Roulette World

Vol 3 Chapter 945: Netherbone

"This is the Bone Devil Table?"

On the largest truck in the convoy brought by Mu Xinfei, several large men several meters high were fanned with black cloth. Bayi Chinese W≤W≈W=. ≈8≠1≥Z≥≥W≈. ≤C≥OM

After the four people discussed in the room, Ye Zhongming couldn't wait to see the Bone Devil Table.

Xia Lei walked around the big guy who had been moved to the ground and asked Ye Zhongming.

This big and small thing, even the well-known Xia Lei and Guangyao, have never seen it. Even if they meet in the wild, if they only show a little above, they will only think that this is a kind of mutated life. Bone, not considered a piece of equipment.

No, it's not equipment. Xia Lei and others felt a very light breath of life on these three things. If you don't feel it carefully, it is very easy to be ignored.

This is a creature!

The Bone Devil Table looks uncomplicated in structure, like a huge round bone plate, with a tall curved bone stick growing out of the edge and bending inward. Several such bones are delivered above the center of the disc.

The area of ​​the round bone disk of the medulla magic table called the mother table is about 50 square meters. There are two curved bones distributed in parallel around it. After connecting above the center of the bone plate, the whole magic table looks like A door.

These are all very ordinary, at most, they are weird in shape, but what really surprised me is that at the bottom of the round bone tray, there are dense purple tentacles that don't know what!

These purple tentacles are not large, and each one looks like a half ordinary gel pen, which looks like some kind of enlarged mop head.

At the bottom of the tentacle, there are some sucker-shaped things that do not move, so they just stand on the ground and support the huge body.

The two sub-tables and the main table are similar in appearance, the only difference is the size, and the number and location of the arc-shaped long bones on the bone tray.

The sub-table has only one long bone, and it grows in the center of the bone plate.

"This is the Bone Devil Table!"

The two sentences are exactly the same, just a question and affirmation.

Ye Zhongming touched on the three Boneless Devil's Stage, not covering up his excitement at all. Just in front of Mu Xinfei, it was completely pretended.

This is a boneless magic table!

In the previous life, Ye Zhongming did not know how many sets of this thing, but as far as he knew, there was only one set, which was owned by one level of strength. In this life, perhaps the set in front of me is my own.

The Netherbone Demon Table is a very special life form, not an equipment.

This kind of living body has only one function for human beings, that is... teleportation!

In the previous life, it was said that this kind of thing was completely accidental. A small force appeared in the wild to see the female platform of the Bone Devil's Terrace. After watching the novelty, he brought it back to the camp. Everyone studied for a long time, but they were all confused. What is it for?

Finally, it can only be put there first.

Who knows that every day after that, some people disappeared inexplicably, no matter how tightly guarded, no matter how to prevent, there are people missing.

In the end, by chance, a survivor who came back from a change of alert task saw a scene that made him go away.

He saw a companion walked to the Bone Devil's Table, and suddenly it seemed that he was sucked in by something. He flew directly over a distance of more than two meters and fell on the round bone tray. Then, the person was unreal , Disappeared.

Just when this person hurried over to see what was going on, this person appeared again, still maintaining the state of falling, but the whole person was thin.

The next second after it appeared, the person disappeared again, then appeared again, and finally disappeared again!

The situation of disappearing and reappearing a dozen times in a row was born within a minute. When this person appeared for the last time, it had become a pile of bones, and these bones also became a kind of bones in tens of seconds. The viscous liquid gradually penetrated into the bone tray.

The guard who had the problem was frightened and called out to everyone else with a cry of exclamation. He said that what he had seen before was originally unbelievable, but everyone who was prepared the next night witnessed the situation.

This little force regarded it as a devil and took a name, called the Bone Devil Table.

Later, this piece of equipment came to the hands of a force. Their research ability and personal strength were not comparable to that of a small force. After several months of research, they finally figured out what this is, and within a month Later, a piece of equipment very similar to this pelvis was returned from the outer zone.

Finally, with the passage of time, this thing became more and more famous as the power grew stronger, and everyone finally knew what it was.

The Bone Devil Table is a kind of life. It feeds on evolutionary life, but the way it eats is very special. Every night, it uses the transmission method to absorb the energy of food, and then grow and breed. How to transmit? It is the transmission between the mother station and the child station. Each transmission must absorb the energy of evolutionary life, and finally until the life is sucked into white bones, even white bones will not be let go.

Human wisdom, or research spirit, after breaking this mystery, did not stop there. The force raised this thing. Fortunately, this guy does not picky eaters, not only eat humans, but also zombies and mutant animals. Within the recipe, as long as it can't resist its suction, even the life with a higher evolution level will lose its resistance after being sent several times, and then be absorbed.

Finally, they nurtured the mother platform to the breeding stage, and then... it was born.

A child platform was split from the purple tentacles that fell under the fallen mother platform.

After that, the original white mother and child tables became the same purple as those of the tentacles.

It is now known that at this time, the Nether Bone Demon no longer eats, but still has the ability to teleport between the mother and child, without worrying about the absorption of life energy, and after several breeding periods That time, it was even more proved that after the split, new sub-stations were created, which allowed humans to transmit. At the same transmission frequency, the duration would increase from the first few days to the following months.

That force, using this ‘life equipment’, did a few major things and became a level force.

In the end of the world, the crisis is everywhere, whether it is in the air or underground, it can be said that it is everywhere in the restricted area, just like Mu Xinfei and others. The convoy reached Yunding after leaving the base. It took half a month. How to cross China several times in peacetime Too.

This little thing shows how precious this transmission equipment is.

Hearing Ye Zhongming's talk about the role of this thing, Xia Lei and Guangyao were both moved. After seeing the calm appearance of Mu Xinfei, they understood that people already knew the purpose of this thing.

Ye Zhongming was thinking, in terms of time, it was estimated that the force had just figured out the purpose of the Haunted Devil's Table, but the thing arrived at Yunding. In the current situation of Mu Xinfei, it certainly can't afford this thing. That force will not sell.

So how did she get it? The answer is self-explanatory.

Ye Zhongming looked at the Dark Bone Devil and secretly sighed. In the last days, no one was innocent.

Xia Lei, who had been watching beside him, suddenly asked, "Since it is life, what about its magic crystal?"

Ye Zhongming pointed to those purple tentacles.

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