alternative evolvers like you. The other is to find answers from zombies."

Ye Zhongming's heart suddenly beat twice violently.

Hearing Liu Zhenghong's words made Ye Zhongming realize that the man-made red that had changed in his previous life might appear!

In the previous life, wasn't this woman famous for'pinching' human beings together with zombies and mutant lives? He did not hesitate to capture a survivor base for this.

Could it be that even if she was born again, and that she had been surrounded by her research madman for a long time, wouldn't her life path change?

"They were all humans before they were mutated, and they can evolve along the way. I think they can find the answers I need."

"Where is the equipment you need?"

Ye Zhongming rudely interrupted Liu Zhenghong's words, and made the man stunned for a while before saying: "Nature is all, but it is too far away to go, and the rest is a research institute in Linhai. "

Ye Zhongming thought about it, Yungang is not far from Linhai...

"Let's study first, I will try my best to solve this problem for you, if I can't do it again."

Seeing Ye Zhongming turn to leave, Liu Zhenghong looked at the body of the zombie, and was clear. He shook his head and said, "I know what you're worried about. Rest assured, I'm not the kind of person like Dr. He, even myself I’m not married, I’m not married yet."

"Marry?" Ye Zhongming turned around in surprise.

Liu Zhenghong blushed, but soon returned to normal, and he took for granted: "Is it weird? Lao Le and I looked at each other and did everything."

Ye Zhongming was really stunned this time, the father of man-made red and magic crystal weapon? They made a pair? Thinking of how two people rolled sheets, Ye Zhongming had only one thought in his mind...

What kind of perverted existence will these two children have?


Compared with Liu Zhenghong, Le Dayuan and Ye Zhongming's contact is much more normal. First, he and Ye Zhongming displayed the results of the past six months, and then pulled him into the laboratory, showed Ye Zhongming a drawing, put the above Some of the parts and Ye Zhongming talked in detail, and finally asked if Ye Zhongming could make it.

Ye Zhongming looked at it, thought about it in his heart, and thought he could give it a try.

But Le Dayuan obviously didn't plan to let him go like this, so he just went to the warehouse and let him do it now.

Ye Zhongming smiled and summoned both Le Dayuan and Liu Zhenghong, and had a meal with Xia Lei in the villa before making these parts with Le Dayuan.

It took a long time to finish the work, but neither Le Dayuan, Ye Zhongming, nor the assistants felt a trace of fatigue. On the contrary, they were still very excited.

Because after assembling these parts, it is a brand new magic crystal weapon.

Magic Crystal Cannon! (To be continued.)

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