Rule system

Chapter 304 Smart: This is the theory of opening

The first floor of the school.

Zhao Wei is giving a few professors to explain their new research.

Several physics professors are very interested in his research, Ho Zhibin, Zhou Li and other mathematics professors have also been carefully listening.

"My research is based on the existing physics system, the imagination of particles, the main content is to explain the composition rules of particle boundary energy."

Zhao Wei briefly introduced it.

He is the most basic definition, one is the particle in the title, and the other is boundary.

Many things can be called particles, such as atoms, protons, electronics, pipes, and more.

The definition of particles in particle theory is the 'minor composition', which can be understood as photons, neutraliz, electron, glass, etc.

Another definition is 'border'.

The boundary definition of the particles is very blurred. Existing physics has no discussion on particle composition, and the particles are definitely unlike a glass ball, some are purely energy consisting of energy.

The particle boundary Theory For the definition of the boundary, 'When the initial collision occurs, the portion of the react is starting.

"If you use the earth as a collision target, you must have a very high, closest to the gas level of the universe vacuum."

"Change is a particle, do not necessarily have the outermost layer, and the part of the reaction will be internal energy composition."

"The internal energy composition is also defined as a boundary to do uniform processing, some particles may be purely consisting of energy, then the definition of the boundary contains the particle itself."

Zhao Yi is said, everyone listens very seriously.

Next, I entered the topic. "I think that the composition rules of particle boundary energy determine the nature of the particle itself."

"The particle boundary energy distribution is irregular, uncomfortable.".

"If the boundary of the particles, in some case, mandatory reach the balance, the boundary will dissipate."

During the process of Zhao Wei, began to write painting on the whiteboard, explain the contents of what he said in mathematics.

This is very important.

The particle boundary energy is conserved, and the dispersion is used to interpret various physical and chemical reactions.

Physics research also has evidence, for example, a bundle of photons are illuminated on the mirror, the photons seem to have a reflection, and the reflection can be considered that the boundary energy of the photon reaches the balance, and will definitely disappear.

This is true.

The photons contained in the reflected light speed are all generated, and the photons contained in the original beam have been dissipated.

This is precisely Lisa Lanto.

Lisa-Lantard's 'fifth dimension' studies believe that some particles are not dissipated, but entered the 'fifth dimension'.

If the "particle boundary theory" is recognized by more people, Lisa Lantard's research obviously became a joke, and maybe someone will say that she is a 'new century theoretical physics world female liar'.

It must not be tolerated.

Next, Zhao Wei began a simple narrative for a variety of particles, the core is, "the root cause of the nature of particles is that the composition rules of boundary energy are different."

Some particle boundary energy dissipate to the ultimate, such as photons, will show a very significant feature.

Some particles are reversed, the boundary energy is very introverted, and it is not easy to detect it, but it is relatively strong.

"For example, it will be explained, just like the small object of the same quality, the higher the density, the smaller the size, the stronger the penetration, the opposite, the incomplete distribution, the penetration will definitely be greatly weakened, It is easy to block, and the characteristics will be very significant. "

These are simply discussed for various examples.

It's almost the same here.

Zhao Qi did not continue to explain, his research content itself is not much, equal to giving a large framework, posted a new theory, point of view.

In the office.

Several professors completely understand, they still heard this analysis, nor did you know how to comment.

Gao Zhixuan is pleased that he is fully understood, not just like just now, don't understand what it means.

He quickly couges a simple evaluation, "very novel point of view!"

"Yeah, very novel!"

"very impressive!"

"It's really refreshing, thinking in depth, there are many things that can be studied, such as the four majors want to combine ..."

Several physics professors said a lot, they all expressed their admiration, but in fact, Zhao Wei is very clear that what he said is not worthy of admiring.

The reason why they said, probably just a courteous?

If only the above content, some parsers can think of a new theory, but actually, physics and mathematics are as secret, and most basic or mathematical calculations.

His research is also a case where mathematics is described, and it is an imaginary americ in a mathematical approach.

These mathematical calculations, representations, architectures are the core content of the study.

Based on the existing quantum physics research, the border mathematics frame he made can be said to be approaching perfection, which can be used to explain a lot of things, and the content is also very embarrassed.

Because it is difficult to understand, you don't have to explain it carefully.

"Or wait for the paper to say it again." Zhao Wei thoughtfully thought that he did not expect the paper could not be published.

Although there is no high-end physical papers, only the mathematical calculation content in the paper, Zhao Wei will definitely reach the top magazine published standards.

If the "classic and quantum gravity" is rejected, he simply submits to the top math magazine, and will definitely be published in his famous mathematics content.

After Zhao Wei left, several professors in the office were also discussed.

"Zhao Wei's research, what do you say? The idea is good."

"I can't find a problem anyway."

"His theory is very novel, but I want to prove it is too difficult, it is almost impossible! In addition, I always feel the shortcomings."

"That's not all."

Zhou Lixiang smiled, "You don't forget, mathematics is the old man of Zhao Wei, and there must be many mathematical content in his research."


"It is impossible to just explain the physics."

"It turns out!"

"It's also the transparency of Professor Zhou!"

Before you see all the theses, it is meaningless to discuss the research itself, just like buying a lottery ticket, 'May win' and 'affirmation awards' differences are too big.

Their discussion said that it is to study the possibility of "winning", maybe the other party has already awarded, possibility, probability does not have any meaning.


UC Berkeley.

The Berkeley Cosmology Center has just begun to build.

The cosmology center is the new Nobel Prize winner, and the famous astronomy professor of Berkeley, George Some proposed, and received the support of the school and even the World Astronomical Research Organization.

George - Sumt is the person in charge of the Cosmology Center, and he should pay attention to the business.

In this stage, the cosmic center is busy with the cooperative astronomical base for data connection, collecting the finishing work of the data room, is enough to make people hurt, Sutt and people under the hand, have been busy for a week.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Smart put down his work on his hand, he felt a little more relaxed.

It is still a break.

Smit did not go directly to sleep, but returned to the office of the third floor, standing in front of the floor window, looking out the scenery outside the window, three layers in a C-shaped building, top installed large signal receivers, roadside lights Next, reflecting the hazy on the ground stream, you can imagine it during the day, it is a beautiful picture.

This is the cosmic center, where is the place where he is working, is also his work.

Smart feels very satisfied, and I don't think it is much tired. He is ready to continue working.

At this time, Sumart suddenly thought of the mail should be viewed, he has not seen an email for a week.

Open the mailbox!

There are ninety-ninth new mail in the mailbox, most of which are done by students, and some physicists, most is consulting physics issues, or related to the University of Berkeley, apply for entries such as entries.

Sumot is free to see, do not need to pay attention to the mail directly delete, there is a need to pay attention, it is relatively simple, it will be sent to his assistant or colleague.

As the Nobel Prize winner, he works very busy, it is impossible to reply one by one.

These simple questions, it is good to hand over to the assistant or others.

"Submission of" Classic and Quantum Gravity "?"

Sumtot opened an email, and he was interested. He is a review consultant of "classic and quantum gravity", but it generally does not involve very deep manuscript, it will not forward it to him to be responsible, average One month, it will not be subjected to a manuscript, sometimes even for a few months, there is no manuscript, you can receive a manuscript that is forwarded, is still very interesting.

Micro World: Theory of the boundary of particles? "

Sumot gently read the title, and it felt that the author's heart is very large, the title of the paper is to describe the contents of particle energy.

This is not the area of ​​general physicists dare to get involved.

Normally, it can be involved in this level of content, all of which are the top character of theoretical physics.

Just like him, George - Smart, the new Nobel Prize winner.

Some somewhat laughed, and immediately opened the author information, simply viewed, his name, more interest to the author, "Zhao Wei?"

"Is China's young genius Zhao Wei? The founder of new particles?"

"Is there a Gadbach guess?"

Sumt saw the information, affirmed his judgment, and suddenly felt a bit weird.

Zhao Wei is indeed recognized as that the quantum physics research has a certain achievement because he invented the new method to detect the abnormality of the particles against the collision, and found a new particles of the Sigigs particles.


There is almost no one in the world physics community to recognize Zhao Wei's physical research level, because he uses a computer method, the computer level is widely recognized.

In addition, Zhao Wei has no other physical achievements.

"How do you suddenly submit such a study?" Some didn't understand, simply look forward to the paper.

This is the same as Pelmart, and it can't stop.

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